Version 5.0 includes the release of Urban Developer and MUSICX functionality as plugins to Source. This is a significant step forward for Urban water analysis. By using these three tools together, water managers have the ability to assess and plan for truly integrated water management solutions, that consider water quality and quantity, at a range of scales.
MUSIC and Urban Developer were originally designed to complement each other, to draw together information on urban water quantity (Urban Developer) and water quality (MUSIC) to develop integrated water management solutions in urban areas. These models can now be integrated with eWater Source catchment and river system models. This allows users to analyse interactions between different components of the water cycle and jointly evaluate demand and water supply options. This provides water managers with the tools to understand the best balance of traditional centralised bulk water supply, demand management and alternative water supplies, including the use and recycling of stormwater, wastewater and groundwater.
We would like to acknowledge the leadership and financial support of Melbourne Water to enhance Urban Developer and the contribution of our urban beta tester group, who have played a key role in making sure that MUSICX is that Urban Developer and MUSICX are fit for purpose.
Source 5.0 also contains a broad range of other upgrades and enhancements to the platform, including changes to support river operations management, a new ordering system analysis tool, a range of performance improvements, and greater control over the interaction between planned constraints on supply, planned orders, and water deliveries.
We have been working with the MDBA to operationalise Source in operations mode. A focus has been enhancements to the Operations Tabular Editor. The editor is now more stable, easier to use, allows you to seamlessly add and remove nodes and is independent of the recorder selection.
The Operations tabular editor is now independent of the recording selection. You no longer get all recorders in the tabular editor. Recorders are now selected using the new column editor:
The tree on the left has also had major changessignificant improvements:
A new recorder for analysing orders
Results can now be streamed to files on disk rather than stored in memory. This is to prevent memory issues with large runs. Results streaming is off by default, however, it can be turned on in Project Options:
The format used (called Source Time Series Database .sdb) is now also available as a general time series format. There is also a new command line utility for interacting with the format: Source.DataUtility.exe run with --help to see the instructions for interacting with the utility.
- NoOutput - Does not save results anywhere, hence does not fetch results either. Can be used where the result data files are ignored. E.g. in tests, or where a plugin gives a different pathway to results. This improves performance when using automatic exporting tools such as Scenario Options: Simulation results or Simulation Log which automatically exports results after each run to a specific location.
- ClientNamedFormat - Results fetched to client, saved to output file from there, in a format based on output file extension. The data is transferred back to the client and saved (current behaviour).
- ServerNamedFormat - Results saved to output file directly from server, in a format based on output file extension. Does not fetch results to client. This "server side" save is more efficient. Default for InProcess mode, since "server side" is local here. Can be used in Client mode, assuming the end user has access to the path provided to the server e.g. a network drive.