Cumulative Spell Volume: Cumulative Volume delivered to the node during a spell. This recorder gets reset after a spell has completed (see Number of Spells Completed in season). This value is the sum of upstream flow of the node during the spell period and will be recorded for all kinds of spells (i.e. natural spells, ordered spells and even when the Allow Orders option is off).
Cumulative Spell Shortfall: Difference between the Cumulative Spell Target Volume and the Cumulative Spell (actual) Volume. This is used to keep track of success based on volume.
Number of Spells Completed in season: Number of spells this season that are finished (including failed spells) in a season. A spell is considered complete either if once it begins completes the rise-target-fall phase pattern or the spell has failed to meet it's success criteria and stopping failed actions is enabled. The counter is reset at the end of the action's season.