Versions Compared


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Comment: Edit through the REST API


RAP toolName of plugin fileLocation in Source
Hydraulic Analysis
C:\Program Files\eWater\<Source version>\Plugins\Ecology.RAP.HA.dll
Tools » Plugins » Ecology.RAP.HA
Time Series Analysis
C:\Program Files\eWater\<Source version>\Plugins\Ecology.RAP.TSA.dll
Tools » Plugins » Ecology.RAP.TSA
Time Series Manager
C:\Program Files\eWater\Source<Source versionversion>\Plugins\Ecology.RAP.TSM.dll
Tools » Plugins » Ecology.RAP.TSM


<Source version> refers to the version of Source in use.

Note: The partial series flood threshold is randomly selected to achieve the desired average number of floods each year. You should check the partial series threshold flood and number of floods to ascertain that these are acceptable, as the threshold may not have converged.

Hydraulic analysis module
Hydraulic analysis module
Hydraulic Analysis module

The Hydraulic Analysis (HA) module of the River Analysis Package (RAP) is based on the Flow Events Method (Stewardson and Gippel, 2003) of allocating environmental flows. The HA module It allows you to:

  • Construct a one dimensional hydraulic model of a river reach and to determine ecologically-relevant flow thresholds based on hydraulic parameters such as water depth and velocity; and
  • Create a time series of potentially ecologically relevant hydraulic data for subsequent analysis in Time series Analysis module and comparison with biological data or alternative flow regimes.


  • Comma delimited (.CSV) with the first column a daily time-step date and subsequent column(s) as data; and
  • IQQM-standard output format from the Integrated Quality, Quantity Model produced by the New South Wales Department of Land and water Conservation.

See Data file formats for more information.

Time Series Manager
Time Series Manager
Time Series Manager

The Time series Manager (TSM) is a tool for manipulating, infilling, cleaning and transforming time series. It can be used to investigate time series, and apply any rating curve to create new time-series data sets. 

The TSM module interacts with the other three components of RAP, and can:



It is intended as an interpretive tool and is ideal for workshop or seminar-like situations, as well as standard desktop analysis. TSA handles most common time series formats such as *.CSV, *.CDT, *.IQQM and *.SILO8. Time series must be free of gaps and null entries (ie -9999).

The rating curves can be saved as .xml, which can be opened and viewed in MS Excel. Time series of hydraulic metrics can be saved as .CSV or .CDT (comma delimited time series). Bit-maps of plots can also be copied and pasted into graphics programs.

The TSM module interacts with the other three components of RAP, and can:

  • Accept the rating curves developed in the Hydraulic Analysis (HA) module and apply them to time series; and
  • Input time series to the Time series Analysis (TSA) module.