This page will show you how to get set up with eWater Source's code. We use git for distributed version control of source code and project files. It is hosted by BitBucket for Source members to share plugins, source project files, and get access to the source code.
Note: Please don’t include special characters into your username or password (particularly ‘:’, ‘/’, ‘\’, ‘.’ or ‘@’).
Mercurial Home Pagegit home page: httphttps://mercurial.selenicgit-scm.com/Quick Start guide
quick start videos available: httphttps://mercurialgit-scm.selenic.com/learn/
Detailed description of Mercurial (also called Hg): httpvideos
visual cheatsheet available: https://hginitndpsoftware.com/git-cheatsheet.html
The main change from Subversion is that everyone has the entire repository on their machine. This means an Update in subversion becomes a two-step process:
- PullFetch changes from the central repository to your local repository
- UpdatePull your local code to the latest version on your local repository
You can Pull then Update all of the repositories using hgall.bat: