A Source scenario must be run in order to produce any useful information. Each scenario run produces a collection of result sets. A result set is a group of related observations, usually from the same component and is usually, but not always, arranged as a time series.
During a run, each component in the scenario can produce one or more result sets in the form of predicted water flows, volumes and other outputs specific to that component. Some components are capable of producing more than 20 separate result sets. When ownership is not enabled, the model starts at the first node then progresses down the river system in a single pass to compute the water volume and flow rates through each node and link.
When ownership is enabled, the river system is modelled in two passes: an ordering phase and a flow distribution phase, and each phase can produce additional result sets.
Whether any given result set is produced by any given run of a scenario is controlled by whether the result set’s recording parameter is enabled or disabled for that run. To adjust the state of recording parameters for a component, first select the component within the Project Hierarchy. Then do one of the following:
For fine-grained control of individual recordable parameters:
The contextual menus shown in Figure 154 and Figure 155 can be applied at any point within their respective hierarchical displays. If you select an individual component or parameter, the effect will be limited to just that element. Applying a choice at an aggregate level propagates the effect to the selected element and all elements below it in the hierarchy.
Choosing Recording Defaults... from the View Type pop-up menu on the Project Explorer toolbar opens a window where you can specify the parameters which should be recorded by default for each kind of component. See also Recording Manager defaults. Changes made in this window persist across invocations of Source.
To run a scenario, do the following:
Other options may be added in future versions.
You can only configure a run time frame that is supported by the time spans in the time series associated with your scenario. A lowest-common-denominator approach is used. For example, if your project contains two time series where the first spans the period 1/1/1900 through 31/12/1990, and the other the period 1/1/1960 through 21/12/2010, the available simulation time frame will be 1/1/1960 through 31/12/1990.
While the scenario is running you will see a progress bar (Figure 157) displaying the percentage of the scenario completed, estimated time to completion and the current time step being processed.
When you run the models in a scenario, every node and link produces results in the form of predicted water flows, volumes and other data outputs.
Some node or link types can produce more than 20 separate data outputs (eg storages). In general, the more outputs you record, the longer the simulation will take, though this depends on exactly what you record; recording mass-balance is more computationally intensive than recording inflow, for example.
When you save a project, or make a copy of a scenario, Source automatically saves the list of model outputs selected for recording. There are two ways to select which parameters and model elements to record:
If the indicator appears as , this shows that some (not all) parameters at this level and below will be recorded.
If a scenario run results in errors or warnings, the first indication of those is displayed in the Run completion dialog by a red or yellow icon next to the Close button as indicated in Figure 159.
You can investigate the causes of errors or warnings using the Log reporter (Figure 160). If the Log Reporter window is not visible, do either or both of the following:
Once the Log Reporter is active, select the types of reports you want to view by clicking on one or more of the Errors, Warnings and Info buttons. To clear the log, right-click the Log Reporter window and choose Clear Log from the contextual menu. To copy log contents to the Windows clipboard, right-click the Log Reporter window and choose Copy Log from the contextual menu.
Each scenario run creates a distinct collection of result sets. Each collection is represented by a tab in the Recording Manager. The name of each tab is formed by concatenating the name of the scenario with a time-stamp indicating when the scenario was run. For example, Figure 161 shows that "Scenario 1" has been run twice at slightly different times.
You can use the tools on the Recording Manager toolbar to save a collection of results to a file, export a collection to Microsoft Excel, or delete the currently-selected collection.
Within each of the Recording Manager’s tabs, results are arranged in four columns:
You can navigate through a list of results using the vertical scroll bar. In addition, clicking on a link or node in the Schematic Editor or Project Hierarchy automatically selects all of the result sets associated with that component in the Recording Manager.
Right clicking in the Recording Manager, then choosing Save Selected allows you to export the selected time series data as a .csv file. Choosing View Selected opens the Charting Tool for the selected time series data.
One of the key uses of the Recording Manager is to select one or more result sets (rows in the Recording Manager) for display in the Charting Tool. The Charting Tool helps you visualise, analyse and understand time series and other data produced by Source. Each time you click a link in the Values column, a copy of the Charting Tool opens to display that result set. Clicking the same link multiple times opens additional copies of the Charting Tool containing the same result set.
You can also use the Chart Recording Manager to view and manage result sets. Refer to Chart Recording Manager for more information.
You can find out how flow travels through the model by enabling the Flow Sequence model parameter prior to running the model. Click on Miscellaneous in the Project Hierarchy, which will populate the Parameters list with various attributes. Right click on Flow Sequence and choose Record All from the contextual menu. This attribute can be viewed in the Recording Manager and lists the nodes and links which describe the flow sequence (from the Flow Distribution Phase) in the model run. You can export this list using the Export button as shown in Figure 162.
