Element of Life cycle Costing Model
Default Option for Estimation
Life cycle
50 years.
(From collected survey data, n = 3)
No alternative in music.
One could convincingly argue the life cycle is infinite for well-maintained ponds / basins, but we need to set the LC to a finite number to calculate a life cycle cost.
Upper and lower estimates derived using a 84th and 16th percentile, respectively.
Total acquisition cost (TAC)
TAC ($2004) = 685.1 x (A)0.7893
R2 = 0.99; p < 0.01; n = 4.
Where: A = surface area of the basin / pond in m2.
No alternative size / cost relationships in music.
For literature values, see Taylor (2005b) - Included in Appendix H.*
Upper and lower estimates derived using a 68% (or 1 standard deviation) prediction interval for the regression.
Note that a linear equation (TAC = 96.15 x (A) + 16,200) produced a slightly higher R2 value, but due to the behaviour of the relationship when the treatment device size is small, the power relationship was preferred.
Typical annual maintenance (TAM) cost
TAM ($2004) = 185.4 x (A)0.4780
R2 = 0.92; p = 0.04; n = 4.
Where: A = surface area of the basin / pond in m2.
TAM ($2004) = 698.3 x (V)0.7766
R2 = 0.72; p < 0.01; n = 57.
Where: V = average annual volume of removed material in m3 (were "removed material" includes trapped gross pollutants, coarse sediment and TSS).
For literature values, see Taylor (2005b).*
Upper and lower estimates derived using a 68% (or 1 standard deviation) prediction interval for the regression.
Warning: The alternative cost / size relationship is based on an "open gross pollutant trap" data set, as these treatment devices are essentially a pond / basin with a trash rack. In addition, currently music estimates V using the combined estimated volume of gross pollutants, coarse sediment and TSS that are trapped in the basin / pond. To adjust this manually (i.e. to include only one or two of these three elements), use the procedure provided in the tip box within this section.
Estimates from the North American and Australian literature (see Taylor, 2005b) suggest that ponds typically cost ~3% - 6% of the construction cost to maintain per year (equates to ~5.5% of the TAC, based on the CRCCH data set for sediment basins and ponds). Note however that the CRCCH data set for these types of device does not support the hypothesis that a strong correlation exists between TAM and TAC (albeit based on limited data).
Annualised renewal / adaptation cost (RC)
RC ($2004) = 1.4% of TAC p.a.
n = 4
No alternative size / cost relationships in music.
For literature values, see Taylor (2005b).
Upper and lower estimates derived using a 84th and 16th percentile, respectively.
Renewal period
1 year.
(Default position due to lack of high quality data supporting an alternative period)
10 years.
There is weak evidence that major renewal / adaptation costs occur every 10 years on average (e.g. costs associated with access ramps, re-contouring), but this is likely to vary significantly on a site-by-site basis.
Decommissioning cost (DC)
DC ($2004) = 38% of TAC.
n = 3.
No alternative size / cost relationships in music.
General caveats / notes for this type of device
* There are several estimates of capital and maintenance costs reported in the literature for sediment ponds and basins (see Taylor, 2005b or Costing appendix+h+costing+information>Costing Information for a summary).