To create a music Setup File (MSF), a strict file format must be adhered to. Contact eWater for sample MSF to be included in the "MSF" folder in the music installation directory. Note that MSF file is used throughout the following file description.
The MSF file is an unformatted text-based file that lists data in comma separated columns. Refer to the table below for its format details. Please take special note of keyword spelling and spaces (incorrect spelling could result in the file not working in music). A snippet of an example msf file is shown below in the Example MSF File.
Order | Description | Mandatory/Optional |
1 | This is the MSF header providing general information about the music project. | The keyword 'DESCRIPTION' is mandatory Content in the description is optional |
2 | The music setup file version number - must be the first line of data. | Mandatory |
3 | File name of MUSIC meteorological template. | Optional |
4 | Basic setup information including the following (must be in this order):
| Optional |
5 | Constituent details | Optional |
6 | MUSIC-link properties (refer to MUSIC-link for more information) | Mandatory |
7 | Source node properties (refer to Source nodes for more information) | Optional |
8 | USTM node properties (refer to USTM node for more information) | Optional |
9 | Generic treatment node properties (refer to Generic treatment node for more information) | Optional |
10 | Other node properties (refer to Other node for more information) | Optional |
11 | Drainage link properties (refer to Drainage link for more information) | Optional |
The following rules apply to the MSF file format:
Source Nodes can optionally be included in the MSF file. Source Nodes that can be included in an MSF file include:
The required MSF file format for each Source Node is outlined below, along with default input parameter values and required input parameter types (e.g., string, integer or floating point). Note that each node type must have a unique "ID" number. Also note that only the first two columns in the following tables need to be included in the MSF file. The third and fourth columns are provided for information purposes only.
The following tables can be copied and pasted into spreadsheet software to assist with MSF file development (the first "Parameter Description, Default Parameter Value, Type and Additional Information" row should be excluded from the MSF file).
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Type | Additional Information |
Node Type | UrbanSourceNode | {Node Type} | |
Zoning Surface Type | mixed | string | {Zoning Surface Type} |
Node Name | Urban | string | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| integer | {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 355:-66 | floating | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Urban | string |
General - Notes |
| string |
General - Fluxes - Daily |
| string |
General - Fluxes - Sub-Daily |
| string |
Areas - Total Area (ha) | 1 | floating | {ha} |
Areas - Permeability - Impervious (%) | 50 | floating | {%} |
Areas - Permeability - Pervious (%) | 50 | floating | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Impervious Area - Rainfall Threshold (mm/day) | 1 | floating | {mm/day} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Soil Storage Capacity (mm) | 120 | integer | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Initial Storage (% of Capacity) | 36 | integer | {% of Capacity} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Field Capacity (mm) | 80 | integer | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Infiltration Capacity Coefficient - a | 200 | floating |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Infiltration Capacity Exponent - b | 1 | floating |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Initial Depth (mm) | 10 | integer | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Recharge Rate (%) | 25 | floating | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Baseflow Rate (%) | 5 | floating | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Deep Seepage Rate (%) | 0 | floating | {%} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | 1.1 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.17 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | integer | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | floating | {R squared} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | 2.2 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.32 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | integer | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | floating | {R squared} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -0.82 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.19 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | integer | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | floating | {R squared} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -0.45 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.25 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | integer | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | floating | {R squared} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | 0.32 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.12 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | integer | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | floating | {R squared} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | 0.42 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.19 | floating | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | integer | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | floating | {R squared} |
Import Flow Properties - Import Flow Enabled | 0 | boolean | |
Import Flow Properties - Import Flow file |
| ||
Import Flow Properties - Header lines |
| ||
Import Flow Properties - Baseflow Column |
| ||
Import Flow Properties - Impervious Stormflow Column |
| ||
Import Flow Properties - Pervious Stormflow Column |
| ||
Import Flow Properties - Unit |
| {Index from 0 to 14 for "ML" | "kL" | "L" | "mL" | "ML/s" | "m3/s" | "L/s" | "mL/s" | "ML/day" | "kL/day" | "L/day" | "mL/day" | "km" | "m" | "mm"} | |
Import Flow Properties - Catchment Area for GP (ha) | 1 | {ha} |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | AgriculturalSourceNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Agricultural | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 526:-69 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Agricultural |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes - Daily |
General - Fluxes - Sub-Daily |
Areas - Total Area (ha) | 1 | {ha} |
Areas - Permeability - Impervious (%) | 50 | {%} |
Areas - Permeability - Pervious (%) | 50 | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Impervious Area - Rainfall Threshold (mm/day) | 1 | {mm/day} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Soil Storage Capacity (mm) | 120 | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Initial Storage (% of Capacity) | 36 | {% of Capacity} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Field Capacity (mm) | 80 | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Infiltration Capacity Coefficient - a | 200 |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Infiltration Capacity Exponent - b | 1 |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Initial Depth (mm) | 10 | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Recharge Rate (%) | 25 | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Baseflow Rate (%) | 5 | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Deep Seepage Rate (%) | 0 | {%} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | 1.4 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.13 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | {R squared} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | 2.3 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.31 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | {R squared} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -0.88 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.13 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | {R squared} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -0.27 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.3 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | {R squared} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | 0.074 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.13 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | {R squared} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | 0.59 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.26 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | {R squared} |