The Stochastic Analysis tool in Source is an abridged version of the Stochastic Climate Library (SCL) software available from the Catchment Modelling Toolkit web site, www.toolkit.net.au/scl. SCL is a stand-alone program containing several different stochastic models for climate data generation at various spatial and temporal scales.
The Source Stochastic Analysis tool currently contains a model for the generation of daily rainfall data for multiple sites using the transition probability matrix (with Boughton’s correction). Additional stochastic data generation models will be added to the Stochastic Analysis tool in the future. For a detailed description of the multi-site, daily rainfall generation model see Source Scientific Reference Guide.
You must have an active scenario open in Source before you can use the Stochastic Analysis tool:
The Stochastic Analysis tool may take some time to complete, depending on the number of sub-catchments, replicates, number of recorded variables and type of rainfall data used in the scenario. Generally, the more complex the model or scenario, the longer the stochastic generation of rainfall data will be.
![]() To produce valid results when comparing statistics from the generated and historical data, the replicate length and the historical input data length must be the same. To properly capture sampling variability, you should also generate at least 100 replicates. |
Once the Stochastic Analysis tool has finished, the modelled flow and constituent parameters appear in the Recording Manager and can be viewed by selecting the parameter of interest in the right-hand column of the Recording Manager.
A new screen appears with the stochastically generated flow and constituents replicates and statistical outputs (Figure 157).
All replicates are recorded and can be viewed by selecting a particular replicate, and this will be displayed as a time-series plot.
A list of the possible Statistics is displayed in the top, middle window. To view a particular statistic, select one from the Statistics window. For example, the values of the statistic in the historical data, and the mean and percentiles of the statistic in the stochastically-generated data can be displayed as a box plot (Figure 165).
Although stochastic hydrology is a mature science, new stochastic models are continually being developed, usually with marginal improvements on previous models. The modelling approach for generating stochastic rainfall data has been selected because of available expertise, the model’s robustness, and extensive and successful model testing using data from across Australia.
![]() A basic understanding of stochastic climate data is required to properly use stochastic data with hydrological and ecological models to quantify uncertainty in environmental systems associated with climate variability. The user should consider the following questions when designing a stochastic and hydrological modelling study:
The Stochastic Analysis tool can take a long time to run, particularly when applied to large catchments and when you have specified many replicates (ie over 100). Such applications can take several hours to run. Therefore, when first designing a scenario with stochastically-generated rainfall data, keep the following in mind:
![]() As a general rule, the input data should have at least 20 years of historical climate time-series data. |
The Tabular Editor provides a spreadsheet-like representation of data that is otherwise presented in graphical form in the Recording Manager. The editor only contains information after a warm-up or scenario run and is positioned to the first time-step in the forecast period. Figure 166 has been adjusted slightly to show both historical and forecast data. The row where the cells have a pale blue background is the first day of the forecast period (ie, normally "today"). Rows prior to this show historical data. At this point, all values in the forecast period are zero because no forecasting has been done.
Clicking the column title opens the Charting Tool for the node’s time series. This is synonymous to right clicking and choosing Time Series Graph from the contextual menu (Figure 166). Choosing Feature Editor opens the node’s feature editor that is associated with that column. Additionally, the contextual menu provides a means of changing the column’s units and access to a formatting editor for the individual column (see Customising the Tabular Editor).
Clicking a cell shows the relationship between nodes corrected for travel time. Figure 166 shows this relationship using a yellow highlight. When multiple cells are selected:
The Show Column Editor button expands the window (Figure 166) to include an hierarchical list of data sources that are candidates for inclusion in the Tabular Editor. Click Hide Column Editor to return to the original view.
You can customise the Tabular Editor to your needs. For each type of node or link, you can select:
There are two ways to apply formatting:
In this window, the Multiple Expressions tab allows you to apply conditional formatting to cells in the tabular editor to highlight when thresholds or rules are breached eg Flow < 500 ML/day. More than one expression can be applied to a cell. Click Add to specify the details of an expression, and Edit to define the expression using an Expression Editor. When more than one condition is satisfied, the cell is formatted as per the left hand side of the panel. Hover the mouse over the cell with the conditonal format, and the expression name is displayed. Click Remove to delete an expression from the list.
The Column Settings tab allows you to override project-related Tabular Editor Format Settings for the parameters displayed in the Tabular Editor.
The Header Settings tab allows you to create a header title (label) and header colour for the tabular editor.
The Show Column Editor tab displays a tree view of all the nodes used in the scenario, which you can expand to show the output parameters for each node. You can change the way results are displayed in the Tabular Editor, making analysis easier. You can:
When constraints are enforced, there may be a difference between the amount of water ordered and that released. The application of constraints is evident at both the Supply Point and Minimum Flow Requirement nodes.
To discover where constraints have been applied: