Scenario input sets allow you to easily keep the model structure, while switching between groups of input parameters. These may be used to represent changeable physical attributes. You can switch between different scenario input sets to compare the effects on a model. For example, you can have one scenario input set consisting of specific parameters for Source/Treatment Nodes and another with varying parameters.

You choose the scenario input set used for a run using the Scenario Input Set drop-down menu in the Configure dialog (Figure below), accessed by clicking Configure on the simulation toolbar.

Scenario input sets are created and managed using the Scenario Input Sets dialog, which is accessible via Edit » Scenario Input Sets... (Figure below).

Using the panel on the left, then right-clicking, you can do the following using the contextual menus:

Scenario input sets can define input parameters. Input parameters specific to a scenario are defined in the Scenario Input Sets dialog, either manually or using a file. 

Searching Input Sets

In the Manual parameter set editor. Search can be triggered by pressing Ctrl+F while the editor is selected. A search bar in the top right hand corner will appear (see figure below). The search will highlight any matches, and can be configured by the drop down in the search box (match case, match whole and regular expressions).

Child Scenario Input Sets

Child scenario input sets allow you to further refine model scenarios. A child scenario input set inherits all parameters specified in its parents. If changes are made to the parent scenario input set, existing and new children will inherit those changes.  You can then set additional parameters, or alter existing ones, overwriting the inherited parameters. When you run a model with a child scenario input set, for any parameters that differ between the parent and child, the parameters from the child will take precedence. 

Adding Scenario Input Sets

First, open the Scenario Input Sets dialog, via Edit » Scenario Input Sets...  Then either add a new root-level or child scenario input set as explained below.

A new root-level scenario input set:

To add a new child scenario input set:

Input parameter entry

Parameters specific to a scenario input set are defined and managed using the parameter set editor in the Scenario Input Sets dialog. The panel on the right allows you to specify parameters, either manually, or by loading a text file.

The general format for a parameter is: path1.path2...pathN=value 

Manual entry

Figure above shows an example of manual parameter entry using the manual parameter set editor. This editor has the following features:

File-based parameter specification

The file-based parameter entry (shown in Figure below) allows the specification of a file that will contain the element path and values. The formatting of this file must adhere to the same rules as the manual parameter set editor.