Antecedent Condition: Condition score for the action – this . This is a value between 0 (poor) and 1 (good). By default this is calculated as: Exp(-Time since last Successful Season/ Average Return Interval). If the override condition If the Override Condition checkbox is enabled, this recorder will return the result of the override condition value or function. Override Condition.
Average Recurrence Interval: Recorder of the input Desired frequency (return interval) expressed as a constant calculated by specified period / number of events desired over that period. For example, desired frequency Based on Desired Frequency. For example, Desired Frequency is 2 in 3 years, the Average Return Interval is 3/2 = 1.5. This recorder is primarily used as a modelled variable in the flow manager functions (importance and cost).
Cumulative Spell Shortfall: Records the difference between the Cumulative Spell Target Volume and the Cumulative Spell Volume (actual). This is used to track success based on volume.
Cumulative Spell Target Volume: Cumulative Volume volume of the full requirement during a spell. This is sum of the desired target volumes over the course of a spell. This value will begin at 0 before the first day of the spell, equivalent to the target volume on the first day, and increase over the course of the spell, resetting after the spell end criteria have been met. This does not include requirement during a spell, not including the rise and fall volume.
Cumulative Spell Volume: Cumulative Volume volume delivered to the node during a spell. This recorder gets reset after a spell has completed (see Number of Spells Completed in season). This value is the sum of upstream flow of the node during the spell period and will be recorded for all kinds of spells (i.e. natural spells, ordered spells and even when the Allow Orders option is off).Cumulative Spell Shortfall: Difference between the Cumulative Spell Target Volume and the Cumulative Spell (actual) Volume. This is used to keep track of success based on volume.
Current Season Cost Estimate: The estimate of the remaining cost of this This is the default cost estimate for the action. The estimate includes all remaining spells (including rise and fall) and the remaining of any spells currently activecost is based on the full requirement, not taking into account any estimate of expected flow.
Full Requirement: The required flow for an action (, i.e. the targeted flow, including rise and fall). If a spell fails. The following applies to the Full Requirement:
- It is calculated based on the information available at the node
- It is calculated even when node does not “allow orders”
- Where a spell is not successful, the full requirement will be set to zero until a new spell is generated.Full requirement depends on the status of the spell (rise, main phase, fall, finished/failed) will stop when the Time in Current Spell stops and there will be no fall calculated.
- When the node is connected to the manager:
- It calculates the water required based on the trigger and the seasonality and includes rate of rising and fall for every season, independent of return interval
- When the node is not connected to the manager:
- It calculates (same as above) but takes into account the return interval and will not generate a Full Requirement before the return interval is up.
Number of Spells Completed in
The number of spells
that were completed in a season. This includes completed spells, as well as spells that started but were stopped, when they were not able to be successfully completed within the season anymore. The counter is reset once the season is finished. A spell is considered complete once it completes the rise-target-fall pattern or the spell has failed to meet it's success criteria and stopping failed actions is enabled. The counter is reset at the end of the action's season.
Number of Spells Started in Season: Number of spells in a season that has had their start times the start spell threshold flow value is exceeded within the required season, and therefore a spell is considered started. This includes ordered spells and natural spells as well as successful and unsuccessful spells. The counter is reset at the end of the action's season.Spell Threshold season.
Required Target Volume: This is the flow target level specified by the user (used to calculate success based on target level). This will reduce according to the proportion specified in the target success criteria.
Residual Requirement: This is the order the environmental flow node would have to place on top of the downstream order to reach the full requirement. The full requirement is reduced based on downstream orders, minimum upstream constraints and other actions of higher priority. When the upstream minimum constraint is larger than the full requirement, no order will be placed by the flow node (i.e. the residual requirement would be zero). The requirement is calculated at the order phase. The Residual Requirement is not restricted by account balances. When not managed by an EFM, the Residual Requirement will always be zero. [IT3] The Residual Requirement is not limited by available water in accounts.
Number of Successful Spells Completed in Season: Number of spells this season that are successful in a season. A season is deemed successful if the delivered volume meets the requirements specified by the action's success criteria. This includes both ordered and natural spells. The counter is reset at the end of the action's season.
Residual Requirement: This recorder is only non-zero when the environmental flow node is used with a flow manager. The residual requirement is the amount this action will have to try to order. The full requirement is reduced based on downstream orders, minimum upstream constraints and other actions at this node that are a higher priority. This value is not restricted by account balances.
Spell Extension: Recorder flags days when spell was extended
Successful time steps in current spell: During a spell, this records the number of time steps that had a flow rate within the specified proportion of target flow required to mark success.
For example, if the target flow is 10,000 ML/d and an 80% proportion was specified as required for success (see Success Criteria), then all days with flow >= 8,000ML/d are recorded as successful days.
Time in current spell: Time step recorder, counting number of time steps the spell has been underway. This is used in combination with the Successful time steps in current spell to determine success against the duration criterion.
Time since Last Successful Season: Time step counter that starts after the last successful spell in a successful season. The recorder is not reset until the end of the season, but will reset to the number of days since the last successful spell in the season (and hence may not reset to zero). If spell extension is enabled, the counter will be set to zero when the spells minimum duration has been reached and remains zero until the extended spell is finished.
Time since Last Successful Spell: Time step counter that starts after any successful spell in the season. If spell extension is enabled, the counter will be set to zero when the spells minimum duration has been reached and remains zero until the spell extension is finished.
Volume Ordered: This is the volume ordered by the environmental flow node on top of the downstream order. When the upstream minimum constraint is larger than the full requirement, no order will be placed. This is the default volume that will be debited from the account(s).
Volume ordered is constrained by the account balance (if the EFN is managed by the EFM), whereas Residual Requirement is not. The volume is calculated at the order phase. Volume ordered will be deducted during ordering phase for order debit or during flow phase for use debit. For order debit it will debit the order at min travel time.[WL1]
Spell Extension: Recorder flags days when spell was extended
Successful time steps in current spell: During a spell, this counter keeps track of the number of time steps that had a flow rate within the specified proportion of target flow required to mark success. This recorder is reset at the end of the spell For example if the target flow is 10,000 ML/d and an 80% proportion was specified as required for success (see success criteria), then all days with flow >= 8,000ML/d are counted as successful days.
Time in current spell: This is a time step recorder, counting the number of time steps the spell has been underway. This is used in combination with the ‘Successful time steps in current spell’ to determine success against the duration criterion.
Time since Last Successful Season: Time step counter that starts after the last successful spell in a successful season. It counts from the end of the spell not including fall phase
Time since Last Successful Spell: Time step counter that starts after any successful spell in the season. It counts from the end of the spell not including fall phase
Timesteps Spell is Actively Ordering: The number of timesteps a spell will attempt to place orders. This gets reset after the spells fall phase. This is used in environmental flow manager functions to determine if an action is currently ordering.
Volume Ordered : This is the volume of the order that was actually put into the system. The difference between Volume Ordered and Residual Requirement is that Volume Ordered is constrained by account balance, while Residual Requirement is not. The sum of all action's Volume Ordered recorders is the amount that node has ordered that time step.
Translucency Action
Recorders available for translucency actions are listed below. If they are defined as above no further explanation is given.