Source uses a cells model that represents wetlands as a number of storage cells with the movement of water between them described by a set of functions and boundary conditions. Cells are wetland compartments in which water can be stored. They have a relationship between reduced level and surface area that represents the spatial distribution of water in a wetland. Boundary conditions are points at which water can flow in or out of the cells model. In Source, these points occur at either a hydraulic connector or storage inflow or outlet (connected to standard outflow links). The method for determining outflow rate at the boundaries of a wetland cluster will depend on the type of node that is at the boundary:
- For hydraulic connectors, mass balance is calculated as: Outflow is the difference between inflow and conveyance flow.
- For storages:
- If the storage has reached its target level, outflow must be set so that the storage remains at the same volume where possible;
- Outflow is determined by unconstrained orders and spill, but also limited by the total outlet capacity of the storage (which varies with water surface elevation); and
- There a minimum amount ‘spilled’ (ie. when there is at least one spillway). This also varies with water surface elevation.
In the Recording Manager, select the following attributes to view the output of the different components of a wetland:
Cell: Storage > type, Storage Level attribute for a wetland storage;
Boundary condition: Wetland Hydraulic Connector type, Average Reduced Water Level attribute for node-related results; and
Connector: Wetland Link for type > Average Flow Rate attribute (Figure) - the bidirectional link (red) shows that as the storage level decreases, there is an increase in the water flow through the wetland link from the connector to the storage. There is also a flow back to the connector from the storage if the head level in the storage is higher than the head level at the connector. The unidirectional link (blue), shows that the flow is one way, ie. there is a flow only into the storage from the connector and no flow from the storage to the connector. Hence the values are all above zero.
Figure . Wetland results (Uni-directional vs Bi-directional)
Figure . Wetland link (Results)
In Figure,