The Results Manager allows you to examine and analyse scenario results in MUSIC X. Results can be evaluated graphically in charts, numerically in tables or as statistics, and they can also be filtered and manipulated using transforms. With custom charts, you can also view and statistically analyse multiple results within and between runs, compare results to external data sources and automatically update with the latest results each time a model is run.

Results Manager overview

Every scenario run generates a result set – a distinct collection of results recorded for that run, that can be viewed using the Results Manager. By default, on completion of a scenario run, the Results Manager automatically opens in a new window. You can choose not to open the window via Tools » Application settings and selecting disable Pop-up Results manager after run completion.

The Results Manager can also be accessed via:

The Results Manager window (Figure above) is comprised of:

These are all described in more detail below.

Note: Custom chart refers to the relevant chart, table, transforms, data and statistics, not just the graph shown in the chart tab. You can rename, delete and view data in Results Manager, but it cannot be edited.

Results Manager common terms

In Results Manager there are a number of key terms. These are mostly related to naming conventions for results, groups of results, and how those results are manipulated. See Table below.



Scenario runA run of a scenario in MUSIC X. A scenario run may also be referred to as a 'run' and the most recent is referred to at 'Latest run' in the tree menu in Results Manager.
ResultA single recorded output from a scenario run.
Result setA logical grouping of results. This is commonly used to discuss results from a scenario run.
Result fileA *.res.csv file. 
Result tabDisplays result(s) in the central workspace of Results Manager.
View tabDisplays a view of the selected result or custom chart, such as Chart, Table or Statistics. 
Time seriesData that has been measured at a regular time interval (eg. observed daily flow). 
Custom chartA custom chart is a user-created collection of two or more time series results that allows comparison between those results graphically in charts, numerically in tables or by comparative statistics. 
TransformsTransforms allow you to modify (or transform) the view of the data. Once generated, they can be used as a template for another action, such as applying to custom charts. 

The configuration of Results Manager includes all custom charts, transforms, user-generated statistics and file locations of loaded time series and results files.

Scenario Run Metadata

Each scenario run is issued a unique ID. When export results from a scenario run, the exported .res.csv files also includes this ID. The metadata associated with this run ID is available in results manager (See Figure below). The metadata can be saved by supported file types. 


The Results Manager toolbar (Figure below) is located near the top of the Results Manager window and includes load, save, search and transform options.

You can load a:

You can also save the current configuration (Ctrl+S) and set up your data transforms (Ctrl+Shift+T). To go to a result in the tree menu, select the search icon and then start typing a search string for results from the tree menu for the currently active scenario to appear as you type, see Searching for results. 

Central workspace

The central workspace in the Results Manager window is where you will see your charts, tables, statistics and other results. For some displays, there are right click contextual menus within the central workspace. The display in the central workspace is specific to the item you have selected in the tree menu or custom chart and statistics pane - if no item has been selected, no chart will be visible.

Tree menu

The tree menu on the left side of the Results Manager window shows all result sets from the current session, any saved results from previous runs, along with any loaded result files (*.res.csv) and time series files.

Once run, results from a scenario appear grouped together under Latest run and as a separate item grouped by scenario in run order. 

The following should also be noted. 

Result tabs

The central workspace of Results Manager contains result tabs, which can display:

To use result tabs:

Custom charts and statistics pane

The custom charts and statistics pane is located to the left of the central workspace, below the tree menu panel.

Managing Results

Note: For simplicity, any loaded time series (*.res.csv or other formats) are called results.

Data Import and Export

Time series data can be imported from, and exported to, a variety of file formats. Please refer to Data file formats from Source User Guide.

Searching for results

You can search for specific results without navigating through the tree. Searches can be undertaken in one of two ways:

Each of these methods searches the results differently:

Hot Keys

Choose Help » HotKeys to view a list of shortcuts that can be used within the Results Manager (Figure below).

Stand-alone mode

Results Manager can be run independently of MUSICX, allowing you to analyse previously saved MUSICX results or time series from other programs without opening MUSICX. You can launch Results Manger in stand-alone mode from your Windows Start menu, the standard location is:

Start » All Apps » eWater MUSICX n.n.n.n » Results Manager n.n.n.n

The only difference between stand-alone mode and running Results Manager within Source is a Configuration Options button in the Results Manager toolbar as shown on the Figure below. This opens a Configuration dialog that allows you to configure the following options: