A roof node represents a physical roof catchment surface. The roof model has no infiltration and quickly produces surface runoff during a rainfall event. You must specify a catchment area, time of concentration for the roof catchment, maximum depression storage, and what percentage of the roof area is connected to a rainwater harvesting tank.
The roof node surface area must be >= 0, and should be <= 1000 m2.
Node inputsInflow: The roof receives inflow from other roof nodes. The inflow into the node, and the rainfall falling onto the catchment area of the node is then routed over the surface.Link type:: Runoff
Node outputs• Runoff to tankFor roof areas larger than 1000 m2, use two or more roof nodes.
There are restrictions on which node inputs and outputs you can connect together. See Urban Developer node connection rules.
The Roof node is available for Urban Scenarios only.
Node Dependencies
While there are no node inputs "upstream" of a roof node, a roof node is always connected "downstream" as an input to a Tank node. Furthermore, climate inputs specified under the Urban Settings, such as rainfall and evapotranspiration, are applied to the node.
Node Outputs
- Runoff to Tank: Runoff quantity is proportional to the % of roof connected to tank.
Link type
(page 66)• bypassing tank- : Other runoff; proportional to the % of roof not connected to a tank.
Link type
(page 66)