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Running a scenario is the Urban Developer process of applying observed time series inputs or drivers to the currently selected scenario.

After a scenario run, you can see the results in the


Results Manager.

Before running a scenario, you must:


  • Construct a model in the Urban Developer schematic editor using an appropriate configuration of nodes and links, and adjust node properties as required


  • Configure the appropriate climate data, including rainfall.


  • Use the Parameters area of the Project Explorer to select the outputs to record.
  • Select the Simulation Type

The model can then be run through ‘Run’ button on the main


Source toolbar.

Recording model outputs

After setting up a scenario, you then select the model outputs of interest.

When you run the models in a scenario, every node and link produces results in the form of predicted water flows, volumes and other data outputs specific to each node and link.

Some node or link types can produce many data outputs. You can change the outputs that Urban Developer records by default.


Urban Developer does not automatically record all possible outputs of all nodes and links. You must use the Parameters area of the Project Explorer to


select the outputs to record.

In general, the more outputs you record, the longer the simulation will take, though this depends on exactly what you record: recording mass-balance is more computationally intensive than recording inflow, for example.


Urban Developer automatically saves the list of model outputs selected for recording into the project file, however Urban Developer does not automatically save the model run results themselves. You must save or export the model run results using the options in


Using the Project Hierarchy to select and record the model outputs of interest

Viewing results from the Recording Manager

The Recording Manager (View > Recording Manager) is located at the bottom of the Urban Developer main window, and lists the recorded outputs of scenarios after they are run.


the Results Manager.

Errors and warnings

If the scenario run


has any associated warnings or errors,


these will be displayed in the /wiki/spaces/SD45/pages/53969825.


Table of Contents


This material has been adapted from:

eWater Cooperative Research Centre (2011) Urban Developer User Guide: Urban Developer v1.0.0, eWater Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, 29 June 2011. ISBN 978-1-921543-40-1