Ponds and Sedimentation Basins are simply basins or waterbodies water bodies (eg. ponds, retarding basins) reliant on the physical settling of suspended solids as the principal treatment mechanism and can reduce peak flows through detaining a volume of the runoff and allowing for slower release during and after the event. Other mechanisms associated with phytoplankton assimilation of soluble nutrients and ultra-violet disinfection are currently not included in the modelling algorithm.
MUSIC provides separate Treatment Nodes for Ponds, Detention Basins and Sedimentation Basins, which are modelled in exactly the same way as each other, but have different default k, C* and CSTR values (refer to Appendix G : - Selecting Appropriate k and C* Values for advice on selecting appropriate k, C* and CSTR values for particular treatment measures). Neither the Pond or nor the Sedimentation Basin treatment nodes include a provision to enter an inlet pond volume. The Pond node is similar to the macrophyte cell in a wetland, but with different default k, C* and CSTR values to represent their different water quality treatment behaviour.
Pond, Detention and Sedimentation Basin Properties
The initial properties properties dialogue box contains the parameters that describe the basic physical characteristics of the pond, detention basin or sedimentation basin. A description of each of the parameters is given below.
A conceptual diagram of the pond, detention basin and sedimentation basin properties in MUSIC is presented below:
Evaporation from the permanent pool of a pond, detention basin or sedimentation basin can be modelled by defining the evaporative loss rate, defined as a percentage of the daily Potential Evapotranspiration data contained in the Meteorological Template used to create the model. The water that evaporates from the permanent pool of the pond or sedimentation basin is lost from the catchment. Contaminants in the water that is lost to evaporation remain within the permanent pool.
The button allows you to estimate the surface area of the sedimentation basin. Clicking it opens the Estimate
Parameter Properties dialogue box, which is explained further below.
Outlet Properties
The physical characteristics of the outlet pipe and weir are defined in this section of the dialogue box.
Defines the equivalent diameter of the outlet pipe (this may not be the diameter of the pipe itself, but the equivalent diameter of its orifices). The outlet pipe is notionally set with an invert at the standing water level of the permanent pool. The pond, detention basin or sedimentation basin dialogue box will display the notional detention time, based on the pond or basin volume, and the Equivalent Pipe Diameter.
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Tip BoxUse the Notional Detention Time display to check whether the designed pond properties (volume and Equivalent Pipe Diameter) give approximately the required detention time. For more information, refer to Wong , et al. (1998). |
Overflow Weir Width
Defines the width of the overflow weir for the pond, detention basin or sedimentatin sedimentation basin. The overflow weir will only start to carry a discharge of water once the depth in the pond reaches the Extended Detention Depth defined above.
A custom pipe flow, weir flow and storage relationship can be specified to represent custom outlet and storage configurations for ponds, detention basins and sedimentation basins. The outflow relationships can either replace or add to the standard MUSIC outflows. More information on how to use the custom outflow and storage facility is available in this section.
This button opens the Estimate Storage Properties dialogue box:
Estimate Parameters
There is an option to set up the parameters in Sedimentation Basin as shown in figure below:
Clicking will open the Estimate Parameters dialog box as below:
The parameters are the same as those for wetlands (refer to this page), with one exception:
Permanent Pool Volume
This value is calculated based on two parameters that were specified in the Properties for Sedimentation dialogue box - Permanent Pool Depth and Initial Surface Area.
There is an option to re-use water from the Sedimentation Basin, by specifying a demand. The parameters are the same as those for wetlands (refer to this page), with one exception:
Permanent Pool Volume
This value is calculated based on two parameters that were specified in the Properties for Sedimentation dialogue box - Permanent Pool Depth and Initial Surface Area.
There is an option to re-use water from the pond, detention basin or sediment basin, by specifying a demand. Refer to Water Re-use from Treatment Nodes for further information about this.
You can use the node water balance report to obtain basic information on the overall water balance at the pond, detention basin or sediment basinthese nodes, including basic information on reuse at the node. To do this, select node water balance from the list of available reporting boxes by right clicking on the node.
You can view this in results manager.
A reporting window will then be presented showing the water balances for various inflows and outflows at the pond, detention basin or sediment basin the sedimentation basin as shown below.
The button can also be used to save data on the water re-use demand and supply at every time-step should that be required (see below).
It is possible to record flux data view or save various flows and water quality as below for the pond or sedimentation or detention basin:
- inflow rate and water quality
- outflow rate and water quality
- low and high flow bypass rate and water quality
- overflow rate and water quality
- total outflow rate (sum of outflow, bypasses and overflow) and water quality
- computed water levels and storage
- water re-use demand and actual volume supplied.
Refer to Fluxes for more information about fluxes.
You need to select them to record before you run.
Advanced Pond, Detention Basin or Sedimentation Basin Properties
The advanced properties section (opened using the ‘More’ buttonAdvanced Tab) of the sedimentation basin, pond , or detention basin or sedimentation basin displays the parameters that describe the hydraulic characteristics for the outflow structures, and the parameters that describe the treatment process in the pond, detention basin or sediment basin as shown below.
Orifice Discharge Coefficient
The overflow weir carries a discharge when the water level in the pond or sedimentatin sedimentation basin exceeds the Extended Detention Depth. The overflow weir is modelled as a sharp broad crested weir whose discharge equation is given by:
Note that for a sedimentation basin, the default values for k, C* and C** for each of the constituents are as shown in the diagram above.
Threshold Hydraulic Loading for C**
Tip Box
Where a permanent pool is present, only a single background concentration C* applies. The parameters for C** and Threshold Hydraulic Loading will only be enabled when the permanent pool volume is set to zero.
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NOTE: Advanced Properties are uneditable by default. You can make it editable for each project by clicking on Edit and Project Options. This will present you with a Project Options Screen as displayed below: Now, click on MUSICX Treatment Node Settings and tick on Editable as shown above. |