Versions Compared


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Antecedent Condition: Condition score for the action. This is a value between 0 (poor) and 1 (good). If the Override Condition checkbox is enabled, this recorder will return the result of the Override Condition.

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Average Recurrence Interval: Based on Desired Frequency. For example, Desired Frequency is 2 in 3 years, the Average Return Interval is 3/2 = 1.5.

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Cumulative Spell Shortfall: Records the difference between the Cumulative Spell Target Volume and the Cumulative Spell Volume (actual). This is used to track success based on volume.


Current Season Cost Estimate: This is the default cost estimate for the action. The cost is based on the full requirement, not taking into account any estimate of expected flow.

Full Requirement (Tracking): The required flow for an action, i.e. the targeted flow, including rise and fall. The following applies to the Full Requirement:


  • It calculates (same as above) but takes into account the return interval and will not generate a Full Requirement before the return interval is up. 

Full Requirement (Managed Spells): As the recorder above, but includes the requirement for managed spells only.


Number of Spells Completed in Season: The number of spells that were completed in a season. This includes completed spells, as well as spells that started but were stopped, when they were not able to be successfully completed within the season anymore. The counter is reset once the season is finished.  A spell is considered complete once it completes the rise-target-fall pattern or the spell has failed to meet it's success criteria and stopping failed actions is enabled. The counter is reset at the end of the action's season.