Import Flow Properties - Import Flow Enabled |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Import Flow File |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Header lines |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Baseflow Column |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Impervious Stormflow Column |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Pervious Stormflow Column |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Unit |
| {Index from 0 to 14 for "ML" | "kL" | "L" | "mL" | "ML/s" | "m3/s" | "L/s" | "mL/s" | "ML/day" | "kL/day" | "L/day" | "mL/day" | "km" | "m" | "mm"} |
Import Flow Properties - Catchment Area for GP (ha) | 1 | {ha} |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | ForestSourceNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Forest | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 658:-62 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Forest |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes - Daily |
General - Fluxes - Sub-Daily |
Areas - Total Area (ha) | 1 | {ha} |
Areas - Permeability - Impervious (%) | 50 | {%} |
Areas - Permeability - Pervious (%) | 50 | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Impervious Area - Rainfall Threshold (mm/day) | 1 | {mm/day} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Soil Storage Capacity (mm) | 120 | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Initial Storage (% of Capacity) | 36 | {% of Capacity} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Field Capacity (mm) | 80 | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Infiltration Capacity Coefficient - a | 200 |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Infiltration Capacity Exponent - b | 1 |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Initial Depth (mm) | 10 | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Recharge Rate (%) | 25 | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Baseflow Rate (%) | 5 | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Deep Seepage Rate (%) | 0 | {%} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | 0.9 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.13 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | {R squared} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | 1.9 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.2 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | {R squared} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -1.5 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.13 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | {R squared} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -1.1 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.22 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | {R squared} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -0.14 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.13 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | {R squared} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -0.075 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0.24 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | {R squared} |
Import Flow Properties - Import Flow Enabled |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Import Flow File |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Header lines |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Baseflow Column |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Impervious Stormflow Column |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Pervious Stormflow Column |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Unit |
| {Index from 0 to 14 for "ML" | "kL" | "L" | "mL" | "ML/s" | "m3/s" | "L/s" | "mL/s" | "ML/day" | "kL/day" | "L/day" | "mL/day" | "km" | "m" | "mm"} |
Import Flow Properties - Catchment Area for GP (ha) |
| {ha} |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | UserDefinedSourceNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | User-defined Source | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 815:-60 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | User-defined Source |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes - Daily |
General - Fluxes - Sub-Daily |
Areas - Total Area (ha) | 1 | {ha} |
Areas - Permeability - Impervious (%) | 50 | {%} |
Areas - Permeability - Pervious (%) | 50 | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Impervious Area - Rainfall Threshold (mm/day) | 1 | {mm/day} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Soil Storage Capacity (mm) | 120 | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Initial Storage (% of Capacity) | 36 | {% of Capacity} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Field Capacity (mm) | 80 | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Infiltration Capacity Coefficient - a | 200 |
Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Infiltration Capacity Exponent - b | 1 |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Initial Depth (mm) | 10 | {mm} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Recharge Rate (%) | 1 | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Baseflow Rate (%) | 5 | {%} |
Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Deep Seepage Rate (%) | 0 | {%} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -1 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | {R squared} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -1 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0 | {log mg/L} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | {R squared} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -1 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | {R squared} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -1 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0 | {log mg/L} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | {R squared} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -1 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.41 | {R squared} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L) | -1 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L) | 0 | {log mg/L} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method | 1 | {Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} |
Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared) | 0.77 | {R squared} |
Import Flow Properties - Import Flow Enabled |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Import Flow File |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Header lines |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Baseflow Column |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Impervious Stormflow Column |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Pervious Stormflow Column |
| |
Import Flow Properties - Unit |
| {Index from 0 to 14 for "ML" | "kL" | "L" | "mL" | "ML/s" | "m3/s" | "L/s" | "mL/s" | "ML/day" | "kL/day" | "L/day" | "mL/day" | "km" | "m" | "mm"} |
Import Flow Properties - Catchment Area for GP (ha) |
| {ha} |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | ImportedDataSourceNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Imported Data Node | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 973:-53 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
USTM Treatment Nodes can optionally be included in the MSF file. Source Nodes that can be included in an MSF file include:
The required MSF file format for each USTM Treatment Node type is outlined below, along with default input parameter values. Although the basic file format for USTM Treatment Nodes is identical for all different node types, not all USTM Treatment Nodes require all input parameters to be provided (refer parameters with no values assigned in the second column).
The following tables can be copied and pasted into suitable spreadsheet software to assist with MSF file development (the "Parameter Description, Default Parameter Value, Type and Additional Information" row should be excluded from the MSF file).
