- Cross sections are defined at the scenario level and are available at a global scale. They can be created manually (by entering the value directly in the Editor) or exported;
- A single rating curve is created for each Z-point;
- A single cross section can be referenced by multiple rating curves;
- A given rating curve can refer to one of the globally defined cross sections; and
- A rating curve can be manually edited after being loaded from a cross section.
Input parameters are specified in the top half of the editor and comprise of the following:
- Manning's n -
- Slope -
- Bank position (left and right)
- River channel cross-sections (X vs. Z values) - these represent the river channel width and depth respectively. This can be imported.
The output parameters are displayed in the results table, which can be exported
Table 1 outlines the parameters required to specify a cross section.
Figure 1. Cross Section Editor