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The version of SMARG implemented in Source comes from the CRC for Catchment Hydrology Rainfall-Runoff Library (RRL), where it is referred to as SMAR.

Scientific Provenance

SMARG is the soil moisture and accounting model (SMAR) (O’Connell O’Connell et al., 1970; Kachroo, 1992) 

Scientific Provenance

SMARG is SMAR with modification to route surface runoff and the groundwater contribution to the stream separately (Kachroo and Liang, 1992).  This modified model is also often referred to in the literature as SMAR rather than SMARG (e.g. Podger, 2004; Tuteja and Cunnane, 1999; Vaze et al., 2004).


SMARG consists of two components in sequence, a water balance component and a routing component. A schematic diagram of the SMAR SMARG model is shown in Figure 1. The model utilises input time series of daily rainfall and pan evaporation data to simulate stream flow at the catchment outlet. The model is calibrated against observed daily stream flow.


The surface run-off generated from the landscape is routed (attenuation and lag) to the catchment outlet using the linear cascade model of Nash (1960). The model was obtained as a general solution relating a given input of unit volume to a given output as in equation 1.

Equation 1
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t = simulation time-step (d);


The generated surface runoff (rs mm·d-1) and the routed runoff (QrT mm·d-1) can be time averaged, as in equations (2) and (3), to represent the daily values.

Equation 2
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Equation 3
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The linear model described by equation 4 (below) is the simplest representation of a causal, time invariant, relationship between an input function of time (generated runoff) and the corresponding output function (routed runoff). It is used in conceptual modelling, as a component, representing the routing or diffusion, effects of the catchment on those components of the rainfall hyetograph contributing to the outflow.

Equation 4
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m = memory of the pulse response function (d).


The mass balance equation for the groundwater system can be written as in equation 5:

Equation 5
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QTrech = recharge to the groundwater system (mm.s-1).


The pulse-response function for the groundwater component can be obtained in a manner analogous to equation 1, as in equation 6 (i.e. equation 1 with n and Γ(n) equal to 1; Vaze et al., 2004).

Equation 6
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The recharge QTrech and the discharge QTg can be time averaged to mm·d-1 in an analogous manner to the generated surface runoff (rs) and the routed runoff (QrT), as in equations 2 and 3.


Table 1. Parameters in SMARG and their default values

CEvaporation coefficientnone00-1
Gused to estimate the proportion of moisture in excess of soil moisture storage capacity recharging groundwater (and also discharged to the stream)none00-1
Hused to estimate the proportion of rainfall excess contributing to the generated runoff as saturation excess runoff or the Dunne runoffnone00-1
KgTime lag parameter for groundwater routingnone0.010.01-200
nSurface runoff hydrograph ‘shape’ parameter (i.e. number of linear reservoirs)none11-10
nKSurface runoff hydrograph ‘scale’ parameter (i.e. time lag parameter in Nash cascade model)none11-10
TRatio of potential evapotranspiration to pan evaporationnone00-1
YInfiltration capacity of the soilmm.d-100-100
ZEffective moisture storage capacity of the soil contributing to the runoff generation mechanismsmm
Note: the number of soil layers is determined from "Z" (Soil Moisture Storage Capacity) and a constant in the code which is 25 mm (the depth of each of the "groundwater"/soil layers in mm of water).


Table 2. Recorded variables

PETPotential evapotranspirationtime-step

xExcess rainfalltime-stepsee Figure 1
INFInfiltrationtime-stepEstimated from (1-H’)x (see Figure 1)
r1Direct runofftime-stepsee Figure 1
r2Rainfall in excess of infiltration capacity (Hortonian runoff)time-stepsee Figure 1
r3Moisture in excess of soil moisture capacity discharged to streamtime-stepsee Figure 1
r9Moisture in excess of soil moisture capacity recharging (percolating to) groundwatertime-stepsee Figure 1
rsGenerated surface runofftime-stepsee Figure 1
QOUTsurfRouted surface runoff (from gamma function)time-stepsee Figure 1
QOUTgwRouted groundwater runofftime-stepsee Figure 1
SMStotSoil moisture store contents (total of all layers)time-stepsee Figure 1
Layers 1...etcList of soil moisture store layersone-off itemsee Figure 1

Reference list

Kachroo, R.K. (1992). River flow forecasting. Part 5. Applications of a conceptual model, Journal of Hydrology, 133: 141–178.


Vaze, J., Barnett, P., Beale, G., Dawes, W., Evans, R., Tuteja, N.K., Murphy, B., Geeves, G., and Miller, M. (2004). Modelling the effects of land-use change on water and salt delivery from a catchment affected by dryland salinity in south-east Australia, Hydrological Processes, 18: 1613–1637.