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | WetlandNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Wetland | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 375:-224 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Wetland |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes |
General - Flux File Timestep (in seconds) | 360 | {in seconds} |
Reuse Properties - Reuse Enabled | 0 | |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Enabled |
| |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Value (ML/year) |
| {ML/year} |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Distribution |
| {Index from 0 to 2 for "PET" | "PET - Rain" | "Monthly"} |
Reuse Properties - Monthly Distribution Values |
| |
Reuse Properties - Daily Demand Enabled |
| |
Reuse Properties - Daily Demand Value (ML/day) |
| {ML/day} |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Enabled |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Time Series File |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Time Series Units |
| {Index from 0 to 11 for "ML" | "kL" | "L" | "mL" | "ML/s" | "m3/s" | "L/s" | "mL/s" | "ML/day" | "kL/day" | "L/day" | "mL/day"} |
Reuse Properties - Minimum Draw down height |
Inlet Properties - Low Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 0 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Inlet Properties - High Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 100 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Inlet Properties - Inlet Pond Volume (cubic metres) | 0 | {cubic metres} |
Storage Properties - Surface Area (square metres) | 50 | {square metres} |
Storage Properties - Extended Detention Depth (metres) | 1 | {metres} |
Storage Properties - Permanent Pool Volume (cubic metres) | 50 | {cubic metres} |
Storage Properties - Initial Volume | 50 | |
Storage Properties - Exfiltration Rate (mm/hr) | 0 | {mm/hr} |
Storage Properties - Evaporative Loss as % of PET | 125 |
Outlet Properties - Equivalent Pipe Diameter (mm) | 200 | {mm} |
Outlet Properties - Overflow Weir Width (metres) | 3 | {metres} |
Advanced Properties - Orifice Discharge Coefficient | 0.6 |
Advanced Properties - Weir Coefficient | 1.7 |
Advanced Properties - Number of CSTR Cells | 4 |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - k (m/yr) | 1500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C* (mg/L) | 6 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C** (mg/L) | 6 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - k (m/yr) | 1000 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C* (mg/L) | 0.06 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C** (mg/L) | 0.06 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - k (m/yr) | 150 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C* (mg/L) | 1 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C** (mg/L) | 1 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Threshold Hydraulic Loading for C** (m/yr) | 3500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - User Defined Storage-Discharge-Height |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | PondNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Pond | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 469:-225 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Pond |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes |
General - Flux File Timestep (in seconds) | 360 | {in seconds} |
Reuse Properties - Reuse Enabled | 1 |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Enabled | 1 |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Value (ML/year) | 0 | {ML/year} |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Distribution | 0 | {Index from 0 to 2 for "PET" | "PET - Rain" | "Monthly"} |
Reuse Properties - Monthly Distribution Values |
| |
Reuse Properties - Daily Demand Enabled | 1 | |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Time Series File |
| |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Time Series Units |
| {Index from 0 to 11 for "ML" | "kL" | "L" | "mL" | "ML/s" | "m3/s" | "L/s" | "mL/s" | "ML/day" | "kL/day" | "L/day" | "mL/day"} |
Reuse Properties - Minimum Draw down height | 0 | |
Inlet Properties - Low Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 0 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Inlet Properties - High Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 100 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Surface Area (square metres) | 50 | {square metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Extended Detention Depth (metres) | 2 | {metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Permanent Pool Volume (cubic metres) | 50 | {cubic metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Initial Volume | 50 | |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Exfiltration Rate (mm/hr) | 0 | {mm/hr} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Evaporative Loss as % of PET | 100 |
Outlet Properties - Equivalent Pipe Diameter (mm) | 300 | {mm} |
Outlet Properties - Overflow Weir Width (metres) | 2 | {metres} |
Advanced Properties - Orifice Discharge Coefficient | 0.6 |
Advanced Properties - Weir Coefficient | 1.7 |
Advanced Properties - Number of CSTR Cells | 2 |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - k (m/yr) | 400 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C* (mg/L) | 12 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C** (mg/L) | 12 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - k (m/yr) | 300 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C* (mg/L) | 0.09 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C** (mg/L) | 0.09 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - k (m/yr) | 40 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C* (mg/L) | 1 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C** (mg/L) | 1 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Threshold Hydraulic Loading for C** (m/yr) | 3500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - User Defined Storage-Discharge-Height |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | SedimentationBasinNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Sedimentation Basin | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 396:-372 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Sedimentation Basin |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes |
General - Flux File Timestep (in seconds) | 360 | {in seconds} |
Reuse Properties - Reuse Enabled | 1 |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Enabled | 1 |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Value (ML/year) | 0 | {ML/year} |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Distribution | 0 | {Index from 0 to 2 for "PET" | "PET - Rain" | "Monthly"} |
Reuse Properties - Monthly Distribution Values |
| |
Reuse Properties - Daily Demand Enabled |
| |
Reuse Properties - Daily Demand Value (ML/day) | 0 | {ML/day} |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Enabled | 1 | |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Time Series File |
| |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Time Series Units | 5 | {Index from 0 to 11 for "ML" | "kL" | "L" | "mL" | "ML/s" | "m3/s" | "L/s" | "mL/s" | "ML/day" | "kL/day" | "L/day" | "mL/day"} |
Reuse Properties - Minimum Draw down height | 0 |
Inlet Properties - Low Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 0 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Inlet Properties - High Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 100 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Surface Area (square metres) | 50 | {square metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Extended Detention Depth (metres) | 2 | {metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Permanent Pool Volume (cubic metres) | 50 | {cubic metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Initial Volume | 50 | |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Exfiltration Rate (mm/hr) | 0 | {mm/hr} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Evaporative Loss as % of PET | 75 |
Outlet Properties - Equivalent Pipe Diameter (mm) | 300 | {mm} |
Outlet Properties - Overflow Weir Width (metres) | 2 | {metres} |
Advanced Properties - Orifice Discharge Coefficient | 0.6 |
Advanced Properties - Weir Coefficient | 1.7 |
