The Replicate Analysis run configuration in Source allows users to run the same model scenario multiple times using input time series replication. The replicate analysis functionality uses a cycled input data concept in which the data for the first year in the simulation is shifted progressively by a year or selected year increments. In this way multiple instances of any Source model are can be run using input data from the model input files derived using the cycled data concept and to allow , allowing extraction of results for the replicateseach replicate. This is useful when the user wants to get an idea of the risk associated with the decision variables. For instance, 'Replicate Analysis' can be used to assess the risk of spill in reservoirs under varying input climate conditions.
Once the user has defined the required number of replicates and increment and selected the data source to be cycled, the Source model runs for each replicate and provides an output for each replicate in the Results Manager. For example, if the data source selected for cycling is time series of rainfall data, it is used for multiple simulations using the same model scenario to produce the required outputs such as downstream flows. In this way the user can analyse the effect of changes in rainfall patterns on the downstream flows.