The lines of information contained within the header are as follows. Words in bold appear literally in the file:
1 | File header (e.g., Hydrolog3 File Export) |
2 | User :, followed by a user name (e.g., JohnP) |
3 | Database: , followed by the database the data was extracted from |
4 | Created on : followed by the file creation date |
5 | Date Requested : followed by the start and end date/time of the time series (e.g., 21/12/2001 09:00:00 to 30/01/2002 08:59:59) |
6 | Date Format:, followed by the date format used for the time series (e.g., dd/mm/yyyy) |
7 | Quality Codes:, followed by quality codes identifier (e.g., Hydrolog4) |
8 | Blank line |
9 | Station ID:, followed by station identification number/string |
10 | Station Name:, followed by the station name |
11 | Parameter Name:, followed by the name of the measured data type (e.g., Rainfall) |
12 | Parameter Unit:, followed by the units of measurement (e.g., mm) |
13 | Archive Type:, followed by a description of the archive type |
14 | Blank line |
15 | Header line, typically, Date/Time ,Interpolated Data,Quality Code |
After the header, the data is organised in three columns that are separated by spaces:
An example of a correctly formatted .dtf file is provided below:
Tarsier Daily Time Series (.tts)
The lines of information contained within the header are as follows. Words in bold appear literally in the file:
1 | The Tarsier version number header |
2 | Reference to author of Tarsier modelling framework |
3 | File path and name |
4 | Name of software used to create the file |
5 | Date and time file was created |
6 | Tarsier timer series data class (eg TTimeSeriesData) |
7 | File version number |
8 | Number of header lines (set to 1) |
9 |
10 | Number of daily data entries in the file |
11 | Xlabel is always Date/Time for time series data |
12 | Y1Label Y1 fixed field, doesn’t change |
13 | Y2Label Y2 fixed field, doesn’t change |
14 | Units followed by Data units |
15 | Format followed by format information (eg 1) |
16 | Easting followed by grid position east in metres |
17 | Northing followed by grid position north in metres |
18 | Latitude followed by the latitude of the site in decimal degrees |
19 | Longitude followed by the longitude of the site in decimal degrees |
20 | Elevation followed by the elevation of the site in metres |
21 | Header character (usually an asterisk; ASCII 42, ASCII hex 2A) |
After the header, the data is organised into four columns that are separated by spaces:
The file has a 21-line header followed by daily data values. The lines of information contained within the header are as follows. Words in bold appear literally in the file:
1 | Station name, followed by a comma and then the station name (e.g., Bedford, Summerhouse Hill no 2) |
2 | Station number, followed by the station number as a string surrounded with double quotes (e.g., "174053") |
3 | External number, followed by an integer station number (e.g., 174053) |
4 | River, followed by the river name |
5 | Operator, followed by an operator description |
6 | NRG, followed by a the NGR identifier (e.g., TL) |
7 | Easting, followed by the easting (i.e., X coordinate) of the station |
8 | Northing, followed by the northing (i.e., Y coordinate) of the station |
9 | Parameter-name, followed by the data type name (e.g., Rainfall) |
10 | Parameter Type, followed by the data type code (e.g., RE) |
11 | Time series name, followed by a time series identifier (e.g., 174053.RE.15.Total) |
12 | Time series unit, followed by a unit identifier (e.g., mm) |
13 | Time level, followed by a resolution description (e.g., High-resolution) |
14 | Time series type, followed by a time series type identifier (e.g., Total) |
15 | Equidistant time series, followed by a boolean value (i.e., yes or no) |
16 | Time series value distance, followed by the time-step of the time series (e.g., 15 Minute(s)) |
17 | Time series quality, followed by a quality description (e.g., Production) |
18 | Time series measuring method, followed by a description of the measurement type (e.g., Recorder) |
19 | Period of record in file, followed by the start and end date/time of the time series (e.g., 01/08/1991 15:15:00 to 20/06/2010 00:00:00) |
20 | Quality code description, followed by a list of quality code abbreviations |
21 | Header file for time series (e.g., Date Time,RF [mm],Quality flag) |
After the header, the data is organised in three columns that are separated by comma:
An example of a WIKSI All file is provided below:
Met Office CSV (.csv)
A comma delimited, fixed format file type. It contains a header followed by the time series data. Note that rainfall is always read from the fifth column of the file.