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Urban Developer represents urban demand by simulating individual end-uses at the household level. The Currently represented end-use categories included in Urban Developer areuses include:

  • outdoor/variable;
  • shower;
  • washing machine;
  • toilets and
  • indoor hand taps and dishwashers

These five end-uses typically comprise 93-98 percent of household water use (Thyer et al., 2008). End-uses such as baths and leaks are not modelled explicitly, but can be lumped with the outdoor/variable end-use. Separating demand into its individual users end-uses provides the user with the flexibility to use apply different supply sources for each of the types of end-use.

The urban demand is represented by a Water Use node (Figure 12). Urban Developer offers two methods for simulating the water use at a water use node, either as:

  • an Average daily model, or
  • a Behavioural model, with three possible configurations:
    1. Fixed appliances and occupancy specified for each water use node in the model
    2. Randomly sampled values for appliances and occupancy across the water use nodes in the model
    3. Average appliance demand (which can be used in conjunction with fixed or sampled appliances and occupancy).


Supply can be supplemented by water from a Tank attached to a Roof, represented as two further nodes which can be configured.

Figure 2 Urban scenario water use nodes

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