You may find some of your modelling results have changed between Source 4.1 and Source 4.3. The eWater development team maintains a detailed system to track when results vary between different version of Source. The details below will help you work out why the results have changed, and any alterations you may need to make to your model configuration.
The main areas where you may notice differences or need to reconfigure your model are:
- Projects edited due to increased validation:
- Data Sources and Function usages now enforce commensurate units
- Data Sources aggregation - an aggregation method must now be selected when running projects with a smaller timestep than the model.
- Storage seepage curves are validated to be non-decreasing
- Continuous Sharing changes
- Priority ordering now works downstream of splitters and storages with multiple outlets
Confluences now modify constraint factors for forecasted unregulated inflows
Hydropower calculations on storages with multiple outlet paths
Weirs becoming their own node models have very minor result changes
- On Farm Storage return flow fixed in some cases
To test your project:
- Create a regression test in 4.1, see: 4.1 Regression Testing.
- Run it in version 4.3 Regression testing to test for any changes. Note some recorder names may have changed, in which case you need to manually update the recorder names in the regression test csv files. Open the model, run normally and save the results to a .res.csv to see the new recorder names.
- If the results have change dramatically and would like to narrow down what caused the changes, you can run your project in each beta or you can do a binary search if you wish to know the exact reasons why your results have changed. The release notes for each Beta release identify what caused changes to results. If you would like help with your projects or would like to have your projects included for testing and you have Support & Maintenance, please contact support:
4.2.10 Regression Test Changes
4.2.9 Regression Test Changes
4.2.8 Regression Test Changes
4.2.7 Regression Test Changes
4.2.6 Regression Test Changes
4.2.5 Regression Test Changes
4.2.4 Regression Test Changes
4.2.3 Regression Test Changes
4.2.2 Regression Test Changes
4.2.1 Regression Test Changes
4.2.0 Regression Test Changes
List of causes of regression test changes since 4.1 (