The steps involved in processing a dead division are as follows:
Calculate the final storage for each owner, Storage(o, t), using equation (14):
Equation 80 - Fixed losses are adjusted so that mass balance can be achieved when the owner has the configured ratio of dead storage, using equations (54), (55), and (56).
Calculate how much each owner has in excess of the final storage:
Equation 81 Set each owner’s surplus or deficit:
Equation 82 Equation 83 Pass owner surpluses and deficits to the Borrow method (Refer to Borrow and Payback - SRG for more information). This will return how much owners borrowed or lent (OwnerBorrowed(o), OwnerLent(o)).
Adjust the fix losses to account for borrowing:
Equation 84 Equation 85
- Calculate each owner’s share of the proportional lateral flux (Lossprop(o)) using equation (43).
If the time series flux is specified to be shared proportionally:
Equation 86 If other lateral fluxes are to be shared proportionally:
For each of groundwater, net evaporation fluxes and, if Murray-style losses are not being modelled, flow based flux (FluxGW, FluxNE, Fluxflow ):Equation 87
Live division
Figure 3 provides an overview of the procedure. The steps are explained in more detail below.
Figure 3. Flowchart- of main steps in processing a live division in a time step
The steps involved in processing a live division are as follows:
- If the division is transitioning from dead to live (i.e. Statet-1 = Dead) and Storage(t - 1) < StoragedsMAX, Storage(t - 1), and the fixed lateral flux for each owner, Lossfixed(o), are adjusted as described in the Division transitioning from dead to live section under Ownership adjustments (equations (47), (48), (49) and (50) above). The steps are:
Adjust each owner’s fixed lateral flux to include the volume to fill dead storage
Equation 88 Set the apparent storage for last time step to the maximum dead storage.
Set the apparent storage for each owner at the last time step to their share of the maximum dead storage.
- Calculate the total ‘live’ storage for reporting (and use in further calculations), where Storagelive = Storage(t) - StoragedsMAX as per equation (20).
- Calculate trial storage volumes for each owner (that assume no high flow loss):
- If there is a high flow loss (LossHF > 0):
- Calculate each owner’s share of each proportional lateral flux for reporting using equation (20), after rearranging so the term Lossprop is on the right hand side (i.e. by rearranging to match the form of equation (13)):
Input data
Details on data requirements are provided in the Source User Guide.