The inlet pond volume in wetland systems provides a pre-treatment of the stormwater prior to its discharge into the macrophyte cell of the wetland. Pre-treatment of stormwater discharging into the wetland includes sedimentation of coarse to medium-sized particles and hydrologic control by facilitating a by-pass of flow around the macrophyte zone when the water level in the macrophyte zone has reached its maximum extended detention depth. Music models the performance of these pre-treatment functions using the inlet pond volume, assumed to be a permanent pool and defined, as the principal parameter. Estimate inlet pond volume feature has not been offered at this stage
The buttonallows you to specify various parameters for the inlet volume. This is described in more details further below.
Storage Properties
The Storage Properties define the physical characteristics of the macrophyte cell of the wetland system.
The advanced properties section (opened using the Advanced Tab under Wetland) displays the parameters that describe the hydraulic characteristics for the outflow structures, and the parameters that describe the treatment process in the wetland.
Orifice Discharge Coefficient