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Pipe junction functionality is provided in Source to allow modelling of pumping water from one place to another. It can be used to model pumped water supply , bidirectional and bidirectional flows between storagesstorage's.


Model operates at the site scale and at any time step Source is capable of using (e.g. daily).


Automatically installed with Source.

Rule based ordering

In a rule based ordering system, for each pipe junction relationship, the expected pump volume can be defined through a function which should take into account any possible losses, such as evap loss, water travel lossevaporation and other transmission losses from channels. It is assumed to have no loss during that there are no losses during the pump process. The amount of water pumped out equals the amount of water pumped in. No time delay applies delays apply in pipe junction, the water pumped out gets to its destination within the same model time step.  


The volume of water pumped in the flow phase is calculated through a function which is also used in the ordering phase as calculation for the expected pump volume. If the storage's upstream does do not release enough water to meet the expected pump requirement, or some released water gets loss on the way from storage to pipe sitethere are losses between the storage and the pipe junction, then the actual water that arrives at the pipe site junction is less than what the pipe site askedhas been requested, the pipe site junction would still pump out its originally planned pump volume, such as pipe junction plans to pump the requested volume. E.g. If the Pipe Junction requests 100ML, but only 80ML gets to pipe junction, then pipe junction arrives, the Pipe Junction would still pump 100ML out, and the system will give an error to remind modeller indicating that there is a difference here, so modeller needs to consider more loss into between the requested and pumped volumes. The losses used in the pump flow function should be reviewed to account for this discrepancy.


In NetLP system, Source works out an optimal way to pass water requirements and release water to meet these requirements at the lowest cost, so the expected pump volume will always be the same as actual pump volume. For each pipe junction relationship, pump capacity and pump cost are the key factors that will affect flow direction in the whole system. Capacity determines the maximum pump capability a pipe junction can pump out for that pump direction. Cost defines pump cost per ML. It can be quite sensitive for a certain cost range compared to costs of other water supply options.