Advanced Properties - Number of CSTR Cells | 1 |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - k (m/yr) | 8000 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C* (mg/L) | 20 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C** (mg/L) | 20 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - k (m/yr) | 6000 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C* (mg/L) | 0.13 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C** (mg/L) | 0.13 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - k (m/yr) | 500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C* (mg/L) | 1.4 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C** (mg/L) | 1.4 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Threshold Hydraulic Loading for C** (m/yr) | 3500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - User Defined Storage-Discharge-Height |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | DetentionBasinNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Detention Basin | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 396:-372 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Detention Basin |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes |
General - Flux File Timestep (in seconds) | 360 | {in seconds} |
Reuse Properties - Reuse Enabled | 1 |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Enabled |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Value (ML/year) | 0 | {ML/year} |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Distribution | 0 | {Index from 0 to 2 for "PET" | "PET - Rain" | "Monthly"} |
Reuse Properties - Monthly Distribution Values |
| |
Reuse Properties - Daily Demand Enabled | 1 | |
Reuse Properties - Daily Demand Value (ML/day) | 0 | {ML/day} |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Enabled |
| |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Time Series File |
| |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Time Series Units |
| {Index from 0 to 11 for "ML" | "kL" | "L" | "mL" | "ML/s" | "m3/s" | "L/s" | "mL/s" | "ML/day" | "kL/day" | "L/day" | "mL/day"} |
Reuse Properties - Minimum Draw down height | 0 |
Inlet Properties - Low Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 0 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Inlet Properties - High Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 100 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Surface Area (square metres) | 50 | {square metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Extended Detention Depth (metres) | 2 | {metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Exfiltration Rate (mm/hr) | 0 | {mm/hr} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Evaporative Loss as % of PET | 100 |
Outlet Properties - Equivalent Pipe Diameter (mm) | 300 | {mm} |
Outlet Properties - Overflow Weir Width (metres) | 2 | {metres} |
Outlet Properties - Notional Detention Time (hrs) | 0.093666 | {hrs} |
Advanced Properties - Permanent Pool Volume (cubic metres) | 0 | {cubic metres} |
Advanced Properties - Orifice Discharge Coefficient | 0.6 |
Advanced Properties - Weir Coefficient | 1.7 |
Advanced Properties - Number of CSTR Cells | 1 |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - k (m/yr) | 8000 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C* (mg/L) | 20 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C** (mg/L) | 20 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - k (m/yr) | 6000 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C* (mg/L) | 0.13 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C** (mg/L) | 0.13 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - k (m/yr) | 500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C* (mg/L) | 1.4 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C** (mg/L) | 1.4 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Threshold Hydraulic Loading for C** (m/yr) | 3500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - User Defined Storage-Discharge-Height |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | InfiltrationSystemNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Infiltration System | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 532:-366 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Infiltration System |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes |
General - Flux File Timestep (in seconds) | 360 | {in seconds} |
Inlet Properties - Low Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 0 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Inlet Properties - High Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 100 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Pond Surface Area (square metres) | 10 | {square metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Extended Detention Depth (metres) | 0.2 | {metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Filter Area (square metres) | 10 | {square metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Unlined Filter Media Perimeter (metres) | 14 | {metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Depth of Infiltration Media (metres) | 1 | {metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Exfiltration Rate (mm/hr) | 100 | {mm/hr} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Evaporative Loss as % of PET | 100 |
Outlet Properties - Overflow Weir Width (metres) | 2 | {metres} |
Advanced Properties - Weir Coefficient | 1.7 |
Advanced Properties - Number of CSTR Cells | 1 |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - k (m/yr) | 400 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C* (mg/L) | 12 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C** (mg/L) | 12 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - k (m/yr) | 300 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C* (mg/L) | 0.09 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C** (mg/L) | 0.09 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - k (m/yr) | 40 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C* (mg/L) | 1 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C** (mg/L) | 1 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Threshold Hydraulic Loading for C** (m/yr) | 3500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Porosity of Infiltration Media | 0.35 |
Advanced Properties - Horizontal Flow Coefficient | 3 |
Advanced Properties - User Defined Storage-Discharge-Height |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | BioRetentionNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Bioretention | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 623:-370 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Bioretention |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes |
Inlet Properties - Low Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 0 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Inlet Properties - High Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 100 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Storage Properties - Extended Detention Depth (metres) | 0.2 | {metres} |
Storage Properties - Surface Area (square metres) | 10 | {square metres} |
Filter and Media Properties - Filter Area (square metres) | 10 | {square metres} |
Filter and Media Properties - Unlined Filter Media Perimeter (metres) | 14 | {metres} |
Filter and Media Properties - Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (mm/hr) | 100 | {mm/hr} |
Filter and Media Properties - Filter Depth (metres) | 0.5 | {metres} |
Filter and Media Properties - TN Content of Filter Media (mg/kg) | 800 | {mg/kg} |
Filter and Media Properties - Orthophosphate Content of Filter Media (mg/kg) | 80 | {mg/kg} |
Infiltration Properties - Exfiltration Rate (mm/hr) | 0 | {mm/hr} |
Lining Properties - Base Lined | 1 |
Vegetation Properties - Vegetation Properties | 0 | {Index from 0 to 2 for "Vegetated with Effective Nutrient Removal Plants" | "Vegetated with Ineffective Nutrient Removal Plants" | "Unvegetated"} |
Outlet Properties - Overflow Weir Width (metres) | 2 | {metres} |
Outlet Properties - Underdrain Present | 0 |
Outlet Properties - Submerged Zone With Carbon Present | 1 |
Outlet Properties - Submerged Zone Depth (metres) | 0.45 | {metres} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - k (m/yr) | 8000 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C* (mg/L) | 20 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - k (m/yr) | 6000 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C* (mg/L) | 0.13 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - k (m/yr) | 500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C* (mg/L) | 1.4 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Filter Media Soil Type | 1 | {Index from 0 to 4 for "Sand" | "Loamy Sand" | "Sandy Loam" | "Silt Loam" | "Loam"} |
