Things to look for during dev review:
- TargetFramework set to * net48*
- LangVersion set to * 7.3*
- NoWarn set to * 1591,1587*
- RootPath depends on csproj and sln location
- AssemblySearchPaths includes RootPath/3rdParty
- OutputPath set to RootPath/Output
- AssemblyTitle set to csproj file name
- <Import Project="$(RootPath)TIME\Solutions\IncludeGlobalAssembly.targets" /> is set
- <Import Project="$(RootPath)RiverSystem\Solutions\NormalisePdbBuildRoot.targets" /> is set
- Project References are set using <ProjectReference Include="..\TIME\TIME.csproj" />
- dll references are set with
- private = false
- specific version = false