Vt- The intermediate storage volume at time step t from Equation 15 or 16
If AvailableWatert at time step t is less than or equal to zero, there is no water available to meet demands and releases at this time step and demand and release volumes are set to 0, as shown in Equation 18:
If AvailableWatert at time step t is greater than zero, the model will calculate the water supplied for demands and releases as outlined in Equation 19 to Equation 25:
The average annual water demand for a farm dam is calculated by Equation 19:
AvgYearDemand - The average annual demand volume from the daily reference demand data
DemandTSi- The user input demand timeseries at time step i,
and the total number of time steps in the demand time series is n
The actual water demand from a farm dam at time step t is estimated by equation 20 if AvgYearDemand from Equation 19 is not zero. Else, theactual water demand ActDemandVolt is zero.
ActDemandVolt – The actual water demand volume requested from the farm dam at time step t
DemandTSt - The user input demand timeseries at time step t
DemandFactor - User input Demand Factor to convert the actual water demand from the referenced water demand timeseries
DamCap - User input farm dam capacity
1 McMurray, D, 2004. Farm Dam Volume Estimations from Simple Geometric Relationships. Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation. South Australia. Report No. DWLBC 2004/48.