Advanced Properties - Weir Coefficient | 1.7 |
Advanced Properties - Number of CSTR Cells | 3 |
Advanced Properties - Porosity of Filter Media | 0.35 |
Advanced Properties - Porosity of Submerged Zone | 0.35 |
Advanced Properties - Horizontal Flow Coefficient | 3 |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | MediaFiltrationNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Media Filtration | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 288:-378 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Media Filtration |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes |
General - Flux File Timestep (in seconds) | 360 | {in seconds} |
Inlet Properties - Low Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 0 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Inlet Properties - High Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 100 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Extended Detention Depth (metres) | 1 | {metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Surface Area (square metres) | 10 | {square metres} |
Storage and Infiltration Properties - Exfiltration Rate (mm/hr) | 0 | {mm/hr} |
Filter and Media Properties - Filter Area (square metres) | 10 | {square metres} |
Filter and Media Properties - Filter Depth (metres) | 1 | {metres} |
Filter and Media Properties - Filter Median Particle Diameter (mm) | 1 | {mm} |
Filter and Media Properties - Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (mm/hr) | 100 | {mm/hr} |
Filter and Media Properties - Depth below underdrain pipe (metres) | 0 | {metres} |
Outlet Properties - Overflow Weir Width (metres) | 2 | {metres} |
Advanced Properties - Weir Coefficient | 1.7 |
Advanced Properties - Voids Ratio | 0.3 |
Advanced Properties - Number of CSTR Cells | 3 |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - k (m/yr) | 8000 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C* (mg/L) | 20 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - k (m/yr) | 6000 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C* (mg/L) | 0.13 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - k (m/yr) | 500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C* (mg/L) | 1.4 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Treatment Coefficient - TSS (A) | 0.52 | {A} |
Advanced Properties - Treatment Coefficient - TSS (B) | -0.39 | {B} |
Advanced Properties - Treatment Coefficient - TP (A) | 1.28 | {A} |
Advanced Properties - Treatment Coefficient - TP (B) | -0.19 | {B} |
Advanced Properties - Treatment Coefficient - TN (A) | 1.67 | {A} |
Advanced Properties - Treatment Coefficient - TN (B) | -0.09 | {B} |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | BufferNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Buffer | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 649:-216 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Buffer |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes |
General - Flux File Timestep (in seconds) | 360 | {in seconds} |
Treatment Properties - Percentage of upstream area buffered (%) | 50 | {%} |
Treatment Properties - Buffer Area (% of upstream impervious area) | 5 | {% of upstream impervious area} |
Treatment Properties - Exfiltration Rate (mm/hr) | 0 | {mm/hr} |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | SwaleNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Swale | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 807:-227 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Swale |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes |
General - Flux File Timestep (in seconds) | 360 | {in seconds} |
Inlet Properties - Low Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 0 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Storage Properties - Length (metres) | 100 | {metres} |
Storage Properties - Bed Slope (%) | 3 | {%} |
Storage Properties - Base Width (metres) | 1 | {metres} |
Storage Properties - Top Width (metres) | 5 | {metres} |
Storage Properties - Depth (metres) | 0.5 | {metres} |
Storage Properties - Vegetation Height (metres) | 0.25 | {metres} |
Storage Properties - Exfiltration Rate (mm/hr) | 0 | {mm/hr} |
Advanced Properties - Number of CSTR Cells | 10 |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - k (m/yr) | 8000 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C* (mg/L) | 20 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C** (mg/L) | 14 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - k (m/yr) | 6000 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C* (mg/L) | 0.13 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C** (mg/L) | 0.13 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - k (m/yr) | 500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C* (mg/L) | 1.4 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C** (mg/L) | 1.4 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Threshold Hydraulic Loading for C** (m/yr) | 3500 | {m/yr} |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | RainWaterTankNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Rainwater Tank | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 924:-226 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Rainwater Tank |
General - Notes |
General - Fluxes |
General - Flux File Timestep (in seconds) | 360 | {in seconds} |
Reuse Properties - Reuse Enabled | 1 |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Enabled | 1 |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Value (ML/year) | 0 | {ML/year} |
Reuse Properties - Annual Demand Distribution | 0 | {Index from 0 to 2 for "PET" | "PET - Rain" | "Monthly"} |
Reuse Properties - Monthly Distribution Values |
| |
Reuse Properties - Daily Demand Enabled | 1 | |
Reuse Properties - Daily Demand Value (ML/day) | 0 | {ML/day} |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Enabled | 1 | |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Time Series File |
| |
Reuse Properties - Custom Demand Time Series Units | 5 | {Index from 0 to 11 for "ML" | "kL" | "L" | "mL" | "ML/s" | "m3/s" | "L/s" | "mL/s" | "ML/day" | "kL/day" | "L/day" | "mL/day"} |
Reuse Properties - Minimum Draw down height | 0 |
Inlet Properties - Low Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 0 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Inlet Properties - High Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 100 | {cubic metres per sec} |
Storage Properties - NumTanks | 1 | |
Storage Properties - Surface Area (square metres) | 5 | {square metres} |
Storage Properties - Depth above overflow (metres) | 0.2 | {metres} |
Storage Properties - Volume below overflow pipe (kL) | 10 | {kL} |
Storage Properties - Initial Volume | 10 | |
Outlet Properties - Overflow Pipe Diameter (mm) | 50 | {mm} |
Advanced Properties - Orifice Discharge Coefficient | 0.6 |
Advanced Properties - Number of CSTR Cells | 2 |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - k (m/yr) | 400 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C* (mg/L) | 12 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Suspended Solids - C** (mg/L) | 12 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - k (m/yr) | 300 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C* (mg/L) | 0.13 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Phosphorus - C** (mg/L) | 0.13 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - k (m/yr) | 40 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C* (mg/L) | 1.4 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Total Nitrogen - C** (mg/L) | 1.4 | {mg/L} |
Advanced Properties - Threshold Hydraulic Loading for C** (m/yr) | 3500 | {m/yr} |
Advanced Properties - User Defined Storage-Discharge-Height |
Generic Treatment Nodes can optionally be included in the MSF file. Generic Treatment Nodes that can be included in an MSF file include:
The required MSF file format for each Generic Treatment Node is outlined below along with default input parameter values. Note that each node type must have a unique "ID" number. Also note that only the first two columns in the following tables need to be included in the MSF file. The third and fourth columns are provided for information purposes only.
