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Main screen
Main screen
Main screen


  • The main window can be maximised or minimised using controls at the right hand end of the title bar;
  • A menu bar with familiar FileView and Help menus. Additional menus direct you to more specific functions of Source; and
  • Toolbars providing point-and-click access to many commands.
Figure 1. User interface for Source 

The following toolbars (available from the main Source screen) allow you direct access to various sections of Source:

  • Data Sources toolbar - allows you to add and manage sources of data (time series or by linking to another scenario). You can edit or view this data once it has been loaded in the Data Sources Explorer;
  • File toolbar - allows you to create a new project, opening an existing project, and saving a project (and all the scenarios within that project);
  • Function manager toolbar - allows you to add and manage all functions in Source;
  • Ordering toolbar - provides quick access to ordering-related functions. The button on this toolbar reveals a pop-up menu;
  • Project toolbar - allows you to toggle view of the Project ExplorerRecording ManagerLog Reporter and Chart Recording Manager;
  • Recording Manager toolbar - allows you to manage results in the Recording Manager;
  • Scenario toolbar - allows you to hide or display the Geographic EditorSchematic Editor and Tabular Editor, the Function ManagerData Sources, the Node Palette, the Layer Manager and Location Control panels; and
  • Simulation toolbar - allows you to set the analysis type (single, stochastic or flow calibration), specify start and end dates for the simulation, and to run the catchment model.


Note: Some elements that are set to be recorded will switch from <red dot> to <white dot> on reloading the project, if there is no recordable information for that parameter. For example, the selected parameter 'Constituents' will switch from red dot to white dot after reloading the project if constituent is not modelled in the project. 


Figure 7. Notes, Overview

Image Modified 

If a note can be added to an item, when you right-click on the item the option Add Note will be available from the context menu, refer to Adding notes to nodes and links. The exception is adding notes to a function, which is done using the Add/Edit Note icon in the Function Editor toolbar, see Adding a note to a function

A summary of all the notes configured in a scenario can be viewed using View » Notes. For the example shown in Figure 8, the First inflow andDam nodes, the $AllocGS function and the Default Link #1 link have notes associated with them.


Once a scenario containing notes has been run, the notes are listed in the log reporter with a message type of Note. Also listed is the notification level, the name of the associated item (eg. Inflow 1) and the text message. Furthermore, the Schematic Editor shows all the nodes and links that have notes configured on them. Figure 9 shows two nodes with informational notes, one with a warning note, and one error note. 


TABLE 1 HotKey list for the main Interface

ActionShortcut     Full Description

New >>Scenario


Opens the Create a Scenario dialog to add a new, empty scenario to the current project.  



Opens an existing project using the standard open file dialog.



Saves the current project, overwriting the existing file.



This command is currently disabled.



Quits Source.

View>>Results Manager


Opens the Results Manager window 



Opens a configuration window 



Performs the selected analysis such as running the model for the single analysis

Tools>>Find Node/Link


Opens the Find dialog where the user can search for nodes and links in the current open scenario.

(b)Using the Alt key to trigger or navigate the tasks from the menu items on the user interface:

  • Hold the Alt key to explore which letter has the underscore, such as View from the main Interface, and then press that letter (e.g. V) until the task is triggered. For example, Alt+V+R is to open the user interface of Results Manager. This action is the same as clicking on the menu View » Results Manager or direct use of a hotkey F10.
  • Hold the Alt key to explore which letter has the underscore, such as Edit from the main Interface, and then press that letter (e.g. E) until the task item (e.g. Trade Manger) is displayed, but the task item is without any underscore letter or with an underscore letter  (e.g.  ALT+E+P) used in multiple tasks. The user needs to release the Alt key, move the cursor (by the arrow keys) to the task item and press the Enter key to trigger the task. 
