Water ownership deals with the assignment and tracking of water as it is stored in, transits through, and exits
river systems. This is an important aspect of water management, as it allows resource sharing amongst owners
with the ability to determine how much water an owner has, and where it is located.
Water ownership is assigned and reassigned at nodes, while it is accounted for in river routing links and storage links. Note that the river modelling framework considers storages as links, but in the schematic builder, storages are displayed as nodes. Water may also be reassigned (ceded) in storages.
Ownership in Source
Ownership is specific to a scenario and you must configure it individually for each model. The following nodes provide a means of assigning ownership to a model:
- Confluence;
- Supply-point;
- Inflow;
- Maximum Order Constraint;
- Minimum Flow Requirement;
- Splitter (loss, distributary and anabranch);
- Storage;
- Transfer Ownership; and
- Water User demand nodes (includes town water supply, time series of demand, crop soil moisture water models and environmental demand).
Each node has different ownership characteristics and will manage ownership in its own way. These are discussed later.
Prerequisites for using ownership in Source include:
- Building the schematic for the network model;
- Defining water sources; and
- Defining owners and their demands. There are three types of owners available (listed in Table 58). Note that Unassigned_Water is not editable.
Once these criteria are met, enable ownership. This is described next.To enable ownership:
Enabling ownership
- Choose to open the Ownership Setup window (Figure 95);
- ...
Ownership setup window
Ownership at nodes
Once you have enabled ownership, you can configure it at various nodes using each node’s feature editor. The is described next.
To configure ownership in the inflow node, select Ownership in the node’s feature editor (Feature Editor 78) and specify each owner’s proportion of water. You can also import and export ownership data. Ensure that the total proportion of water is always 100%.
Inflow node (Ownership)
Ownership at the Storage node can be configured in the following tabs. The result for each tab varies depending on what is required from the model:
- Owner shares;
- Spill Ownership;
- Internal Spilling and Ceding; and
- Outlet Path Constraints.
Owner Shares tab
The Owner Shares tab (Feature Editor 79) allows you to specify each owner’s share of water capacity (%) and water volume (ML) in the storage node. Note that initially, Unassigned_Water has a 100% allocation, which decreases as other owners are assigned water.
Storage node (Owner Shares)
There are three values specified for each owner: Capacity (%), Volumetric Capacity (ML) and Initial Volume. These can be entered manually or imported from an external source. You can also allocate capacity and volume evenly amongst users using the button below Import and Export.
Spill Ownership tab
This functionality is yet to be documented. If you would like assistance, please call 1300-5-WATER (1300-592-837) (refer to Feature Editor 80)
Storage node (Spill Ownership)
Internal Spilling and Ceding tab
Specify the distribution rule under ‘Internal Spilling’ and the ceding owner under "Ceding" (Feature Editor 81).
Storage node (Internal Spilling and Ceding)
Outlet Path Constraints
This functionality is yet to be documented. If you would like assistance, please call 1300-5-WATER (1300-592-837) (refer to Feature Editor 82)
Storage node (Outlet Path Constraints)
Transfer Ownership
The transfer ownership node (Feature Editor 83) allows for transfers to be scheduled according to the specified distribution rules. The data required includes:
- Start Date - first day of transfer.
- End date - last day of transfer.
- Transfer rate - rate of transfer in ML per day.
- Transfer at constant rate above inflow rate of X ML/day. When inflow rate of X ML/day is reached, transfer at a constant rate of X ML/day.
- Transfer all excess above inflow rate of X ML/day. When inflow rate of X ML/day is reached, transfer all the excess water.
- Distribution rules - transfer in accordance with this Distribution rule.
Import and export functions are available in this tab.
Transfer Ownership node (Transfer Owned Water)
Maximum Order Constraint
The Owner Shares tab in the Maximum Order Constraint node (Feature Editor 84) allows owners to share the constraint at individually set rates if required. The individual parameters are:
Import and export functions are available in this tab.
Maximum Order Constraint node (Owner Shares)
Minimum Flow Requirement
The Ownership tab in the Minimum Flow Requirement node (Feature Editor 85) allows owners to share the constraint at individually set rates, if required.
Minimum Flow Requirement node (Ownership)
Open the feature editor and click the Ownership tab (Feature Editor 87) and choose the ownership method with the pull down menu at the top of the tab.