Flow and pollutant treatment performance for generic treatment nodes is defined via transfer functions. By default, each transfer function contains two points, however, the MSF file format incorporates support for up to ten transfer function points (if less than 10 points are included, the subsequent lines are left blank, as shown below).
The following tables can be copied and pasted into spreadsheet software to assist with MSF file development (the "Parameter Description, Default Parameter Value, Type and Additional Information" row should be excluded from the MSF file).
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | GPTNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Gross Pollutant Trap | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 909:-400 | {Coordinates}{X:Y} |
Fluxes | {Flux file name} | |
Flux File Timestep (in seconds) | 1 | {Flux time step} |
Lo-flow bypass rate (cum/sec) | 0 | {Lo-flow bypass rate (cum/sec)} |
High Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 100 | {High-flow bypass rate (cum/sec)} |
Flow Transfer Enabled | 0 | {0 Enabled, 1 Disabled} |
Flow Transfer Function - Input #1 | 0 | {Flow Transfer Input (cum/sec)} |
Flow Transfer Function - Output #1 | 0 | {Flow Transfer Output (cum/sec)} |
Flow Transfer Function - Input #2 | 10 | {Flow Transfer Input (cum/sec)} |
Flow Transfer Function - Output #2 | 10 | {Flow Transfer Output (cum/sec)} |
... |
| |
... |
| |
Flow Transfer Function - Input #10 |
| {Flow Transfer Input (cum/sec)} |
Flow Transfer Function - Output #10 |
| {Flow Transfer Output (cum/sec)} |
GP Transfer Enabled | 0 | {0 Enabled, 1 Disabled} |
GP Transfer Function - Input #1 | 0 | {GP Transfer Input (kg/year)} |
GP Transfer Function - Output #1 | 0 | {GP Transfer Output (kg/year)} |
GP Transfer Function - Input #2 | 15 | {GP Transfer Input (kg/year)} |
GP Transfer Function - Output #2 | 15 | {GP Transfer Output (kg/year)} |
... |
| |
... |
| |
GP Transfer Function - Input #10 |
| {GP Transfer Input (kg/year)} |
GP Transfer Function - Output #10 |
| {GP Transfer Output (kg/year)} |
TN Transfer Enabled | 0 | {0 Enabled, 1 Disabled} |
TN Transfer Function - Input #1 | 0 | {TN Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TN Transfer Function - Output #1 | 0 | {TN Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TN Transfer Function - Input #2 | 50 | {TN Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TN Transfer Function - Output #2 | 50 | {TN Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
... |
| |
... |
| |
TN Transfer Function - Input #10 |
| {TN Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TN Transfer Function - Output #10 |
| {TN Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TP Transfer Enabled | 0 | {0 Enabled, 1 Disabled} |
TP Transfer Function - Input #1 | 0 | {TP Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TP Transfer Function - Output #1 | 0 | {TP Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TP Transfer Function - Input #2 | 5 | {TP Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TP Transfer Function - Output #2 | 5 | {TP Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
... |
| |
... |
| |
TP Transfer Function - Input #10 |
| {TP Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TP Transfer Function - Output #10 |
| {TP Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TSS Transfer Enabled | 0 | {0 Enabled, 1 Disabled} |
TSS Transfer Function - Input #1 | 0 | {TSS Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TSS Transfer Function - Output #1 | 0 | {TSS Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TSS Transfer Function - Input #2 | 1000 | {TSS Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TSS Transfer Function - Output #2 | 1000 | {TSS Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
... |
| |
... |
| |
TSS Transfer Function - Input #10 |
| {TSS Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TSS Transfer Function - Output #10 |
| {TSS Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TSS Flow-Efficiency Enabled | 0 | {0 = enabled, 1 = disabled} |
TSS flow-efficiency values | [0:1];[1:1] | {Flow Efficiency values e.g. [0.0:1.0];[0.0:2.0];} |
TN Flow-Efficiency Enabled | 0 | {0 = enabled, 1 = disabled} |
TN flow-efficiency values | [0:1];[1:1] | {Flow Efficiency values e.g. [0.0:1.0];[0.0:2.0];} |
TP Flow-Efficiency Enabled | 0 | {0 = enabled, 1 = disabled} |
TP flow-efficiency values | [0:1];[1:1] | {Flow Efficiency values e.g. [0.0:1.0];[0.0:2.0];} |
GP Flow-Efficiency Enabled | 0 | {0 = enabled, 1 = disabled} |
GP flow-efficiency values | [0:1];[1:1] | {Flow Efficiency values e.g. [0.0:1.0];[0.0:2.0];} |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | GenericNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Generic Treatment Node | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 746:-385 | {Coordinates}{X:Y} |
Fluxes | {Flux file name} | |
Flux File Timestep (in seconds) | 1 | {Flux time step} |
Lo-flow bypass rate (cum/sec) | 0 | {Lo-flow bypass rate (cum/sec)} |
High Flow By-pass (cubic metres per sec) | 100 | {High-flow bypass rate (cum/sec)} |
Flow Transfer Enabled | 0 | {0 Enabled, 1 Disabled} |
Flow Transfer Function - Input #1 | 0 | {Flow Transfer Input (cum/sec)} |
Flow Transfer Function - Output #1 | 0 | {Flow Transfer Output (cum/sec)} |
Flow Transfer Function - Input #2 | 10 | {Flow Transfer Input (cum/sec)} |
Flow Transfer Function - Output #2 | 10 | {Flow Transfer Output (cum/sec)} |
... |
| |
... |
| |
Flow Transfer Function - Input #10 |
| {Flow Transfer Input (cum/sec)} |
Flow Transfer Function - Output #10 |
| {Flow Transfer Output (cum/sec)} |
