The Environmental Demand Model (EDM) is designed to simulate environmental flow requirements according to a set of rules. Environmental flow requirements may generally be classified as either in-stream (refer to In-stream requirement) or floodplain requirements (refer to Floodplain), where the former creates flow conditions that remain within the river channel, and the latter creates flow conditions that spill over bank. How these situations are configured in Source is largely dependent on the conceptualisation used to model the interaction between the channel and the floodplain.
In Source, environmental demand is modelled using the environmental demand node. Refer to Environmental Demand node for details on configuring the node. |
Table 1 shows the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder Framework, which determines environmental watering actions whereby watering options for a specific asset are a function of water availability.
Extreme dry | Dry | Median | Wet | |
Ecological watering objectives | Avoid damage to key environmental assets | Ensure ecological capacity for recovery | Maintain ecological health and resilience | Improve and extend healthy and resilient aquatic ecosystems |
Management objectives |
Management actions |
Key goal | Damage avoidance | Capacity for recovery | Maintained health and resilience | Improved health and resilience |
Consider a river with a historic flow regime dominated by high flows in late winter and early spring. Due to irrigation demands,the flow regime has changed to having high flows in late spring to summer. There is also a large reduction in flow during the rest of the year as a result of urban water requirements. In this case, environmental flow rules need to be incorporated to meet environmental demands.
The following assumptions are made when an EDM is configured in Source:
The EDM provides a means of capturing prescriptive descriptions of water patterns that the environment requires. These definitions of watering patterns are captured as ‘flow rules’ within the EDM and many combinations of flow rules can be prescribed. The four types of flow rules presented in the EDM have been designed to capture the most commonly defined environmental flow requirements specified in environmental flow studies and water regulations. These environmental demand rules allow you to construct a collective environmental water requirement by using combinations of environmental demand rules. These are:
A combination of these rules can be used to meet specific environmental outcomes. They are configured in the environmental demand node's feature editor. For details on configuring each of these rules in Source, refer to Environmental Demand node.
For each flow rule in the EDM, you can configure several flow characteristics that can be altered. A common feature across the flow rule types is the concept that they can be applied to a specific time of the year. This is termed the ‘season’ of the rule and is defined by a start and end day and month value.
Flow rules can be grouped and prioritised. The first (default) group allows consideration of every rule in the default group for every day of the simulation. For all other groups of rules, only one rule from the group is considered at any time-step. For any group of rules, the rules are prioritised according to the order in which they appear in Source.
Rules can be made active or inactive during a modelling run. In order to control rules throughout a model run, each rule can have a defined condition threshold. This condition threshold is compared to a ‘condition’ time series (which is entered using the Expression Editor functionality)[for each time step and the flow rule turned on or off for that time step as required. This functionality is specifically designed to allow the construction of asset based rule sets that vary according to water availability.
Rules can be made active or inactive during a modelling run using Disable in the rule's contextual menu.
The basic approach to determining the water ordered for environmental demand is to consider the collection of flow rules and determine how much water is required for a given day to meet these rules. As water is not consumed by the EDM, the water order is simply the difference between the calculated water required and the forecast flow at the extraction point on the future delivery day.The EDM allows two forecasting periods, a short term and a medium term. This approach is to reflect real world water management decision making, whereby, depending on the size of the catchment, river operators can generally make a very accurate prediction of the likely flow for the next few days to weeks. After that time the prediction is less accurate. In this way, the EDM allows you to define the ‘look ahead’ period, which is the period that can be accurately forecasted.