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This section lists all the Urban Developer node types, their characteristics and how their models operate.

See the node connection rules for a summary of how the node inputs and outputs are allowed to be connected


Table of Contents

Node Types
Node Types
Node Types

Nodes represent a physical entity or process within the system that occurs on a relatively localised basis. A water use node represents urban water demand and water consumption behaviour. The Urban Developer plugin Plugin offers two methods for simulating water use behaviour:

The following table lists the node models currently available within the Urban Developer Plugin. Each node is represented by a specific icon. The table outlines the function of each node model; other sections of this User Guide contain a more comprehensive description of each node model.

IconNode NameDescription

RoofA roof node represents a physical roof catchment surface.

TankA tank is a type of storage used in domestic and industrial settings to store water from runoff or , recycled water , or a mains supply and to release it in a controlled manner.

Average Water useA water use node represents urban water demand and water consumption behaviour.

Behavioural Water useA water use node represents urban water demand and water consumption behaviour.