Solvers use arc-node networks as their inputs. Source creates arc-node networks automatically for each time-step from the node-link network in the Schematic Editorthe Schematic Editor. There may be differences between the solution found by the solver ("as predicted") and flows as modelled during the flow phase ("as released"). The flow distribution phase resolves these differences by considering the ordering phase as having provided a minimum target to aim for. The optimum flow for each arc is determined by the netLP so that water will flow along the least cost pathway.
To choose network linear programming as the ordering algorithm, choose Edit » Scenario Options Ordering Algorithm. This opens the Ordering Algorithm section of Scenario Options (Figure 1). To configure netLP, choose Iterative solution to network linear program, this will make the rest of the display active and allow you to configure options for netLP.
Figure 1. Enabling ordering
About costs
The solvers use a scheme of costs to determine optimal flows. Costs can range from -1.1E13 through to +1.1E13. The larger the cost, the greater the disincentive for water to flow along an arc. Conversely, the smaller the cost, the greater the incentive for water to flow along an arc. For example, in the above list of solver priorities, satisfying evaporative and transmission losses have the lowest cost, and therefore the highest incentive, in any model. The question of relative costs becomes relevant when defining cost functions for storages that are being operated in harmony.