The Urban Developer Plugin User Guide contains three parts:
The Urban Developer Plugin User Guide assumes that readers are familiar with the eWater Source modelling framework.
This material has been adapted from:
eWater Cooperative Research Centre (2011) Urban Developer User Guide: Urban Developer v1.0.0, eWater Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, 29 June 2011. ISBN 978-1-921543-40-1
Kavetski, D., Binning, P., & Sloan, S. W. (2002) Adaptive backward Euler time-stepping with truncation error control for numerical modelling of unsaturated fluid flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 53(6), 1301 - 1322.
Micevski, T., Thyer, M., Kuczera, G. (2011). A Behavioural Approach for Household Outdoor Water Use Modelling. Paper submitted to Water Resources Research (April 2011).
Roberts, P. (2005). 2004 Residential End Use Measurement Study, Final Report: Yarra Valley Water, Victoria.
Thyer, M.A., Duncan, H., Coombes, P., Kuczera, G. and Micevski, T. (2009) A Probabilistic Behavioural Approach for the Dynamic Modelling of Indoor Household Water Use. 32nd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 30 November – 3 December 2009, Newcastle, Australia.
Thyer, M., Micevski, T., Kuczera, G., and Coombes, P. (2011) A Behavioural Approach to Stochastic End Use Modelling. Paper presented at Oz Water, 9-11 May 2011, Adelaide.