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Account Type

The account type is a grouping structure for the off-allocation accounts that have water allocated to them from a specific OAN.
For each OAN in the system the modeller specifies an off-allocation 'account type', where the account type contains all the off-allocation accounts for all the water users who can be allocated off-allocation water from that OAN.


Each water user who requires access to off-allocation flow from a particular point (i.e. OAN) in the river system will require an off-allocation account at that node. Each account must be associated with an account type, but each account type can be associated with multiple accounts.
An off-allocation account may also be allocated a priority at an OAN based on a defined volume of off-allocation water.

Active storage volume

The storage volume above the lowest outlet


The volume of off-allocation water made available for a water user to extract in a time step.

Annual Usage Limit

A volumetric cap on combined usage of all accounts in a given off-allocation account type. The cap is apportioned to individual accounts in the ratio of shares held to the total number of shares in the off-allocation account type. If no value is specified then the usage is unlimited (i.e. subject to water availability and a User Limit and Annual System Cap if specified, but otherwise not constrained by factors such as supplementary entitlement).

Annual System Cap

A volumetric cap on combined usage of all off-allocation account types in an off-allocation system, representing the maximum usage permitted for the off-allocation system in the water year. If no value is specified then the usage is potentially unlimited (i.e. subject to water availability and Annual Usage Limits if specified, but otherwise not constrained).

Consumptive Users

Water users who extract flows.

Equalise Access Opportunity

For reaches down stream of a given point of tributary inflow, the equalise access opportunity principle is to ensure that water made available for off-allocation flow extraction is shared equitably between users within a priority group. Sharing may be based on supplementary entitlement or installed pump capacity.

Flow Threshold

A total flow or a flow in excess of regulated requirements in ML/d at which an off-allocation flow event is declared to start and to end (subject to any maximum flow constraint the modeller may specify). Start and end thresholds may differ.


The person using the Source software.


Off-allocation node


Off-allocation system

Off-allocation flow event

When flows are above the threshold for the off-allocation flow period.

Off-allocation flow period

The time between the start and end of an off-allocation flow event.

Off-allocation flow volume

The daily flow volume in excess of the flow threshold or regulated requirements (as specified by the modeller).

Off-allocation request

An order generated by a Water User via Supply Point Node, Storage Node, Bulk Licensing Node, Environmental Demand Node or Off-Allocation Node. For example, the Water User Node generates an off-allocation request on top of its regulated orders that represents the amount of water that could be taken to fill an on farm storage to the target airspace (limited by pump capacity). It may also be generated by a crop to fill the soil moisture to an opportunistic soil moisture target or pond to a maximum pond level.
A storage can generate an off-allocation request with the aim of bringing it to full supply volume or up to its unregulated target.


A regulated request made by a Water User Node (or other system regulating component) for a volume of water to be supplied at a specified time into the future.

Priority Level

Modeller defined priority for each downstream water user at a particular OAN which has a demand for off-allocation water.

Regulated Requirements

Existing orders and essential requirements (adjusted for delivery losses and gains).

Reserve Proportion

The modeller may wish to restrict the available off-allocation volume by a set proportion.
By default this value is set to 0 (i.e. all off-allocation flow can be allocated)
If a non-zero value is entered then once the volume of off–allocation flow at an OAN has been calculated it will be reduced by this reserve proportion.

Storage Volume

The volume of water that can be held in a storage i.e. below the lowest uncontrolled spillway.

Supplementary entitlement

For each account, this is derived from the number of unit shares held.


Threshold is the specified flow value supplied by the modeller (start threshold used for initial time step in an off-allocation flow event and end threshold applies for each subsequent time step). The threshold may be defined by an function.


A process for passing inflows through a storage according to a range of criteria (often used to mimic parts of the natural flow regime).

Unit Share

Dictates the share of available water an account can be allocated. Each account must be configured with a value for the total number of shares held.

User Limit

This is a hard rate limit that can be enabled per user. For example, the modeller could specify a specific supply point to have a user limit of 5 ML/day regardless of what other caps are used. It is set up in the accounts table.

Volume allocation level

Modeller defined volumes of off-allocation water versus user priority at an OAN (see Table 5). For example this allows particular users such as the environment to be given a higher priority in a dry period.

Water user

A shorthand term used in this SRG entry to collectively refer to a Water User via Supply Point Node, Storage Node, Bulk Licensing Node, Environmental Demand Node or Off-Allocation Node.


  • The start of the off allocation water year,
  • Whether the sharing arrangement is on the basis of trying to equalise access opportunity to account holders,
  • Optional annual system cap on the amount of off allocation water that can be allocated in a water year,
  • Optional rules for resetting account balances when specified storages spill,
  • Configurable list of storages that are considered for off allocation access, and
  • Off allocation accounts.







