Number of Successful Spells Completed in Season: Number of spells this season that are successful. A spell is deemed successful if the delivered volume meets the requirements specified by the action's success criteria. This includes both ordered and natural spells. The counter is reset at the end of the action's season.
Required Target Volume: This is the flow target level specified by the user (used to calculate success based on target level).
Successful time steps in current spell: During a spell, this records the number of time steps that had a flow rate within the specified proportion of target flow required to mark success. If End spell if it will fail is not selected the count of successful time steps in the current spell will remain at the same value until either the next time step that meets the success criteria or the end of the current spell, whichever occurs first. If End spell if it will fail is selected the count of successful time steps in the current spell will continue to increase until the success criteria is not met. If the spell fails prior to the end of the spell the maximum count of of successful time steps is recorded twice, indicating the time step following the maximum had not changed. In both cases the spell counter is reset to zero at the end of the spell.
For example, if the target flow is 10,000 ML/d and an 80% proportion was specified as required for success (see Success Criteria), then all days with flow >= 8,000ML/d are recorded as successful days.