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- irrigating crops;
- urban, industrial and rural stock and domestic use; and
- managing environmental water entitlements, which may or may not result in an extraction from the river.
The Water User node provides functionality needed in Source to be able to model water use. The functions performed by the Water User node include managing orders and extractions (either with or without an accounting system), setting priorities to determine the sources used for extraction and directing the return of surplus water to rivers, groundwater (by infiltration) and water user storages.
A water user is modelled as comprising three components: a water distributor, a demand model and (in some cases) one or more water user storage units. Of these, the water distributor and the water user storage components are integral parts of the Water User node but the demand model is separate. These three components exchange information as illustrated in Figure 1.
- The water distributor component manages orders, extractions and returns. It manages the distribution and carries out its function through an exchange of information with the other two components;
- The demand model can be chosen by the modeller from one of the options available in Source. Alternatively, new demand models can be developed and linked to the water distributor using the ‘plug-in’ concept; and
- The water user storage component is used to simulate an off-river storage associated with a given water user. It can represent:
- an on-farm storage (OFS)
used for irrigation;Jira Legacy showSummary false server JIRA serverId c4ca6e0f-9f42-3d1a-879c-870abe699ab1 key SD-514 - an off-river storage used for urban demands; or
- an off-river storage used to meet environmental demands.
At least one Supply Point node is also required to determine where water is to be extracted. Extractions may be from a regulated river, from an unregulated river or from groundwater. The Supply Point node is also used to specify a number of other factors, including delivery efficiency, travel time, pumping capacity and the flow rate above which overbank flows occur. More details are available in the Supply point node - SRG entry.
The Water User node provides the same input to both the rules-based and optimisation-based ordering schemes available in Source. Consequently, in the model run sequence, the processing associated with the water user occurs before the ordering phase starts.
Return Flows
The Return Flow module enables the user to specify:
- Return flow properties, such as constituent concentrations, at the point where the flow leaves the water user
- Return flow processes, such as Linear Storage Routing, that occur after the flow leaves the water user
Linear Storage Routing
Conceptually, Linear Storage Routing describes overland flow processes; it is intended to model return flow from the point where it leaves the water user to the point where it re-joins the river system.
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Linear Storage Routing is usually used in conjunction with a Straight Through Routing link to model overland return flow from a water user to a confluence. It can be used in conjunction with Lag or Storage Routing links, but the processes in these links will be applied to return flow that has already been routed by the Linear Storage Routing model. |
The Linear Storage Routing model routes return flow through two parallel linear-stores:
- The first store represents quickflow, the proportion of return flow that becomes surface runoff, also known as direct runoff
- The second store represents slowflow, the proportion of return flow that becomes shallow-subsurface flow
The total return flow that reaches the river system is the sum of quickflow and slowflow.
The Linear Storage Routing equations are the same as for the Linear Routing Module described in the IHACRES-CMD - SRG, except that effective rainfall U is replaced with return flow at the point it leaves the water user.
Demand Constraints
Demand constraints allow the user to restrict demand at a water user node based on either:
- Limit curve – prevents a demand node from using all of its available allocation too early in the season;
- Usage limit – limits account usage for a specified time period (eg. water year).
Limit Curves
Limit curves are designed for annual accounting resource assessment systems. Limit curves are based on the following user-defined parameters:
- Allocation percentage – the available allocation in relation to the total entitlement for the accounts associated with this water user. If there are n account types, then each account receiving 100% of its entitlement will be expressed as an allocation percentage of n × 100%. An allocation percentage of 150% indicates that the highest reliability/security account has been allocated 100% of its entiItlement, and the next highest reliability has been allocated 50% of its entitlement. It can be defined as a constant, a function, or based on each account associated with this water user.
- Piecewise linear relationship between available Allocation percentage and Limit, how this relationship is used depends on how allocation percentage is configured, see below.
- Fraction – represents a proportion (0 – 1) that determines the coefficients a, b and c of the limit curve equation (Equation X);
- Irrigation End– the date corresponding to the end of the irrigation season.
- Water Year Start - the date corresponding to the start of the water year.
- Desired Carryover - expressed as a percentage of the account host's total allocation for the water year. It is defined as piecewise linear relationship with allocation percentage. Configuring this parameter is optional.
If Function is enabled:
- Allocated Percentage is the user-defined constant or value calculated from the user-defined function.
- Limit (ML) is calculated from Allocated Percentage and the user-defined allocation percentage and limit piecewise linear relationship.
- Limit is then used to calculate cumulative demand (Equation 1).
If allocation percentage is defined using From Accounts, then:
- Allocated Percentage is the sum of allocations (%) for each account associated with the water user.
- Unadjusted limit (ML) is calculated from Allocated Percentage and the user-defined allocation percentage and limit piecewise linear relationship.
- To account for carryover and spillable water (if applicable), unadjusted limit is adjusted by adding the carryover at the start of water year for each associated account and deducting spillable water.
- If a piecewise linear relationship between Allocation and Desired Carryover has been defined, then:
- Effective Allocated Percentage is calculate using the adjusted limit and the allocation percentage and limit piecewise linear relationship.
- Desired carryover (%) is calculated from the effective allocated percentage and the allocation to desired carryover piecewise linear relationship.
- Desired carryover volume = Desired carryover (%) × total account entitlement for the account host (ML).
- Finally, Limit = Max(0, Adjusted limit − Desired carryover volume).
The cumulative demand (Y) is calculated using the limit curve, Equation 1.
Equation 1 | Y = aX + b − cX2 |
X is the number of timesteps between the current time step and the irrigation end date and a, b and c are defined in Equations 2, 3 and 4.
Equation 2 | b = Limit × Fraction |
Equation 3 | a = 2 × (Limit − b) ÷ number of timesteps per year |
Equation 4 | c = a ÷ (number of timesteps per year × 2) |
You can record results for:
- Limit, the limit calculated using the Allocation percentage to Limit relationship.
- Cumulative Demand, result from the limit curve equation (Equation 1).
- Accumulated Supply, the total volume of water supplied to the water user node since the start of water year. It is reset to 0 at the start of each water year.
- Leftover Cumulative Demand, Accumulated Supply − Cumulative Demand.
Point scale, any time-step except that the choice of time-step may be constrained by the demand model time-step, such as when used in conjunction with the IQQM Crop Model (see IQQM Crop Model SRG) which is daily time-step only.
Principal developer
eWater CRC.
Scientific provenance
The Water User node is purpose-built for Source. It is based not so much on scientific principles as on distribution rules that can be independently verified.
Source version 2.17
The Water User node must always be connected to at least one Supply Point node (it may be connected to many). It also needs to be connected to a demand model or data.
Details on data are provided in the Obsolete - Source User Guide.