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MUSIC provides a Generic Treatment Node, for which the user describes the performance using a series of transfer functions.

Generic Treatment Node Properties Dialogue Box

Image ModifiedInlet Properties

Low Flow Bypass

All of the stormwater that approaches the generic node below the user-defined Low Flow Bypass amount will bypass the node. Any flow above the Low Flow Bypass (subject to the presence of a High Flow Bypass) will enter and be treated by the node.

High Flow Bypass

When the stormwater inflow rate exceeds the user-defined High Flow Bypass amount, only a flow rate equal to the High Flow Bypass (less that specified in any Low Flow Bypass) will enter and be treated by the node. All of the stormwater flow in excess of the High Flow Bypass amount will bypass the node and will not be treated.


Image Modified Tip Box

The Low and High Flow Bypasses are assumed to occur simultaneously. So for a Low Flow Bypass of 2m3/s, a High Flow Bypass of 8m3/s, and inflow of 10m3/s:

Transfer Functions

For flow, performance of the Generic Treatment can be described using flow based capture efficiency as shown below:
