Used for Operations scenarios, the Tabular Editor only contains information after a warm-up or scenario run and is positioned to the first time-step in the forecast period. Refer to Forecasting and Operations for details. It provides a spreadsheet-like representation of data that is otherwise presented in graphical form in the Recording Manager. Figure 1 shows an example of historical and forecast data in the Tabular Editor. The row where the cells have a pale blue background is the first day of the forecast period (ie. normally “today”). Rows prior to this show historical data. At this point, all values in the forecast period are zero because no forecasting has been done.
Figure 2. Show Column Editor (Column re-ordered)
Figure 3. Show Column Editor (Add group)
Customising the Tabular Editor
You can customise the Tabular Editor display to your needs. For each type of node or link, you can select:
- A background colour for the cell;
- A foreground colour and stylistic variation (eg. bold-face) for values displayed in the cell; and
- The number of decimal places to be displayed.
- Individual column settings. Here, you can override project-related Tabular Editor Format Settings for the parameters displayed in the Tabular Editor (Figure 4);
- Create a header title (label) and choose the header colour for a column using the Header item (Figure 5); and
- Highlight when thresholds or rules are breached by specifying a function eg. Flow < 500 ML/day (Figure 6).
Figure 4. Column formatting
Figure 5. Column formatting, header
Figure 6. Column formatting, functions
Override Visualization Assistant
The developed function about Override Visualization Assistant can help the user to find the editable data in an operation model, enter and edit the comments for changed values and generate a summary table for all overridable values. The functions can be though the editable indicator, comment editor and view override command button.
Note that some parameters such as the modelled outlet release at a reservoir or a weir are not allowed to override.
Override editable indicator