In the Recording Manager, select the following attributes to view the output of the different components of a wetland:
- Cell: Storage type, Storage Level attribute for a wetland storage;
- Boundary condition: Wetland Hydraulic Connector type, Average Reduced Water Level attribute for node-related results; and
- Connector: Wetland Link type > Average Flow Rate attribute (Figure 4) - the bidirectional link (red) shows that as the storage level decreases, there is an increase in the water flow through the wetland link from the connector to the storage. There is also a flow back to the connector from the storage if the head level in the storage is higher than the head level at the connector. The unidirectional link (blue), shows that the flow is one way, ie. there is a flow only into the storage from the connector and no flow from the storage to the connector. Hence the values are all above zero.
Figure . Wetland results (Uni-directional vs Bi-directional)
5 shows how water level for a wetland storage, link and the hydarulic connector node differs between a uni-directional (left) and bi-directional (right) link. For a uni-directional link, as the level in storage increases, there is a gradual drop in the average reduced water level, which in turn reduces the amount of water flow through the link into the storage. This process is gradual because the water can also go from the storage side to the connector side if there is a drop in connector head level. In a bi-directional link, the drop in average reduced water level of the connector and the wetland is steeper because a reduced head in the river level will stop water flowing into the wetland but will also stop water from flowing back into the river from the wetland due to the wetland link being unidirectional. The wetland link water level gradually reduces after a steep fall as the head level in the storage reduces.
Figure 4. Wetland link (Results)
Figure 5. Wetland results (Uni-directional vs Bi-directional)