Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This chapter describes the function of commands in each menu, sub-menu and toolbar and is a good reference point when you become familiar with Source. In addition to presenting a Source view of each command, it provides a brief description of what that command does.


The menu bar for Source is shown in Figure 1. The remainder of this section describes the function of the commands in each menu.


Toggles whether the Geographic Editor, Schematic Editor and Tabular Editor tabs are visible on screen. Synonym for Schematic Editor on the Scenario toolbar.

Toggles whether the Tabular Editor tab is visible on screen. Synonym for Tabular Editor on the Scenario toolbar.


Restores the default arrangement of Source windows. Requires an active scenario. Affects the Node  PalettePalette, and the Geographic, Schematic and Tabular editors. If an affected window is undocked, it will be re-docked. If an affected window was auto-hidden, that feature will be turned off. Any affected window that has been moved will be restored to its default location.


Selects the type of analysis to be performed. Synonym for Select Analysis Type on the Simulation toolbar. See Running scenarios and Forecasting.

Opens a configuration window for the selected analysis type where you can set parameters to control the run (eg. date-range). Synonym for Configure on the Simulation toolbar. See Running scenarios and Forecasting.

Performs the selected analysis. Synonym for Begin Analysis (Run) on the Simulation toolbar.


Launches the calibration wizard for catchments. Synonym for clicking Configure on the Simulation toolbar (or choosing Run » Configure...) when Select Analysis Type is set to "RR Calibration Analysis". See also Calibration Wizard for catchments.


Opens the optimisation results window. This window is populated by a run of the calibration wizard for catchments. See also Inspecting calibration results.


Opens the Find dialog. See Searching for nodes and links.


Allows access to some of the plugins added using the Plugin Manager.

Allows you to add and remove plugins in Source.


Opens the Units Preferences window (see Unit preferences).

Opens the Options dialog. The available options include:

    • A compression slider. The default is low compression but there is no reason not to set the slider to its maximum value. This results in the most compact project files for almost no penalty in file load or save times.;
    • Settings that enable you to control the number of decimal places that are used in various Source windows. Use the Editable Decimal Places field to adjust the number of decimal places shown in fields that you can edit. The Visible Decimals field controls the number of decimal places displayed in fields that you can not cannot edit. Neither of these settings has any effect unless the Enable rounding checkbox is turned on. Clicking Restore default values resets both decimal place fields to their default values and clears the Enable rounding checkbox.; and
    • Settings that enable you to limit the number of columns displayed in the Tabular Editor. Use the Maximum Columns to Display field to limit the number of columns. Restricting the number of columns can improve performance. Click Restore default value to re-apply the system default of 1000 columns.


Opens the Set Recording Defaults dialog. See also Recording Manager defaults.


Opens the Edit Tabular Formatting Settings dialog. Refer to the chapter on User preferences.

Figure 6. Help menu


Opens the Guidelines for Water Management Modelling. See also Guidelines for water management modelling.


    • Create new projects and scenarios. The commands found here are synonyms for File » New » Project... and File » New » Scenario..., and New Scenario on the File toolbar.;
    • Open recent projects. You can also find a list of recent projects at File » [recent documents].;
    • Find more information about Source capabilities, news and release notes.; and
    • Access user guides and links to online training and other useful materials.


The buttons and pop-up menus accessible from the Graph tab toolbar are explained in more detail in the chapter on Using the Charting Tool. See Graph viewing options.

Figure 10. Graph tab toolbar


Moves the layer selected in the Layer Manager higher up in the layer appearance order.


Moves the layer selected in the Layer Manager lower  lower down in the layer appearance order.


Removes the layer currently selected in the Layer Manager from  from the geographic view.

Figure 12. Ordering toolbar


Removes the scenario that is selected in the Project Hierarchy. You are prompted to confirm the deletion. Deletions can not cannot be undone.

Recording Options


    • Record All - records all of the parameters under this level of the hierarchy when the model is run. The recorded results will be visible in the Recording Manager window. See Running scenarios; and
    • Record None - records none of the parameters under this level of the hierarchy when the model is run.; and
    • The Recording Defaults... option opens the Set Recording Defaults dialog where you can define a set of recording options that will be applied to all of your Source projects by default.


Geographic Editor

Toggles the state of the Geographic View tab. Synonym for View » Chart Recording Manager.


Layer Manager

Toggles the state of the Layer Manager window Layer Manager window. Synonym for View » Layer Manager.


Location Control

Toggles the state of the Location Control dockable window.

Node Palette

Toggles the state of the Node Palette. Synonym for View » Node Palette.


Schematic Editor

Toggles the state of the Schematic Editor tab. Synonym for View » Schematic Editor.


Tabular Editor

Toggles the state of the Tabular Editor tab. Synonym for View » Tabular Editor.


Display Grid

Controls whether the Schematic Editor displays a grid on the drawing canvas.


Controls whether nodes are aligned with the underlying grid in the Schematic Editor.

Set Grid Size

The value in this field determines the frequency of grid lines in the Schematic Editor. The units are in pixels.


Print (Schematic Editor grid toolbar)

Formats the Schematic Editor for printing and opens the Print preview dialog.

Save as Image (Schematic Editor grid toolbar)

Prepares the Schematic Editor for saving in JPEG format.


The representation of any link can be controlled independently using the contextual menu in the Schematic Editor. Right-click the link and choose one of the options in the Link Type sub-menu.


This button controls whether the names of nodes are shown in the Schematic Editor. Source defaults to displaying node names.


This button controls whether the names of links are shown in the Schematic Editor. Source defaults to displaying link names.


This button controls whether the Schematic Editor always scrolls to show components as they are selected in the Project Hierarchy. The default state of this button is off. In this mode, Source leaves the Schematic Editor window unchanged, regardless of any selections you may make in the Project Hierarchy.

If you turn Track on, the Schematic Editor window will scroll to bring into view any node or link that you select in the Project Hierarchy. You can use this feature to locate components in large models.


    • Tool tips on - when selected, clicking on any node in the Schematic Editor causes a small floating window to appear which contains additional information about that node.
    • Tool tips off - when selected, the floating windows do not appear.
    • Tool tips locked - when selected, clicking any node in the Schematic Editor causes a small floating window to appear next to every node.


Selects the type of analysis to be performed. Synonym forRun > <type> analysis. The options are:

  • Flow Calibration analysis, which derives the "best" set of parameter values so that output from the model matches an observed data set;
  • Run w/Warm Up, which seeds the model with the available historical data and prepares for forecasting. See also Incorporating uncertainty into climate variability;
  • Single analysis, which simulates the river performance for a single set of conditions (as opposed to an iterative analysis which considers several possible outcomes); or
  • Stochastic analysis, which is used when dealing with stochastic climate data. Refer to Calibration Wizard for catchments.


Opens a configuration window for the selected analysis type where you can set parameters to control the run (eg. date-range). Synonym for Run » Configure....


Provides statistical data for the entire period run.

Refer to Using the Charting Tool for more detail on these commands.
