Farm Dam SRG
Equation 1 | At=C |
Equation 2 | At=Vt-10.000636752211.071 |
Equation 3 | At=Vt-1a1b |
Equation 4 | ActIntStatFlowt=IntStatFlowFact * IntStatFlowReft*UnitC |
Equation 5 | ToTCFlowt=USFlowt+ ActIntStatFlowt |
Equation 6 | ActDivFlowt =ToTCFlowt * DivFraction |
Equation 7 | ActByPassFlowt=ActDivFlowt |
Equation 8 | ActByPassFlowt=ByPassFlowCap |
Equation 9 | ActRainVolt=Raint* At |
Equation 9 | Vt=Vt-1+ActInFlowt +ActRainVolt |
Equation 10 | ActSeepageVolt=SeepageTSt* At |
Equation 11
ActDemandVolt=DemandTSt * DemandFactor*DamCap/AvgYearDemand
If AvgYearDemand = 0, ActDemandVolt=0
If ActDemandVolt>Vt:
ActDemandVolt=Vt Vt=0
Vt=Vt- ActDemandVolt
The seepage volume from the farm dam at time step tis estimated by equation 9:
Equation 9 | ActRainVolt=Raint* At *UnitC |
ActRainVolt - - The actual rainfall volume to the farm dam at time step t
Raint - The inputted rainfall timeseries parameter at time step t
ActSeepageVolt - - The actual seepage volume from the farm dam at time step t
SeepageTSt- The inputted rainfall timeseries parameter at time step t
ActEvapVolt - - The actual seepage volume from the farm dam at time step t
Evapt- The inputted rainfall timeseries parameter at time step t