A water user account at the OAN.


Initialisation, Flow


Ratio of allocation to request volume for an account (representing a water user and owner). Indicates whether there is an excess to reallocate to other owners and/or water users.




Total volume allocated to all accounts at the current priority level, p.




The volume of water allocated to an account




Balance of a water user account in a time step, t. This is the volume of off-allocation water assigned to the associated water user and owner that is expected to arrive at the water user's location (e.g. Supply Point Node) in the time step.




Account cap for an account a – representing the maximum usage permitted for the account in the water year.




Cap at the OAN represented by the account type, type, representing the maximum off-allocation usage permitted at the OAN in the water year.




Cap for an off-allocation system, system , representing the maximum usage permitted for the off-allocation system in the water year.




Factor that represents the efficiency of delivery of water requested using water user account a.




Total volume allocated that is in excess of the system cap




The volume of flow in the river at the OAN for the current time step




The initial usage figure set by the user for the account a.


Initialisation, Flow


Maximum remaining usage for the water user account a in the current time step. This may be the total remaining request. If the account's usage is capped, the remaining usage will be limited by the remaining usage under the cap.




The maximum volume of water left to be allocated to accounts in the OAN's system in the current water year. This limitation only applies to systems with a usage cap.



Loss(wu, owner
Loss(wu, other)

An owner's share of the estimated volume of loss that will be incurred in delivering a water user's request leaving the OAN this time step.




Maximum flow threshold, used for defining off-allocation events (see Figures 1 and 2)




Minimum usage ratio for all OAN accounts at the current priority level.




Next lowest usage ratio after the minimum for all accounts at the current priority level




Total volume of order due at the OAN in the current time step.




Volume of order due at the OAN in the current time step for owner.




The saved value of Request(a) before the allocation process begins.



OrigRequest(a, owner)

The saved value of Request(a, owner) before the allocation process begins.




A water owner at the OAN


Configuration, Flow


A different water owner to owner at the OAN




The current priority level
Each account at the OAN represents a downstream water user's supplementary entitlement to each owner's off-allocation flow at the node. These accounts are assigned a priority level by the modeller – which effectively prioritises the access of the downstream water user to off-allocation water. The lowest number has the highest priority.




Proportion by which allocations at the current priority level in the current time step need to be reduced so that they fit within the system cap.




An owner's share of the total off-allocation volume remaining to be allocated this time step at the OAN.




The volume of off-allocation request placed for account a of water user wu up-scaled for loss to the total required at the OAN.




The volume of off-allocation request placed for a water user and owner up-scaled for loss to the total required at the OAN.




The volume of off-allocation request placed for account a of water user wu at its location (e.g. at a Supply Point Node).




Configured proportion of off-allocation flow reserved (not available for allocation) at the OAN (represented by account type type )


Configuration, Flow


A water user account in a given off-allocation system




The volume of off-allocation water to be shared to account a in the current time step.



The volume of off-allocation water to be shared to account a in the current time step, reduced for delivery efficiency so that it is the amount available at the water user's location (e.g. at a Supply Point Node).




An off-allocation system


Configuration, Initialisation, Flow


Index of the current time step




Estimated number of time steps to deliver water from the OAN to the water user's supply point for account a .




The account type which represents the OAN in the off-allocation system.




The total number of specified unit shares for all OAN accounts at a priority level p .


Configuration, Flow


The number of specified unit shares for a water user's account a at the OAN.


Configuration, Flow


The usage to date (in the water year) for a water user account which includes undelivered off-allocation water. This value is reset at the start of a water year.




The usage to shares ratio for an account a - this is used to equalise allocations between accounts at the same priority level.




Total volume of off-allocation water at the OAN remaining to


Total volume of off-allocation water at the OAN remaining to be distributed in the current time step.




Volume of an owner's off-allocation water at the OAN remaining to be distributed in the current time step.




A water user with an account at the off-allocation node.
Note: recall the definition of "water user" in the list of Definitions.
We have to be a little careful here. I couldn't find my comment on being the same thing, but the main difference from a coding point of view between an account a and a water user wu, is that a water user isn't ever an account of an off allocation account type. The supply point is the account. What this means is that a water user can be associated with many accounts. This has ramifications for the way water is allocated to an account. As an example if a water user is attached to 2 supply points, then it will send the same request up both branches of the system. This means that we have to make sure this request is not over fulfilled, so when the off allocation node goes to distribute off allocation allocations to users, it first checks that any requests from associated water users to the account have not already been fulfilled by accounts on other off allocation nodes. Realise this is confusing, so happy to sit down and talk you through it.

