Local installation of eWater Run Manager requires the following additional software to be installed:
eWater Run Manager is distributed as a ZIP file that should be extracted to your local drive: eWaterRunManager_650.zip
The eWater Run Manager application contains a number of sub-directories. Two of these, the Agent and Run Manager sub-directories, contain configuration files called appSettings.json. These files can be opened in a text editor and allow you to configure the Run Manager settings.
The default settings are already configured for local use, however the user will need to specify or review the eWater Source installation directory setting. This setting is the SourceDirectory setting in the Agent's appSettings.json configuration file. Generally, all other settings should be left at their default values. The Run Manager will need to be restarted for configuration changes to take effect.
When entering file paths, back slashes, "\", must be escaped with an additional back slash, i.e. "\\". |
{ "PollingPeriodMs": "10000", "SourceDirectory": "C:\\eWater\\Source\\\\" } |
{ "BaseUrl": "http://localhost:5051", "LaunchBrowserOnStart": true, "AgentEndpoints": ["Local"] } |
Launch the eWater Run Manager application by executing Source.Web.exe, located in the Run Manager folder. If the LaunchBrowserOnStart setting is true this will launch the local eWater Run Manager application in your default web browser. Otherwise open a web browser and open the URL specified in the BaseUrl setting, default is "http://localhost:5051".
If you have used a previous version of eWater Run Manager your web browser may cache the old version of the website and fail to update when you run a new version. To refresh the version displayed you will need to do a 'hard refresh' on the eWater Run Manager webpage after starting a new version. In Firefox and Chrome, the default shortcut for a hard refresh is Ctrl + F5. |