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Triggers are used to initiate or cancel certain actions for an account, account host, account type or system in a resource assessment system. This page provides details of the different types of triggers available in Resource Assessment systems, along with types of actions that can be initiated.


End of water yearTriggers an action at the end of the water year.
FunctionTriggers an action using a defined function. The format of a function should be as follows: if( A > B,1,0), where “1” indicates the action will occur and “0” means the action will not happen.
Monthly triggerTiggers an action for a particular month. You must specify whether to offset from the start or end of the month, along with the number of days.
Per-timestepTriggers an action per a specified number of time-steps. You can choose to reset the repeat interval at the start of each water year.
SeasonTriggers an action for a specified season. You must define and start and end dates.
Specified dateTriggers an action on a specified date.
Start of water yearTriggers an action at the start of the water year. You can choose to repeat the action at a specified number of timesteps, and whether to reset the repeat interval at the start of each water year.
Storage levelTrigger based on a specified storage level. You must specify the storage, the level and whether the level is rising or falling.


Account BalanceThe remaining volume/proportion of water available to an account (not including carryover).


The remaining volume/proportion of water available to an account that was carried over from the previous water year, ie. Carryover Balancecarryover balance.
Carryover Start of Water Year???The volume of water carried over from the previous water year.

Annual volumetric entitlement for an account.

Total WaterAccount Balance + Carryover Balance.
Available Water in Account Balance  or Available Account Balance

For Annual Accounting systems with access to spillable water*:

Max(0, Account Balance - Minimum Balance)

For Annual Accounting systems without access to spillable water:

Max(0, Account Balance - Max(0, Spillable Water - Carryover Balance) - Minimum Balance)

For all other resource assessment systems, this parameter is equivalent to Account Balance.

Available Carryover

For Annual Accounting systems with access to spillable water*:

Max (0, Carryover Balance - Spillable water)

For Annual Accounting systems without access to spillable water and for all other resource assessment systems,this parameter is equivalent to Carryover.

Available Water

For Annual Accounting systems without access to spillable water:

Max(0, Balance + Carryover Balance - Spillable Water - Min Balance)

For Annual Accounting systems with access to spillable water*:

Max(0, Balance + Carryover Balance - Min Balance)

For Annual Accounting systems with access to spillable water*:

For all other resource assessment systems, this parameter is equivalent to Total Water.

Order / Use DebitWater debited from an account.
Total Usage Water Year 


This trigger adjusts one of several parameters (eg. account balance, or available water) based on a specified percentage or volume. The available methods of adjusting are shown in Table XFigure 2, see Table 1 for explanations. A positive value indicates an addition; a negative values represents a deduction. The example shown in Figure 2 represents an evaporation loss of 5% of available water. This will reduce 5% of available water, so 95% of available water is left in available water balance.

When adjusting from available water or total water, use the priority specified for the account in the associated water user node (the the Priority field  field as shown here).shown here) is used to determine the order that the accounts are deducted from, with the lowest priority (the larger number) deducted from first. 

For crediting (ie. incoming water), add this to the account you want to hold the water in. The priorities in this case would be in the reverse order to which they appear in the water user node. Consider a water user with one account and a single carry over; the priority of use is carryover first, then account balance. This trigger then deducts the desired volume from carryover first; if insufficient water is available, the residual is subtracted from the account balance. 