The loss node offers two methods for determining ownership of losses:
- Distribute flows with these proportions - use the table shown in Feature Editor 87; and
- Distribute flows according to owned amounts - no input required.
Loss node (Distribute loss by owned amounts)
Loss node (Ownership, assign proportions)
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Note: Within an ownership system, ownership of water is conserved unless it is explicitly transferred. This applies to both nodes and links. |
Ownership comprises of three systems that work together (Figure 1):
- Ordering - processes orders received from water users;
- Resource Assessment - allocates owners’ water to individual account holders; and
- Distribution, borrow and payback - handles water transfers from owners that have a surplus to those that have a deficit.
They communicate with each other via an ownership system, which is created by default when ownership is enabled.
Figure 1. Components of ownership
Ownership in Source
Ownership must be enabled individually for each scenario. Once a scenario has been created in the Schematic Editor, enable ownership as follows:
- Choose to open the Ownership Setup dialog; and
- Right-click on the scenario and choose Enable Ownership (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Ownership setup dialog
When ownership is initially enabled in Source, a single ownership system is created by default, containing the following elements:
- A single owner (Owner 1);
- A default distribution system with a single priority level;
- A global borrow and payback system; and
- All links and nodes in the scenario fall within the boundary of the ownership system.
To disable an existing ownership system, choose Disable Ownership.
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Note: Once an ownership system has been created, it cannot be deleted. |
All nodes must fall within the boundaries of an ownership system (of which there can be multiple). Within the boundaries of the ownership system, a defined set of owners operate and share water as required. Boundary nodes are those that form the boundaries of an ownership system. These are either the top-most nodes in the network (such as an inflow node), or transfer ownership nodes. When ownership is first enabled, the entire modelling scenario falls within the boundary of the default ownership system and every node and link belongs to this system.
Figure 3 shows the boundary nodes of the ownership systems in the model. You can specify which node forms the boundary of an ownership system using the drop-down menu. Overlap of ownership system boundaries may occur as a result of nodes being added to or removed from the model network, which can be corrected in the Ownership Setup dialog.
Figure 3. Ownership boundaries
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An ownership system allows a defined set of owners to share water in a chosen section of the river network. A scenario may have multiple ownership systems and is made up of several network elements (Figure 4). It has a set of owners that share water within the system’s boundaries, where each of these owners lend water surplus to other owners with a deficit via the borrow and payback systems. Lending owners can be paid back later at a nominated storage or implicitly through the resource assessment process. It also shows the link sharing rules that are applied throughout the ownership system. Murray style losses indicate whether Murray style high flow losses will apply on links with flow above a configured threshold. Additionally, you must also specify whether other types of fluxes (Time series, Lateral and Operational Excess) will be distributed as a fixed ratio or proportionally amongst owners in the ownership system.
Figure 4. Ownership, Ownership systems
When ownership is enabled, a river model consists of owners that have a share of the total available water (resource). There is one owner by default (named Owner 1) who initially owns 100% of the water in every node and link. To add additional owners in the system, click Owners, then add them in the table. Also specify the various proportions for each owner (Figure 5). In addition to the parameters listed, for each owner, their percentage of the various link’s parameters must be specified as well.
Figure 5. Ownership, Owners
Ordering and ownership
In Source, ordering deals with passing orders up the network whereas ownership handles these orders being distributed to owners (coming down the network). As owners request a share of the resource, orders travel upstream in the network and each node passes it up and might make changes to the order depending on the node’s characteristics, or its configuration. The ordering phase needs to consider the ownership of losses and gains such that when the order reaches a storage, the correct volume of each owners’ water is released. It also needs to consider ownership of maximum and minimum order constraints.
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Note: Ownership is based on rules-based ordering. |
For demand models/water user, which owner orders the water depends on the distribution system used:
- If you are using non-account based sharing then you specify the percentage of the order that you want to attribute to each owner;
- If you are using account based sharing, then the ownership of the orders is determined by the ownership of the accounting system used.
Resource assessment and ownership
Owners may have one or more resource assessment systems managing their water. This system must be explicitly created and configured via the Resource Assessment Explorer (refer to General Resource Assessment). Figure 6 shows the Resource Assessment Explorer (left side) indicating the ownership systems that are available. The Ownership dialog (right side) shows the resource assessment systems for which ownership has been activated. Resource assessment systems may also be used to pay back water that has been borrowed amongst owners. For configuration details on this, refer to Borrow and payback with resource assessment.
