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Comment: Edit through the REST API
InfoThe Run Manager is not currently available to the general eWater community.


The Run Manager is a collaboration between Melbourne Water and eWater and is designed to enable Source users to harness the power of distributed/cloud computing to tackle large simulations simulation and multi-objective optimisation problems. The Run Manager allows users to configure and execute multiple Source simulation and optimisation jobs in parallel. The Run Manager can be used in two ways:

  1. Cloud - run on Amazon Web Services (AWS) via a service hosted by eWater
  2. Local - installed and run on your local PC - which is useful for testing jobs before launching on the cloud, and also for scheduling multiple Source jobs on your local PC and for testing big jobs before sending them to the cloud

A third 'Cluster' mode is planned in the future to allow the Run Manager to be installed on a local network to utilise multiple personal computers.


Table of Contents

Accessing the Run Manager


For all modes of operation, the Run Manager is accessed via


the same web-browser

interface regardless of whether it is installed as a local application or accessed on the cloud. It is optimised for use with Google Chrome.

Cloud Application

For authorised users, the Run Manager Cloud application can be accessed by visiting via your web browser.

To use the Run Manager Cloud, you must log in. This will occur automatically if you are logged in to eWater's Toolkit in your web browser. If not, you must log in manually using your Toolkit credentials (see Profile).

Local Application

The process of installing and launching the Run Manager Local application is described in Local Install

user interface (UI).


Table of Contents


The process of launching the Run Manager application is described in Accessing the Run Manager.

Run Manager Interface

The Run Manager is accessed via a web browser interface (for both the Cloud and Local applications). The Run Manager Toolbar (Figure 1) is located at the top of the browser window and has the following items:

Figure 1. The Run Manager Toolbar.

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