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This section lists all the Urban Developer node types, their characteristics and how their models operate.

This section also describes the node connection rules, i.e. the inputs and outputs that are allowed to be connected.

Node Types

Node IconNode NamePurpose


A roof node represents a physical roof catchment surface.

TankA tank is a type of storage used in domestic and industrial settings to store water from runoff or mains supply, and to release it in a controlled manner.

Average Water useA water use node represents urban water demand and water consumption behaviour.

Behavioural Water useA water use node represents urban water demand and water consumption behaviour.

Node Connection Rules

The node connection rules are based on the link type allowed between each node output and input. When you draw links between outputs and inputs, Urban Developer prevents you from connecting incompatible inputs and outputs together.

In the node model section (page 91), each node model input and output has a link type listed. The rule is: you can only connect inputs and outputs of the same link type: demand to demand, stormwater to stormwater, etc.

The table below summarises these connection rules in one place.

To use this table, look up the originating node in the left-most column, then the output you want to connect (the destination node) in columns 2..29.

Example: from a roof node, you can connect the runoff output to a buffer, but not the runoff to tank output.

This table shows the allowed connections between a source node, and a destination node. The Destination node column specifies which output of the source node can connect to the nodes below it. For example, the Impervious Area node's Runoff output can connect to another Impervious Area node's Inflow input, or a Junction node's Inflow input.

If a node is not listed in the Destination Node column, the connection is not permitted.

Node IconNode Name

Node Output

Destination node - destination input type

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Runoff to tank

Junction - Inflow

Receiving Node - Inflow

Subnetwork - Piped inflow

Tank - Inflow


Impervious Area - Inflow

Junction - Inflow

Pervious Area - Inflow

Receiving Node - Inflow

Subnetwork - Surface inflow, Piped inflow

Tank - Inflow

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Impervious Area - Inflow

Junction - Inflow

Pervious Area - Inflow

Receiving Node - Inflow

Subnetwork - Surface inflow

Detention Outflow

Impervious Area - Inflow

Junction - Surface inflow, piped inflow

Pervious Area - Inflow

Receiving Node - Surface inflow, piped inflow

Subnetwork - Surface inflow, piped inflow

Tank - Piped inflow

Supply Out

Alternative Supply - Inflow

Mains Water Supply - Inflow

Subnetwork - Mains supply, Tank supply, Alternative supply 1 & 2

Tank - Inflow

Wastewater Connection - Inflow

Water Use - Mains supply, Tank supply, Alternative supply 1 & 2

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Average Water use


Subnetwork - Piped inflow

Tank - Inflow

Wastewater Connection - Inflow


Subnetwork - Piped inflow

Tank - Inflow

Wastewater Connection - Inflow


Pervious Area - Inflow

Subnetwork - Surface inflow, piped inflow

Tank - Inflow

Wastewater Connection - Inflow

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Behavioural Water use