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Table of Contents



The rate at which groundwater flows horizontally in an aquifer. The transmissivity T for horizontal flow of an aquifer with saturated thickness d and horizontal conductivity Ksat is: 

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For an unconfined aquifer, d is the average saturated thickness.

Specific yield

A ratio indicating the volumetric fraction that an aquifer will yield when all water is allowed to drain out of it under the force of gravity: 

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 Vwd is the volume of water drained

 VT is the total volume of the aquifer material

River to No-flow Boundary

The distance from the left and right hand river banks to the groundwater no-flow boundary


Extinction Depth

Sets the method by which the evapotranspiration extinction depth will be calculated. The extinction depth is the maximum depth below the ground surface at which evapotranspiration can occur. The two options are:

  1. Calculation Depth - The evapotranspiration extinction depth is calculated from Soil Type and Ground Cover.

  2. Input Depth - The evapotranspiration extinction depth is set by the user via the Depth field.