GP Transfer Enabled | 0 | {0 Enabled, 1 Disabled} |
GP Transfer Function - Input #1 | 0 | {GP Transfer Input (kg/year)} |
GP Transfer Function - Output #1 | 0 | {GP Transfer Output (kg/year)} |
GP Transfer Function - Input #2 | 15 | {GP Transfer Input (kg/year)} |
GP Transfer Function - Output #2 | 15 | {GP Transfer Output (kg/year)} |
... |
| |
... |
| |
GP Transfer Function - Input #10 |
| {GP Transfer Input (kg/year)} |
GP Transfer Function - Output #10 |
| {GP Transfer Output (kg/year)} |
TN Transfer Enabled | 0 | {0 Enabled, 1 Disabled} |
TN Transfer Function - Input #1 | 0 | {TN Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TN Transfer Function - Output #1 | 0 | {TN Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TN Transfer Function - Input #2 | 50 | {TN Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TN Transfer Function - Output #2 | 50 | {TN Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
... |
| |
... |
| |
TN Transfer Function - Input #10 |
| {TN Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TN Transfer Function - Output #10 |
| {TN Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TP Transfer Enabled | 0 | {0 Enabled, 1 Disabled} |
TP Transfer Function - Input #1 | 0 | {TP Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TP Transfer Function - Output #1 | 0 | {TP Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TP Transfer Function - Input #2 | 5 | {TP Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TP Transfer Function - Output #2 | 5 | {TP Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
... |
| |
... |
| |
TP Transfer Function - Input #10 |
| {TP Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TP Transfer Function - Output #10 |
| {TP Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TSS Transfer Enabled | 0 | {0 Enabled, 1 Disabled} |
TSS Transfer Function - Input #1 | 0 | {TSS Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TSS Transfer Function - Output #1 | 0 | {TSS Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TSS Transfer Function - Input #2 | 1000 | {TSS Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TSS Transfer Function - Output #2 | 1000 | {TSS Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
... |
| |
... |
| |
TSS Transfer Function - Input #10 |
| {TSS Transfer Input (mg/L)} |
TSS Transfer Function - Output #10 |
| {TSS Transfer Output (mg/L)} |
TSS Flow-Efficiency Enabled | 0 | {0 = enabled, 1 = disabled} |
TSS flow-efficiency values | [0:1];[1:1] | {Flow Efficiency values e.g. [0.0:1.0];[0.0:2.0];} |
TN Flow-Efficiency Enabled | 0 | {0 = enabled, 1 = disabled} |
TN flow-efficiency values | [0:1];[1:1] | {Flow Efficiency values e.g. [0.0:1.0];[0.0:2.0];} |
TP Flow-Efficiency Enabled | 0 | {0 = enabled, 1 = disabled} |
TP flow-efficiency values | [0:1];[1:1] | {Flow Efficiency values e.g. [0.0:1.0];[0.0:2.0];} |
GP Flow-Efficiency Enabled | 0 | {0 = enabled, 1 = disabled} |
GP flow-efficiency values | [0:1];[1:1] | {Flow Efficiency values e.g. [0.0:1.0];[0.0:2.0];} |
"Other" Nodes can optionally be included in the MSF file. If no "other" nodes are to be included in the MSF file, the "Number of Other Nodes" line can be set to "0" or alternatively the line and associated properties can be omitted from the MSF file.
Other Nodes that can be included in an MSF file include:
The required MSF file format for each "Other" Node is outlined below, along with default input parameter values and required input parameter types (e.g., string, integer or floating point). Note that only the first two columns in the following tables need to be included in the MSF file. The third and fourth columns are provided for information purposes only. The "Parameter Description, Default Parameter Value, Type and Additional Information" row should also be excluded from the MSF file.
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | JunctionNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Junction | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 683:-545 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Junction |
General - Notes |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | ReceivingNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Receiving Node | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | 690:-810 | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} |
General - Location | Receiving Node |
General - Notes |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | PreDevelopmentNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Pre-Development Node | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} | |
General - Location | Pre-Development Node |
General - Notes |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Node Type | PostDevelopmentNode | {Node Type} |
Node Name | Post-Development Node | {Node Name} |
Node ID |
| {Node ID} |
Coordinates | {Coordinates}{[X:Y]} | |
General - Location | Post-Development Node |
General - Notes |
Drainage Links can also be optionally be included in the MSF file. Unlike nodes, which can appear in any order within the MSF file, Drainage Links must appear at end of the MSF file. This is because drainage links can only extend between two nodes that have already been loaded into the MUSIC project.
The required MSF file format for drainage links is outlined below along with default input parameter values . Note that only the first two columns in the following tables need to be included in the MSF file. The third and fourth columns are provided for information purposes only. The "Parameter Description, Default Parameter Value, Type and Additional Information" row should also be excluded from the MSF file.
