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Comment: Edit through the REST API

A water use node represents urban water demand and water consumption behaviour. Urban Developer offers two methods for simulating water use behaviour:

  • Average daily model (see Average Water Use node)
  • Behavioural model (

    In the average daily model, the water use node uses monthly varying, average daily consumptions for indoor and outdoor use (unlike the stochastic demand generation used in the Behavioural Water Use node)

    In average daily model, the water use node uses monthly varying, average daily consumptions for indoor and outdoor use. It disaggregates the daily demand data to a sub-daily time-step using a non-dimensionalised diurnal pattern.

    The disaggregated demand is then further portioned into different end-uses for both indoor and outdoor consumption. This enables supply sources to be selected for different end-uses. You can also model demand management options by applying a demand reduction percentage to individual end-uses, to represent things such as water-efficient appliances, and water-saving practices. The discharge from consumption activities can also be apportioned to various water streams. 


    There are restrictions on which node inputs and outputs you can connect together. See Urban Developer node connection rules.

    The Average Water Use node is available for Urban Scenarios only.

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    Table of Contents

    Node Inputs


    Node InputNotes
    Mains supplyConnect to a mains supply node (if available) (Not currently implemented in the Urban Developer Plugin)
    Tank supplyConnect to a tank node (if available)
    Alternative supply 1Connect to an Alternative supply node (if available) (Not currently implemented in the Urban Developer Plugin)
    Alternative supply 2Connect to an Alternative supply node (if available) (Not currently implemented in the Urban Developer Plugin)

    Node Outputs

    Node OutputNotes
    BlackwaterConnect to a blackwater stream (if necessary) (Not currently implemented in the Urban Developer Plugin)
    GreywaterConnect to a greywater stream (if necessary) (Not currently implemented in the Urban Developer Plugin)

    Connect to any other end-use stream. For example, you can track your garden irrigation through this end-use, and link it back to a pervious area node in your model to capture the effects of run-off of irrigating your pervious area.

    (Not currently implemented in the Urban Developer Plugin)

    Node Properties

    Node PropertyNotes
    Diurnal pattern

    This allows you to set The node will use the diurnal water usage pattern.The diurnal pattern is currently not editable in the Urban Developer Plugin.use pattern set in the Appliances option in Urban Settings

    Indoor average demand

    The average indoor demand each month in litres/day/household. This is used to characterise the seasonal variation in water usage.

    Four Indoor end-uses are available: Hot Water, Laundry, Toilet and Other

    Outdoor average demand

    The average outdoor demand each month in litres/day/household. This is used to characterise the seasonal variation in water usage.

    Two Outdoor end-uses are available: Garden and Other

    Total Demand Proportion (for indoor & outdoor end uses)

    For each end use, enter the percentage of total indoor or outdoor demand. The Total Demand Proportion can also be used to capture the proposed effects of demand management strategies.

    Percentages for indoor end-uses must sum to 100, and percentages for outdoor end-uses must summ sum to 100.

    Supply Priorities (for indoor & outdoor end uses)

    For each indoor/outdoor source, enter an order of preference for supply; eg for the end use "Toilet":

    • Enter 1 in the Rainwater Tank field to specify that rainwater is the first preference for toilet flushing.
    • Enter 2 in the Mains field to specify that, if no rainwater is available, then use Mains water as the second preference for flushing.

    The option Don't Supply specifies that mains water, rainwater, etc will not supply that particular end use.

    Discharge breakdown (for indoor & outdoor end uses)

    For each end-use, specify the percentage of water discharged as blackwater, greywater, or other wastewater.

    The percentages must sum to 100%.

    Demand Management Reduction (for indoor & outdoor end uses)

    For each end-use, specify the percentage reduction in demand to simulate demand management options.

    User Interface

    The Average Water Use nodes node currently does not support a graphical user interface for editing. Instead, the model parameters can be configured via Scenario Input Sets (Edit»Scenario Input Sets). The Input Set syntax and node parameters are illustrated below:

    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Hot Water.Demand Management Reduction=39%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Hot Water.Discharge Breakdown.Blackwater=100%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Hot Water.Discharge Breakdown.Greywater=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Hot Water.Discharge Breakdown.Irrigation=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Hot Water.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 1=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Hot Water.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 2=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Hot Water.Supply Priorities.Mains=1
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Hot Water.Supply Priorities.Rainwater Tank=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Hot Water.Total Demand Proportion=39%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Laundry.Demand Management Reduction=23%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Laundry.Discharge Breakdown.Blackwater=100%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Laundry.Discharge Breakdown.Greywater=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Laundry.Discharge Breakdown.Irrigation=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Laundry.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 1=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Laundry.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 2=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Laundry.Supply Priorities.Mains=1
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Laundry.Supply Priorities.Rainwater Tank=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Laundry.Total Demand Proportion=23%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Other.Demand Management Reduction=13%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Other.Discharge Breakdown.Blackwater=100%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Other.Discharge Breakdown.Greywater=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Other.Discharge Breakdown.Irrigation=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Other.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 1=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Other.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 2=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Other.Supply Priorities.Mains=1
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Other.Supply Priorities.Rainwater Tank=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Other.Total Demand Proportion=13%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Toilet.Demand Management Reduction=25%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Toilet.Discharge Breakdown.Blackwater=100%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Toilet.Discharge Breakdown.Greywater=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Toilet.Discharge Breakdown.Irrigation=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Toilet.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 1=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Toilet.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 2=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Toilet.Supply Priorities.Mains=1
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Toilet.Supply Priorities.Rainwater Tank=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor.Toilet.Total Demand Proportion=25%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Indoor Average Demand=[0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45]
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Garden.Demand Management Reduction=100%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Garden.Discharge Breakdown.Blackwater=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Garden.Discharge Breakdown.Greywater=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Garden.Discharge Breakdown.Irrigation=100%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Garden.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 1=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Garden.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 2=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Garden.Supply Priorities.Mains=1
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Garden.Supply Priorities.Rainwater Tank=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Garden.Total Demand Proportion=100%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Other.Demand Management Reduction=13%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Other.Discharge Breakdown.Blackwater=100%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Other.Discharge Breakdown.Greywater=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Other.Discharge Breakdown.Irrigation=0%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Other.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 1=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Other.Supply Priorities.Alternate Supply 2=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Other.Supply Priorities.Mains=1
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Other.Supply Priorities.Rainwater Tank=Don't Supply
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor.Other.Total Demand Proportion=13%
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Outdoor Average Demand=[0.24213 0.21374 0.14635 0.11088 0.06253 0.05918 0.06579 0.11799 0.18973 0.25765 0.24772 0.26243]

    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Deactivated=FALSE
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Elevation=0 m

    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Latitude=0
    Nodes.Average Water Use 1.Longitude=0

    Note that the Deactivated, Elevation, Latitude and Longitude properties are generic features of Source nodes. Refer to the eWater Source User Guide for further information.


    This material has been adapted from:

    eWater Cooperative Research Centre (2011) Urban Developer User Guide: Urban Developer v1.0.0, eWater Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, 29 June 2011. ISBN 978-1-921543-40-1