Figure 6. Ownership and Resource Assessment Systems
Ownership at nodes and links
Source automatically assigns each node and link to an ownership system when boundaries, resource assessment systems and owners are added to a modelling scenario. Source undertakes a check for ownership system consistency for the entire river network, examining every node and link. The rules of ownership consistency are as follows:
- For a Transfer of ownership node, the upstream ownership system must match the inlet link’s ownership system and the downstream ownership system must match the outlet link’s ownership system;
- A water user node can have multiple ownership systems that are connected at different supply point nodes; and
- For all other nodes, the upstream link’s ownership system must match the current node’s ownership system. For every connected downstream link, the downstream link’s ownership system must match the current node’s ownership system.
At every node in the network where an inconsistency is found (such as overlap of ownership systems at a node), an error appears in the Ownership Setup dialog showing details of the discrepancy. An example of this is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Ownership, error
Once you have enabled ownership, you can configure it at each node by choosing Ownership in their respective feature editors. Alternatively, choose the relevant node under Nodes in the Ownership Setup dialog. In most feature editors, the following information is required at each node and link:
- Each owner’s share of initial volume/flow of water at the node or link; and
- Each owner’s share of fixed fluxes at each time-step, that are to be shared in a predetermined way (other fluxes will be ‘proportional’, ie. shared in proportion to the owner’s existing share of water at the link or node).
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Note: When shares are allocated to multiple owners in a system in Source, they are effectively unit shares, ie. they are scaled to add up to 100%. |
Anchor | ||||
For the Gauge node, you must specify the sharing method (either as percentage or a unit share) and whether ownership must be reset using the Reset Ownership checkbox (Figure 8).
Figure 8. Gauge node, Ownership
Specify the method for sharing water amongst owners (Figure 9) as either a proportion (by selecting Fixed Percentage) or as an expression (by selecting Owner Flow Function). Ensure that the total proportion is always 100%.
Figure 9. Inflow node (Ownership)
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Note: All proportions cannot be allocated zeros at once. |
Anchor | ||||
Click the Ownership tab in the node’s feature editor (Figure 10) to choose the sharing method and specify the proportion for each owner. The High Flow Threshold checkbox refers to the threshold above which high flow losses occur, for which you can specify a threshold flow rate.
Figure 10. Loss node, Ownership
Anchor | ||||
Specify the maximum order constraint via an expression. Also include the proportion for each constraint/owner sharing level (Figure 11).
Figure 11. Maximum Order Constraint node, Ownership
Minimum Flow Requirement
If there are multiple owners, the minimum flow constraint is shared according to the owners' share of the upstream minimum constraint. This can be Proportional (shared equally) or Fixed (enter the proportion for each owner in the Minimum Order Sharing table of Figure 12).
Figure 12. Minimum Flow Requirement node, Ownership
Anchor | ||||
Ownership information is required at splitter nodes to determine the proportion of each owner’s water to be directed to each outlet (as shown in Figure 13). Ownership of unallocated flows from a splitter can be distributed according to owned amounts or by selecting different proportions to the owned amounts. The
Controlled Splitter
Ownership at the Controlled splitter node functions in the same way as it does at the Splitter node.
Distribute flows by owned amounts
Selecting Distribute flows according to owned amounts requires no additional parameters (Feature Editor 88 and Feature Editor 89).
Splitter node (distribute by owned amounts)
Distribute flows by proportion
Selecting "Distribute flows with these proportions" displays the parameters shown in Feature Editor 90 and Feature Editor 91. The Assign Proportions checkbox enables an upstream flow threshold to be specified which will activate the distribution if flow falls below that threshold.
The proportion allocation panel allows for manual entry of distribution amounts. Alternatively, the proportions can be imported from a .CSV file formatted as shown in Table 59. The same format is used for both the Splitter and Controlled Splitter nodes.
Controlled Splitter node (distribute by owned amounts)
Splitter node (distribute by proportion)
Controlled Splitter node (distribute by proportion)
Gauge node (Ownership)
Link (Ownership)
Types of owners
No. of owners in network
Immediately after ownership is enabled, the Unassigned_Water owner owns all water in the network.
Landholder, including landholder corporations
0 or more
In accordance with water rights, but final allocation decided by water accounting
0 or more
Allocation decided by water accounting
There could be more than 1 Environment owner depending on environmental needs within the network.
Splitter node (distribute by owner, data file format)
Row | Column (comma-separated) | |
1 | 2 | |
1 | Owner | link |
2..n | owner | prop |
following parameters are optional:
- High flow threshold - the threshold above which high flow losses occur; and
- Don’t Borrow to Meet - if enabled, the model will attempt to get as close as possible to the specified proportions without borrowing water.
Figure 13. Controlled splitter node, Ownership)
Each owner’s share of water is conserved at a storage node where ownership has been enabled except when:
- Water is ceded to other owners according to distribution rules;
- An owner does not have sufficient storage capacity to hold their water, so it is internally spilled to other owners. This can be disabled if required using the Internal Spilling radio button. Internal spilling occurs when an owner’s volume of water in storage exceeds their current storage capacity and excess is transferred to another owner.
- Water is borrowed or lent to other owners so that demand can be met, which can be later paid back either at the same storage, at the nominated payback storage, or handled by the resource assessment process.
An owner’s volume of water in storage is adjusted for their share of inflows, regulated releases, external and internal spills, lateral losses and gains, and flows along wetland links. Inflows may be from upstream or wetland links. Regulated release ownership is determined by each owner’s downstream order.
Using Figure 14, you can choose which owner will be assigned 100% ownership of the storage, its inflows, losses/gains and releases when ownership is suspended using the Override Owner drop-down menu. When conditions in the specified expression are met, the ownership system will be suspended. You must also specify each owner’s share of the storage capacity, as well as the initial share.
Figure 14. Storage node (Ownership)
Lateral losses and gains include rainfall, evaporation and groundwater infiltration. These fluxes are categorised into those that are shared in proportion to the share of water stored, or according to a fixed ratio, which can be configured (as shown in Figure 15). This window is the same for Rainfall and Evaporation, and is similar for each of the Outlet Paths. An additional parameter you must specify is the distribution system that the link falls in.
Figure 15. Storage node (Ownership, Groundwater)
To enable ceding amongst owners, select Ceding in the hierarchical list. Click Add Cede in the right-side panel, then enter the ‘from’ and ‘to’ owners that will be involved in the ceding process, as well as an expression for the volume of water to be shared (as shown in Figure 16).
Figure 16. Storage node (Ownership, Ceding)
Transfer of Ownership
At this node, the total upstream owner constraint volumes are transferred to downstream owners in specified proportions (as shown in Figure 1). It can be configured as either a boundary or an in-system node. Refer to Transfer of ownership node for details.
The original downstream order can be split between the new upstream owners specified at the boundary TO node (owner proportion in Figure 1), and supplied using water belonging to the specified upstream owners. When flow resulting from the released order reaches the upstream boundary of the ordering location’s ownership system, its ownership is split between downstream owners according to Flow proportions (Figure 2).
Water User
The water user node represents a demand in the model, where orders are generated and passed upstream. Figure 17 shows the proportions distributed and returned that must be specified for each owner, when non-account sharing has been selected.
Figure 17. Water User (Ownership)
A link must be configured as storage routing to set up ownership on that link (Figure 18). Each link’s ownership system will always match the one for the upstream connected node. You can also choose to override time series flux values using the Time Series Loss Per Owner checkbox.
Figure 18. Storage Routing link (Ownership)
Suspension of ownership
Ownership can be temporarily suspended at storages where you have specified an override owner, resulting in the model operating as one where ownership has been disabled:
- All water at a storage is assigned to a single owner; and
- All borrow and payback ceases.
When ownership is enabled once again, the system is restored to the state it was in before ownership was suspended.
The 640/480 rule applied at the Menindee Lakes (located on the lower Darling River in NSW) is an example of a situation where ownership is suspended temporarily (between the owners NSW and Victoria). It operates as follows:
- If the storage volume falls below 480GL, NSW is given full ownership;
- If the storage volume is between 480GL and 640GL, ownership is shared if the volume is rising. However, if it is falling, NSW is given full ownership; or
- If the storage volume rises above 640GL, ownership is shared between NSW and Victoria.
Interpreting results
To understand how ownership has operated in a model, you must observe its effects on each of the three systems that make up ownership. Enable the following parameters for recording (under Model Parameters):
- Ordering - you can view all order-related data for each node;
- Ownership - opens the Ownership Setup dialog (Figure 2), showing the borrow and payback balances for all owners in specified ownership and distribution systems; and
- Resource Assessment