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Link Name | Drainage Link |
Source Node ID |
| {The is the ID of the upstream node} |
Target Node ID |
| {This is the ID of the downstream node} |
Routing | Not Routed | {either "Not Routed" or "Routed"} |
Muskingum K | 300 | {no value required for no routing or "numerical value" for routed} |
Muskingum Theta | 0.25 | {no value required for no routing or "numerical value" for routed. Must be between 0.1 and 0.49} |
Parameter Description | Default Parameter Value | Additional Information |
Link Name | Secondary Drainage Link |
Source Node ID |
| {The is the ID of the upstream node} |
Target Node ID |
| {This is the ID of the downstream node} |
Routing | Not Routed | {either "Not Routed" or "Routed"} |
Muskingum K | 300 | {no value required for no routing or "numerical value" for routed} |
Muskingum Theta | 0.25 | {no value required for no routing or "numerical value" for routed. Must be between 0.1 and 0.49} |
Secondary Outflow Components |
| {for secondary drainage link only} |
An example of a .msf file is shown below.
==================================================================================== DESCRIPTION This section allows you to specify any information or notes for your project. ==================================================================================== |
VersionNumber,204,{MUSIC Setup File version number} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
RainfallFile,E:\music-tests\mus-392\Data\rainfall.csv, PETFile,E:\music-tests\mus-392\Data\et.txt, StartDate,2/1/1990, EndDate,7/1/1990, Timestep,86400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
ConstituentAbbreviation,TSS,{Constituent Abbreviation} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
ConstituentName,Total Suspended Solids,{Constituent Name} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
MUSIC-link Project - Enabled,1,{0 = enabled | 1 = disabled} MUSIC-link - Music Version,,{The music version this was created with} MUSIC-link - Metadata Version,,{The version of the metadata used} MUSIC-link - Council Name,,{The name of the council} MUSIC-link - Area Name,,{The name of the audit area} MUSIC-link - Scenario Name,,{The name of the audit scenario} ==================================================================================== |
Node Type,UrbanSourceNode,{Node Type} Node Name,Urban,{Node Name} Node ID,1,{Node ID} Coordinates,63.8412718058736:85.4444444444444,{Coordinates}{X:Y} General - Location,Urban, General - Notes,, General - Fluxes - Daily,, General - Fluxes - Sub-Daily,, Areas - Total Area (ha),1,{ha} Areas - Impervious (%),50,{%} Areas - Pervious (%),50,{%} Rainfall-Runoff - Impervious Area - Rainfall Threshold (mm/day),1,{mm/day} Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Soil Storage Capacity (mm),120,{mm} Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Initial Storage (% of Capacity),25,{% of Capacity} Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Field Capacity (mm),80,{mm} Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Infiltration Capacity Coefficient - a,200, Rainfall-Runoff - Pervious Area - Infiltration Capacity Exponent - b,1, Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Initial Depth (mm),10,{mm} Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Recharge Rate (%),25,{%} Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Baseflow Rate (%),5,{%} Rainfall-Runoff - Groundwater Properties - Daily Deep Seepage Rate (%),0,{%} Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L),1.1,{log mg/L} Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L),0.17,{log mg/L} Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method,1,{Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} Total Suspended Solids - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared),0,{R squared} Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L),2.2,{log mg/L} Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L),0.32,{log mg/L} Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method,1,{Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} Total Suspended Solids - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared),0,{R squared} Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L),-0.82,{log mg/L} Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L),0.19,{log mg/L} Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method,1,{Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} Total Phosphorus - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared),0,{R squared} Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L),-0.45,{log mg/L} Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L),0.25,{log mg/L} Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method,1,{Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} Total Phosphorus - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared),0,{R squared} Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L),0.32,{log mg/L} Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L),0.12,{log mg/L} Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Estimation Method,1,{Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} Total Nitrogen - Base Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared),0,{R squared} Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Mean (log mg/L),0.42,{log mg/L} Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Std Dev (log mg/L),0.19,{log mg/L} Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Estimation Method,1,{Index from 0 to 1 for "Mean" | "Stochastically generated"} Total Nitrogen - Storm Flow Concentration - Serial Correlation (R squared),0,{R squared} Import Flow Properties - Import Flow Enabled,1, Import Flow Properties - Import Flow File,, Import Flow Properties - Header lines,0, Import Flow Properties - Baseflow Column,0, Import Flow Properties - Impervious Stormflow Column,0, Import Flow Properties - Pervious Stormflow Column,0, Import Flow Properties - Unit,5,{Index from 0 to 14 for "ML" | "kL" | "L" | "mL" | "ML/s" | "m3/s" | "L/s" | "mL/s" | "ML/day" | "kL/day" | "L/day" | "mL/day" | "km" | "m" | "mm"} Import Flow Properties - Catchment Area for GP (ha),1,{ha} Node Type,JunctionNode,{Node Type} Node Name,Junction,{Node Name} Node ID,2,{Node ID} Coordinates,98.9060104104352:88.4444444444444,{Coordinates}{X:Y} General - Location,Junction, General - Notes,, |
==================================================================================== Link Name,Drainage Link, Source Node ID,1,{The is the ID of the upstream node} Target Node ID,2,{This is the ID of the downstream node} Routing,Not Routed,{either "Not Routed" or "Routed"} Muskingum K,1800,{no value required for no routing or "numerical value" for routed} Muskingum Theta,0.25,{no value required for no routing or "numerical value" for routed. Must be between 0.1 and 0.49} ==================================================================================== |