Versions Compared


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Insight can be configured, set up (using a settings file) and run using the command line. This link shows some examples of how to use the command line for Insight.

When using the command line, you must keep the command prompt open until the optimisation has been run and is complete.

Additional help for the command line is also available. Once in the Insight directory, enter the following:

hindsightInsight.Optimiser.Console.exe --help

Creating the settings file


Table 1. Information required to create a settings file
Information requiredExample
Location of the Source project file
project C:\Insight\test\Example_project.rsproj
List of the objectives, using the Functions in the Source project
ExportedOutput $reliabilityNeg
ExportedOutput $unitcost
ExportedOutput $Yieldneg
List of decision variables, using the Functions in the Source project, along with their constraints
real $pipecapacity 0 200
real $demand 0 100
real $treatmentcapacity 0 100
Optional parametersExample
Cache results file from previous run(s) to avoid re-running runs using the same decision variables as previously
cache C:\Insight\test\Example_Cache.csv
constraint $costConstraint
Advanced options - also optionalExample
SeedSeed 0.5

Real Var Crossover Probability

GAExpert RealVarCrossoverProb 0.9
Real Var Mutation ProbabilityGAExpert RealVarMutationProb 0.5
Integer Var Crossover ProbabilityGAExpert IntegerVarCrossoverProb 0.9
Integer Var Mutation ProbabilityGAExpert IntegerVarMutationProb 0.5
Crossover Distribution IndexGAExpert CrossoverDistribIndex 5
Mutation Distribution Index

GAExpert MutationDistribIndex 10

The values above are the default values. They should only be changed by expert users who know what they are doing. Invalid values may cause NSGA to fail. 


Note: To view a list of all available Functions in a Source project, use the following command:

-configurationOption :C:\Insight\test\Example_InsightSettings.txt


Table 2.  Information required to configure an optimisation run
Information requiredExample
Run the Insight executable file
Location of Insight settings file
--configurationOption "C:\Insight\test\Example_InsightSettings.txt”
Number of cores / endpoints to use
--source 2
Number of generations
--generations 6
Population size
--population 100
Output file name

There are a number of optional parameters which may be specified on the command line as shown in Table 3.

Table 3.  Optional parameters for an optimisation run
Optional informationExample

Output cache file name

File can be used as an input to subsequent runs by specifying the cache option in the Insight configuration file

--cacheOutput "C:\Insight\test\Example_Cache.csv"
--seed 0.5

Progress message format string for
string.Format(fmt, CurrentGeneration, IndividualsCompleted, TotalGenerations, PopulationSize, ProgressPercentage)

--progressFormat "##Progress##:{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}"
Suppress message to StdOut other than formatted progress messages and results (if output not specified)
Note: Whenever specifying a file outside the Insight folder, you must include the full path.