Generally speaking I think we need to be careful how we use these terms and make sure we only use primarily 1 (prob 'a') unless necessary.


Configuration, Initialisation, Flow


During the flow phase, when an OAN is reached the off allocation sharing process is undertaken.  The process is illustrated in Figure 4.  The first step in the process is to check if accounts need to be reset and the second step is to determine the off allocation volume to share. Finally if there is off allocation volume to share this volume is shared to users according to shares and account type sharing rules. Initially the volume is constrained to the system and account type cap. If volume still remains the appropriate sharing threshold and associated priorities are determined. Noting that if the first threshold is not reached then no sharing occurs. Users’ shares are then constrained to their remaining cap. Starting at the highest priority users first, signified by the lowest priority number, group these users together for sharing. If equalise access opportunity has been specified then users with less access share are brought up to the next highest access share. This is repeated until all access shares are equalised or no more off allocation volume remains. Any remain volume is then shared to water users according to their shares. If there is any remaining off allocation and there are more priority levels then the process moves to the next priority level and repeats the process until there is no more off allocation volume of all the users in all priority levels have been satisfied.


  1. Save each owner's request for off-allocation water (the volume at the OAN; i.e. adjusted for losses).

  2. If ownership is enabled and there is more than one owner, the owner loss contribution, Loss(wu, owner), in meeting the request for each water user at the OAN, are determined. Determine the loss contribution of each owner describes how this is done.

  3. The volume of off-allocation water that is available, VolOffAlloc , is calculated. See Determine the off-allocation volume below for details.

  4. The off-allocation water is allocated. If ownership is not enabled or there is only one owner, the steps below are only performed once. When there are multiple owners, they are repeated until either there is no off-allocation water to share, or all requests are met, or the system's usage limit has been reached (if there is such a limit).

    1. A check is made to see whether there is any off-allocation water to allocate, or not. If there is no off-allocation water (remaining) to share (ie. if VolOffAlloc = 0  or VolOffAlloc < lowest volume allocation level ), the allocation procedure stops here.

    2. How much of the total requested volume at the OAN can be met/supplied is determined.

      If met ≤ 0 , the allocation procedure stops here.

    3. If there is a usage cap defined for the off-allocation system, a check is made to see if there is remaining usage capacity. This is calculated based on the current usages of all accounts a at every OAN in the off-allocation system:

      If LimitUsage(system) = 0 , there is no remaining system cap to share, so the allocation procedure stops here.

    4. The off-allocation delivery efficiency is determined for each account using the following equation:

      where a is the account for a downstream water user. (Recall that each water user which requires off-allocation flow to be allocated to them from a particular OAN in the river system holds one off-allocation account at that node.)

    5. Determine the maximum volume of a request remaining to be fulfilled for each off-allocation account at downstream water users:
      1. If there is a usage cap configured, it is the smaller of the request and the remaining usage cap

      2. Otherwise, it is the requested volume

      3. If no account has LimitUsage(a) > 0 , the allocation procedure stops here.

    6. Off-allocation water is allocated to accounts at the OAN. At every priority level, in order from highest to lowest, the following occurs:If the equalise shares option has been selected, account allocations/usages at a given priority level are equalised based on their usage to shares ratio. Equalise shares of off-allocation water describes how this is done.

Remaining off-allocation water is allocated to accounts at the given priority level according to account shares. Allocate off-allocation water to accounts based on shares describes how this is done.

    1. At this stage the OAN may have met each of the water user's owner requests and thus supplied more water than the water user requires – as the total request was placed for every owner. The steps that follow check for this and re-distribute any excess allocation – firstly to other water users of the same ownership, then to other water users. The process depends on how many owners there are:

      If ownership is disabled or there is only one owner, usage is simply updated:

      Image Modified

      Otherwise (i.e. there is more than one owner):

      1. Any excess is redistributed according to the method described in Re-distribute off-allocation excess.

      2. The usage for this round of allocation is updated

        Image Modified

      3. Return to step 3. The next round will redistribute any losses met by other owners to water user accounts with insufficient water to meet requests.

  1. Account balances for every account at the OAN are updated


  • Using a matrix to solve the owner's share:

Equalise shares of off-allocation water


Allocate off-allocation water to accounts based on shares


  1. The excess off-allocation volume available for re-distribution is initialised:

  2. For each water user, excess off-allocation water is redistributed:
    1. The access ratio for each off-allocation account and the total of these account ratios for each water user are determined, 
      where a is the account for water user and owner owner.

    2. The access ratio is checked to determine whether water in excess of the total request has been allocated:
      1. If AccessRatio ≤ 1 , there is no excess to redistribute. The remaining request to be met is calculated as:

        Skip to the next water user.

      2. Otherwise processing continues in order to redistribute excess between owner accounts.

      Distribution of a water user's excess off-allocation water
      Assuming that a water user will try and maximise its access to off allocation water, Source uses each owner's off-allocation water on the basis of its allocation (an indication of licence priority), or its remaining capacity to receive water if accounts are capped. The account with the largest allocation has this adjusted first until it is the same as the next largest, and so on. This cycle is repeated until all the excess off allocation water is allocated or accounts have no remaining capacity to receive water.

    3. The new allocation for each water user's off-allocation account is initialised:

      1. If accounts are capped:

      2. Otherwise

        where a is the account for water user and owner owner.

    4. The owner accounts for each water user are ranked in order of allocation, newAlloc(owner), from highest to lowest.

    5. Excess is allocated to owners in the ranked order until the total remaining request volume is met, but the allocation is equalised so that lower priority owners also get some water – the result is a new 'equalised' allocation, newAlloc(owner).

Note that this process is no longer activated since Source V4.10.2.

Code Block
remvol= Requestwu
do i= 2, nowner
	sum= 0
	do j= 1, i-1
		sum= sum +rembal(ptr(j))
	end do
	vol= min(remvol,sum-rembal(ptr(j)*(i-1))
	do j= 1, i-1
		rembal(ptr(j))= rembal(ptr(j))-vol/(i-1)
	end do
	remvol= remvol - vol
	If( remvol <= 0 ) exit
end do
if( remvol > 0 ) then
	sum = 0
	do j= 1, nowner
		sum= sum + rembal(ptr(j))
	end do
	vol= min(remvol,sum)
	do j= 1, nowner
	end do
	remvol= remvol- vol
end if

  1. The allocation for this time step is updated for the re-distribution: 

    Image Modified

  2. The remaining volume of off-allocation water not required by this water user is added to the total to be reallocated to other water users:

    Image Modified

  3. The off-allocation volumes are adjusted for losses met by other owners:

    Every owner's ratio of the total off-allocation volume is calculated:
    Image Modified

    The loss met by every other owner is their loss volume (calculated in Step 2 under Flow Phase (Resource Assessment and Allocation)) multiplied by their share of the off-allocation volume. This means that for a given owner, the off-allocation volume adjusted for other owner losses is:

    Image Modified

  1. Indicate that the water user's request has been met: 

    Request(a,owner) = 0


Each OAN processes the orders for its direct users downstream (including the next downstream OAN) and passes the combined orders up to the next OAN (if there is one). This means that it is possible to share off allocation water between multiple downstream reaches.
In the example illustrated in Figure 6, below, OAN3 has a share component in OAN2 which also has a share component in OAN1. This means that the off-allocation requirements of water user 3 and 4 are accumulated up the system and are reported as the off-allocation requirement of OAN2. This means that the allocation of off-allocation water to reach 1 takes into consideration the downstream requirements. It is possible to give priority access to downstream requirements by assigning the highest priority to OAN2 in the OAN1 allocation table.
Note that while OAN1 assigns a volume of off-allocation water to OAN2, the processing of OAN2 may result in a change in the volume of off-allocation water available to that reach as the rules specific to OAN2 are used to calculate the available water.

Figure 6 — Example of multiple off allocation reaches

Off allocation and storages


Parameter Name

Parameter Description

Unit Type

Allowable values & validation rules

Default Value(s)


Display only, the owner associated with the resource assessment system




Water year start date

Display only, day and month the water year starts as configured in the associated RAS




Equalise shares

If the equalise shares option is selected, allocation of off-allocation flow is equalised across all users within a priority level


Tick Box option to allow true/false entry


Annual System Cap activation

A check box to activate an annual system cap


Tick Box option to allow true/false entry


Annual System Cap

A volumetric cap on usage for the OAS.


If annual system cap is activated
Cannot be greater than sum of Account Caps


Sum of Account Type Caps

Sum of account type caps as a proportion of the annual system cap


If annual system cap is activated


Reset on Spill

An option which is used in conjunction with a storage/s in the scenario, when a selected storage spills in a time step the usages for all accounts (for all account types) across the off-allocation system are reset to zero


Tick Box option to allow true/false entry


Spill Trigger

Specifies whether balances are reset on the first spill of a event or on every spill


If reset on spill is activated
Radio button selection between first spill and every spill

First spill

Storage Trigger

Specifies whether all select storages or any selected storage is considered


If reset on spill is activated
Radio button options for 'Any Storage' and 'All Storages'

Any Storage

Assigned storages

Displays a list of storages in the system to choose from


If reset on spill is activated
Tick box for each storage in the system

False for all storages

Assigned storages

Not sure why have this twice?
