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Triggers are used to initiate or cancel certain actions for an account, account host, account type or system in a resource assessment system. This page provides details of the different types of triggers available in Resource Assessment systems, along with types of actions that can be initiated.


End of water yearTriggers an action at the end of the water year.
FunctionTriggers an action using a defined function. The format of a function should be as follows: if( A > B,1,0), where “1” indicates the action will occur and “0” means the action will not happen.
Monthly triggerTiggers an action for a particular month. You must specify whether to offset from the start or end of the month, along with the number of days.
Per-timestepTriggers an action per a specified number of time-steps. For example, if a monthly model, triggers an action per month or per several months. You can choose to reset the repeat interval at the start of each water year.
SeasonTriggers an action for a specified season. You must define and start and end dates.
Specified dateTriggers an action on a specified date.
Start of water yearTriggers an action at the start of the water year. You can choose to repeat the action at a specified number of timesteps, and whether to reset the repeat interval at the start of each water year.
Storage levelTrigger based on a specified storage level. You must specify the storage, the level and whether the level is rising or falling.


Figure 10. Re-assessment trigger

Vic Carryover

This trigger is for carryover of water in Victoria (Figure 11). 

  • It works on water user only. 
  • The order of accounts that water is carryover is based on the priority of the carryover component of the account in the water user – note that this is opposite the carryover use priority defined in the water user node. For example, HRWS carryover priority 1 and LRWS carryover priority 2, carryover water will be first recorded against LRWS and then HRWS.
  • The trigger determines if the account type is spillable or not. If one of the account types under water user is spillable, it is assumed all account types are spillable.

  • If the account types are spillable, the loss is applied prior to the carryover being allocated to accounts, and the total amount of carried over volume is also restricted up to (1-Evap%) of the total maximum carryover threshold specified for these account types under “Carryover” tab. For example, HRWS entitlement is 200ML, LRWS entitlement is 100ML, unused water at the end of water year is 400ML, Max carryover 100% of entitlements, Evap deduction is 5%, then total carryover volume at the Start of water year will be Min (400,200+100) * (1-5%) =285ML, carryover is first recorded against LRWS (opposite the defined carryover use priority in corresponding water user) to 100ML, and the remaining volume 285 – 100 =185 ML will be recorded against HRWS.

  • If the account types are not spillable (eg Loddon), the carryover is allocated to accounts and the loss is applied to individual accounts. For example, HRWS entitlement is 200ML, LRWS entitlement 100ML, unused water at the end of water year is 400ML, Max carryover 50% of entitlements, Evap deduction is 5%, ten Carryover at the Start of water year will be first recorded against HRWS account (opposite the defined carryover use priority in corresponding water user) up to 200 *50% * (1-5%) = 95 ML, and carryover in LRWS account is 100*50% (1-5%) = 47.5 ML.

Figure 11. Vic Carryover triggerImage Added


Resets the account balance to zero (Figure 1112). This trigger is usually set at end of water year to clear up account for this water year and give a fresh new start for the next water year. 


This the only trigger type that is available in Continuous Accounting. Write-off triggers are automatically created for each High Security Group account type when a new continuous account system is added. 



12. Write-off trigger