
The Groundwater Interaction module in Source is a collection of modules and protocols/guidelines that simulate the exchange of groundwater and salt between rivers and the underlying groundwater systems.It determines the exchange flux of water between a river and the underlying aquifer for each link of Source at each time-step. The estimated flux accounts for interactions between groundwater and surface water along the entire length of the link. The direction of the flux can either be from the river to aquifer or vice versa, that is, the river either loses water to the groundwater system or it gains water from the groundwater system.

Note: The Groundwater interaction module has been known as the Groundwater Surface water interaction tool (GSWIT) in the past.

The various components of the exchange flux may be calculated within Source or they can be imported as a time series from field monitoring. The exchange fluxes may include the following components:

The exchange fluxes are assigned to a Source link, once storage routing has been enabled on the link (refer to Types of link routing). Open the link’s feature editor and choose Groundwater from the list. Figure 1 shows a scenario where no groundwater model has been selected. This is the default option, and shows that Groundwater-Surfacewater modelling is not yet enabled.

Figure 1. Link (Groundwater, no model)

Types of groundwater models

There are three types of groundwater models which can be configured in Source, which are described next. A positive flux represents a discharge out of the river while a negative flux represents a recharge into the river.

Flux input model

This represents the daily exchange flux between the reach and its aquifer, which can be specified by uploading a time series, linking to another scenario, or via an expression (Figure 2). Note that flux values can be both positive and negative, so the reach alternates between gaining and losing.

Figure 2. Link (Groundwater, Flux Input)

Heads Time Series input

One method for estimating the groundwater flux is based on knowledge of the head difference between the river stage and the water table in the underlying aquifer. The Heads Time Series input model (Figure 3) uses the head difference between the current calculated river stage height and the interpolated (from rating curve) groundwater head to calculate groundwater flux. It requires:

Figure 3. Link (Groundwater, Heads Time Series Input)

Link model

There are two types of hydraulic connections available when choosing this type of groundwater model - unsaturated and saturated. The former is used when there is a permanent unsaturated connection between stream and the adjacent aquifer, that is, the stream must always be a losing one. The latter is the most complex of all the groundwater models. Both are described next.

The Unsaturated Connection model (Figure 4) uses the head difference between the stream and the aquifer, together with a conductance value to calculate the groundwater flux. There are three main steps to configuring the model:

Note: When using multiple rating curves, it is important that each curve has a unique start date to ensure that the model matches the current time-step with the relevant rating curve. The model gives a warning if a rating curve has the same start date.

A groundwater head value that is larger than the current stream height generates a flux from the aquifer to the stream (a negative flux) and a groundwater head value that is lower than the stream height generates a flux from the stream to the aquifer (a positive flux).

In a Saturated Connection model, you may select any of the eight distinct groundwater and floodplain processes to run simultaneously. At each time-step the model evaluates the impacts of each selected process and uses assumed linearity and superposition to aggregate the impacts and calculate a flux.

The parameters for the saturated connection model fall into one of two categories:

To add a process to the current saturated connection model, enable the desired checkbox. Conversely, to remove a process, disable the corresponding checkbox. The eight processes are described next.

Note: Removing a process may result in the loss of any information entered for that process.

Low Flow

Refer to Figure 4.

Figure 4. Link (Groundwater, saturated, low flow)

Bank Storage

There are two ways to generate a bank storage flux. The first method (Calculation Method - Figure 5) calculates the bank storage flux at run time from shared aquifer parameters and stream flow. At each time-step, the model takes the current stage height for the stream, the previous stage height for the stream, the floodplain width, aquifer transmissivity and aquifer diffusivity, and calculates a bank storage flux.

Figure 5. Link (Groundwater, saturated, bank storage, calculation)

The second method (Figure 6) involves loading a known time series of bank storage fluxes, similar to that done with fluxes and heads. At each time-step, the model will then retrieve a bank storage flux value and add it to the total groundwater flux generated by the other saturated connection model processes.

Figure 6. Link (Groundwater, saturated, bank storage, time series)


Overbank (Figure 7) occurs when the stream stage height exceeds the height of the stream bank. Water flows over the stream bank and out onto the adjacent floodplain filling up any depressions and channels and creating inundated floodplain areas. The water in the inundated floodplains either evaporates or infiltrates through the soil and finds its way back to the stream. At each time-step the model determines:

Figure 7. Link (Groundwater, saturated, overbank)

For each inundated floodplain area that you wish to model, an additional six parameters are required:


Groundwater pumping is one of the most important processes that impacts the exchange flux between groundwater and surface water. Pumping-induced river depletion is defined as the reduction of river flow due to induced infiltration of stream water into the aquifer or the capture of aquifer discharge to the river. During pumping, while the cone of depression progresses towards a nearby river, groundwater depletion occurs. When this cone reaches the river, the rate of groundwater discharge to the stream reduces, and surface water may even start to infiltrate into the aquifer thus marking the start of river depletion.

After a long period of pumping, the cone of depression takes its final shape (ie a steady-state is reached), and a portion, or in some cases, all of the pumping will be balanced by a reduction in, or reversal of flow, from the aquifer to the river. The proportion of pumping met by river depletion in the steady-state case will depend on various factors, including the proximity of the bore to the river compared to the distance between the bore and other stresses to the groundwater system (eg recharge, ET).

Source allows for two types of groundwater pumping:

You could enter the parameters for each process, or import a .csv file containing this information.

Figure 8. Link (Groundwater, saturated, unconfined pumping)


Figure 9. Link (Groundwater, saturated, irrigation recharge)

Irrigation recharge

Irrigation recharge (Figure 10) works in a similar way as an unconfined aquifer except that, when recharge occurs, the cone of depression is inverted to form a groundwater mound, recharging the aquifer. If a sufficient groundwater head is developed the recharge water returns to the stream via aquifer discharge.

Since it is modelled in the same manner as pumping from an unconfined aquifer, they share similar parameters (with the exception that Pumping Rate is called Recharge Rate) and the controls for entering these parameters are almost identical. As with pumping, you can add irrigation recharge locations either manually or from a file.

Figure 10. Link (Groundwater, saturated, diffuse recharge)


Unlike irrigation recharge which is applied at specific locations on the floodplain, diffuse recharge (Figure 11) is applied across the whole of the floodplain simultaneously. It infiltrates through the surface soil and recharges the aquifer, and if sufficient head difference is achieved, causes the aquifer to discharge water to the stream. The process model requires three shared aquifer parameters (Transmissivity, Specific yield and Floodplain width) and four process-specific unshared parameters:

Figure 11. Link (Groundwater, saturated, diffuse recharge)


The Evapotranspiration process model (Figure 12) calculates the amount of water which is lost from the aquifer by evapotranspiration (ie plant transpiration and/or bare soil evaporation). The model requires Floodplain width as a shared aquifer parameter and three process specific unshared parameters:

Groundwater evapotranspiration is assumed to decrease with increasing depth to water table and the extinction depth is the depth at which groundwater evapotranspiration attains a value of zero.

Figure 12. Link (Groundwater, saturated, ET)