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The Farm Dam Plugin was initially developed by Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) and the Western Australian Department of Water (DoW), with support from the National Water Commission (NWC). Now this plugin is moved to the Core of the Source. The user can directly use its functionality without the farm dam plugin.  For each farm dam, the Source conducts a water balance, including inflows, rainfall, evaporation, seepage, water usage (demand), and overflow (spill) components (Figure 1) in each time step. This means that, for each time step (e.g., a day), each water balance component is accounted for in Source for every farm dam modelled. For more information on the initial farm dam models, SKM has produced a series of project reports available upon request from the Department of Water. These reports include:


The icon of the green triangle Image Addedon the Node Palette represents the onstream farm dam. Dragging the icon from the Node Palette to the Schematic Editor interface can create a farm dam node. The accurate coordinates of farm dams’ positions are not required.


There are two ways to add the onstream farm to the catchment model from the Geographic Editor


  1. Change an existing model element to an onstream farm dam:

The first step is to select an existing model element (e.g., a Confluence node) and right-click on it, and the context menu then will be displayed. Clicking on the menu item of Change Node Model (1 in Figure 1) on the context menu will display the additional context menu, and further clicking on the Onstream Farm Dam option (2 in Figure 1) will change the node to Onstream Farm Dam showing that is displayed as a green triangle icon in the model. The user can use the menu item of Add Node (3 in Figure 1) to add a confluence node for node model change if needed. The accurate coordinates of farm dams’ positions may not be essential.


  • Prepare a location shapefile of the nodes for the fam dams - These locations should be already used during the model building and exist as nodes in the catchment model.
  • Open Bulk Change Node Model Models editor - Clicking on the menu item Bulk Change Node Model will show the interface of the Bulk Change Node Models editor (Figure 3). Initially, the contests the contents in the Nodes Located box and the selected item in the dropdown list of destination node types are empty.
  • Configure Bulk Change Node Mode Models editor - Clicking on the button of Load node location shape file (Figure 3) will display the Open dialogue box, which allows the user to select the prepared location shape file. After the user clicks on the OK button on the Open dialogue box, the node names (e.g. 156, 157, etc.) in the Source model will be displayed in the Nodes Located box, and those nodes have the exact locations defined in the shapefile.  The user must select Onstream Farm Dams from the dropdown list below the Nodes Located.
  • Convert the selected nodes to destination node type – Clicking on the button of Change all loaded nodes in Figure 3 will convert all nodes in the Nodes Located box to the selected node type in the dropdown list (e.g. Onstream Farm Dams in Figure 3).
  • The user can repeat the above steps to convert nodes to other types. Otherwise, clicking on the Done button can close the window.

Note that Bulk Change Node Models tool also can convert the located nodes to other types such as Supply Points, Gauges, etc. The procedure is the same as the above one for onstream farm dams, and the user just needs to select the expected node type from the dropdown list instead of Onstream Farm Dams.

Figure 3 Bulk Change Node Model Models editor

Configure Onstream Farm Dams node(s) in the Source model


The farm dam information is on the default interface of the farm dam editor (Figure 4). The parameters of Dam Capacity, Max. Dam Surface Area and Initial Storage Percentage in Figure 4 are self-explained. Other parameters are described below.

  • Diversion Fraction - decides  decides how much the “upstream” flow, including which includes both the flow from the upstream flow and interstation inflow and , will be involved in the water balance calculation in the edited farm dam. The remaining water in the upstream “upstream” flow will be diverted directly to the downstream flow.
  • Bypass Flow -defines  defines the maximum capacity of the flow bypass from the upstream “upstream” flow directly to the downstream of the farm dam. 
  • Dam Surface Area Options - provides three options for the dam surface area calculation in during the water balance of the far damcalculation:
    • Constant dam surfaces area using ‘Max. Dam Surface Area’ parameter – The entered constant value of Dam Surface Area is used in water balance calculation, such as converting rainfall and evaporation from the depth to volume in the farm dam storage.
    • Allow dam surface area to vary according to dam volume -
    •  The area will be calculated on the basis of the storage volume
    • , default equations and parameters. The storage volume is from the beginning of the time step
    , and default equations and parameters
    • . The calculated dam surface area at each time step will be used in water balance calculation, such as converting rainfall and evaporation from the depth to volume in the farm dam storage.  Custom Equation Parameters check box is unticked.
    • Custom Equation Parameters – This function works only when the option Allow dam surface area to vary according to dam volume is selected and the Custom Equation Parameters check box is ticked. The dam surface area will be calculated based on the storage volume at the beginning of the time step, and the equation of Volume =A*Area^B.
    •   Where A and B are input parameters from the Interface. The calculated area will convert the depth to volume in the farm dam storage.

Figure 4 Farm dam editor – Dam Information


Inflows into a farm dam in this farm dam model come from two alternative sources: (i) overflow  overflows from the upstream dam(s) and (ii) the local flow generated by the interstation area between the upstream dams and this dam.


Some recorders for the farm dam in Source are described below to clarify the difference between the similar recorders.




Bypass Flow (ML/d)

The input parameter of the capacity of bypass in the current farm dam.

Actual bypassed flows (ML)

The real bypass flows in the time step from the bypass way in the current farm dam.

Interstation Flow Reference series (ML/d)

The input Reference data for Interstation Flow.

Actual Interstation Flow (ML)

The real Interstation Flow in the time step to the current farm dam, and its value is the product of the Scaling Factor and Interstation Flow Reference series.

Evapotranspiration (mm/d)

The input data of evapotranspiration from the current farm dam.

Actual Evaporation Volume (ML)

The real evaporation volume in the time step from the current farm dam and its value is based on the dam surface area and inputted Evapotranspiration (mm/d) in the time step.

Rainfall (mm/d)

The input data of rainfall to the current farm dam.

Actual Rainfall Volume (ML)

The real rainfall volume in the time step to the current farm and its value is based on the dam surface area and inputted rainfall (mm/d) in the time step.

SeepageTS (mm/d)

The input data of seepage from the current farm dam.

Actual Seepage (ML)

The real seepage volume in the time step from the current farm dam and its value is based on the dam surface area and inputted SeepageTS (mm/d) in the time step.

Demand Timeseries Value (ML/d)

The input template data of demand timeseries from the current farm dam.

Actual Demand Volume (ML)

The real water volume is used for the demand in the time step from the current farm dam. its Its temporal distribution is determined by Demand Timeseries Value (ML/d) while its value can be different to Demand Timeseries Value (ML/d).

Diversion Fraction (%)

The input parameter defines how many percentages of the upstream flow will be directly diverted to the downstream flow.

Actual Diverted flows (ML/d)

The proportioned “upstream” flow, which includes both the upstream flow and interstation inflow, is involved in the water balance calculation from the current farm dam. It is the “upstream” flow scaled down/up by Diversion Fraction (%).

Migrate the Source model using the FarmDams plugin across to CORE
